9 stand-by Power

9 stand-by 功率

The purpose of the stand-by mode of operation is to reduce the power consumption of a wireless power transfer system when power transfer is not required. There are two ways to enter stand-by mode. The first is when the Power Transmitter does not detect the presence of a valid Power Receiver. The second is when the Power Receiver transmits only an End Power Transfer Packet. In stand-by mode, the Power Transmitter only monitors if a Power Receiver is placed on or removed from the Interface Surface of the Base Station.




在stand-by模式时,功率发射器仅仅监控发射器的接口表面(即base station)是否有一个功率接收器被放置或者移除

It is recommended that the Base Station’s power consumption in stand-by mode of operation meets the Energy Star EPS Requirements for “Energy consumption for No-Load” and the European Commission, Code of Conduct of Energy Efficiency of External Power Supplies for “No-load power consumption.” It is also recommended that a Power Receiver is designed in a manner that when wireless power is not required, the Power Receiver will send an End Power Transfer Packet to put the Base Station in stand-by mode.

Stand-by工作模式下的Base station耗散功率满足EPS里的要求(无负载状态下的能量耗散)以及欧盟委员会的标准。Qi协议推荐:功率接收器应该被设计拥有这种工作方式,当不需要传输能量时,功率接收器会发送一个结束包给到接收端,让其进入stand-by模式。

9.1 Transmitter Measurement Method

9.1 发射器测量方法

Measurement of the stand-by power shall proceed as follows:


1.Determine the average power consumption of the input source to the Base Station over 1 hour in the case where there is no Mobile Device present on the Interface Surface of the Base Station.

NOTE The input source may consist of an AC adapter in the case of a mains-operated Base Station or a DC adapter in the case of a battery-operated Base Station, such as in automotive applications.

在超过1h的时长去确定输入源到base station的平均耗散功率,当没有手机设备放在base station的接口表面时。

注解 :输入源可以由电源供电的基站的交流适配器组成,或者由电池供电的基站的直流适配器组成,例如在汽车应用中。

2.Determine the average power consumption of the input source to the Base Station over 1 hour in the case where Test Power Receiver #4 is present on the Interface Surface of the Base Station. If the Base Station can serve simultaneous Mobile Devices, multiple Test Power Receivers should be present on the Interface Surface.

NOTE The Test Power Receiver always transmits an End Power Transfer Packet with payload ox01(Charge Complete) in response to a Digital Ping(see Part3: Compliance Testing).

在超过1h的时长去确定输入源到base station的平均耗散功率,要求#4功率接收器被放置在发射器的接口表面。如果base station可以同时给多个手机充电,多个测试的功率接收器应该被放在发射器接口表面

注解:测试功率接收器总是发送一个结束包(上传0X01, 标志充电完成)来回应给数字ping,具体可以参考Part3部分。

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