
AI makes things better, or improved. Retail stores better manage their stocks by using machine learning techniques. Netflix offer contents that better fit the users taste. Amazon is better predicting what consumers are likely to buy. Cancer detection process is more accurate and faster. All thanks to the tools and techniques in the scope of AI.

人工智能可以使事情变得更好或得到改善。 零售商店通过使用机器学习技术更好地管理库存。 Netflix提供的内容更适合用户的口味。 亚马逊可以更好地预测消费者可能会购买什么。 癌症检测过程更准确,更快。 多亏了AI范围内的工具和技术。

The make-the-life-better side of AI is also helping amputees. The prostheses that are already making life easier for amputees has been further improved by using AI. Scientists from The University of Utah designed an AI powered prosthetic limb that adjusts itself according to the movements of the user’s hip and residual limb. What it achieves is providing a smoother and easier way to cross over obstacles.

AI让生活更美好的一面也帮助了被截肢者。 通过使用AI,已经使被截肢者的生活变得更加轻松的假肢得到了进一步的改善。 犹他大学的科学家设计了一种AI驱动的假肢,该假肢可以根据用户的髋部和残肢的运动进行自我调整。 它实现的目的是提供一种更顺利,更轻松地越过障碍的方法。

Think about a walking person for a minute. When there is an obstacle or something she should not step on, she just crosses over without thinking much. The movement is smooth unless the obstacle is too big. The body, especially hip and limb, is adjusted to make this movement smoother. However, the process of crossing over for amputees is not so easy and smooth. Even with a prosthetic limb, the amputee person usually has to stop for a second and adjusts her body to cross over an obstacle. This is what motivated the scientist to apply AI to design a prosthetic limb.

考虑一下步行者一分钟。 当遇到障碍或不应该踩踏的东西时,她只是不加思索地越过。 除非障碍物太大,否则运动会平稳。 调整身体,尤其是臀部和四肢,使该动作更加顺畅。 但是,跨过截肢者的过程并不是那么容易和顺利。 即使肢体是假肢,被截肢者通常也必须停下来一秒钟,并调整身体以越过障碍物。 这就是促使科学家应用AI设计假肢的原因。

Tommaso Lenzi, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Utah, described this technology as “One thousand times a second, the AI looks at the movement of the residual limb (i.e., the user’s biological hip, above the amputation) and plans new movements of the bionics joints that optimize smoothness, mimicking the biological leg”. Here is a video released with the study.

犹他大学生物医学工程助理教授Tommaso Lenzi将该技术描述为“每秒一千次,AI观察残肢(即截肢上方用户的生物髋关节)的运动并计划新的仿生关节的运动优化了光滑度,模仿了生物腿”。 这是与研究一起发布的视频。

Video link影片连结

The video clearly explains the concept and shows the success of the AI powered prosthetic limb. Notice how hard it is to cross over the obstacle with a regular prosthesis. The user has to adjust his entire body to keep going. On the other hand, the AI powered one makes it much easier to cross over the obstacle. It is almost like how a non-amputee person does. The controller on the prosthetic limb bends over to provide a smooth movement.

该视频清楚地说明了这一概念,并展示了AI动力假肢的成功。 注意用常规假体穿过障碍物有多困难。 使用者必须调整其整个身体才能继续前进。 另一方面,由AI驱动的AI使得越过障碍变得容易得多。 这几乎就像一个非截肢者的行为一样。 假肢上的控制器弯曲以提供平稳的运动。

This is not the final product yet. There might be changes or improvements when this design is productionized. However, this initial achievement has shown the potential of AI to help amputees. It will, of course, not be limited to limbs. AI powered prosthetic arms would definitely be much more useful than regular ones. For instance, when a person leans forward, the prosthetic arm interprets this movement and take an appropriate action such as adjusting fingers in a position to grab something.

这不是最终产品。 将此设计投入生产时,可能会有更改或改进。 但是,这项初步成就显示出AI可以帮助截肢者。 当然,它不仅限于四肢。 人工智能驱动的假肢肯定比常规假肢有用得多。 例如,当一个人向前倾斜时,假肢会解释该动作并采取适当的动作,例如将手指调整到可以抓住某物的位置。

AI makes things better. Let it make the life better.

人工智能让事情变得更好。 让它改善生活。

AI and machine learning have already led many advancements in the health sector. It seems like we will see more of these advancements. I think health care is one of the most important areas that AI should focus on. AI makes things better. Let it make life better. This is what scientists from the University of Utah are trying to achieve.

人工智能和机器学习已经引领了卫生领域的许多进步。 看来我们会看到更多这些进步。 我认为医疗保健是AI应该关注的最重要领域之一。 人工智能让事情变得更好。 让它改善生活。 这就是犹他大学的科学家正在努力实现的目标。

Thank you for reading. Please let me know if you have any feedback.

感谢您的阅读。 如果您有任何反馈意见,请告诉我。






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