
休息一下! (Get some rest!)

After four weeks of four-day design sprints each week, I welcomed the opportunity to work on this 9-day design challenge. With this also being an individual project, I allocated 50% of my time on the UX process and 50% on the UI process.

在每周进行了为期四天的为期四天的设计冲刺之后,我很高兴有机会参与这一为期9天的设计挑战。 由于这也是一个单独的项目,我将50%的时间分配给UX进程,将50%的时间分配给UI进程。

客户端 (The Client)

The client, the National Wellness Institute, has a mission of:


providing health promotion and wellness professionals unparalleled resources and services that fuel professional and personal growth.


The institute defines wellness as,


“an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.”


Furthermore, the NWI breaks wellness into six different dimensions:


While there currently seems to be endless wellness apps available for download, many people continue to struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So, the NWI has “hired” me to reimagine how people can adopt and maintain a routine that enhances their wellbeing.

尽管目前似乎有无数的健康应用程序可供下载,但许多人仍在努力维持健康的生活方式。 因此,NWI“聘请”我重新构想人们如何采用和维护能改善其健康状况的常规活动。

While we had complete creative freedom for this project, there were three business requirements from the NWI that we had to include:

尽管我们对该项目拥有完全的创作自由,但是NWI提出了三个业务要求 ,其中包括:

  1. Users need to be able to set up their profile to include important information relevant to their goals用户需要能够设置其个人资料以包括与他们的目标相关的重要信息
  2. Users need to be able to set goals and track their progress用户需要能够设定目标并跟踪他们的进度
  3. Users need to be able to share their stats with their wellness coaches用户需要能够与健康教练共享其统计信息

I chose to focus on the topic of sleep and productivity.

我选择专注于睡眠 生产力这一主题。


二次研究 (Secondary Research)

To better understand the landscape of the sleep and productivity space, I started by conducting secondary research. I discovered that “morning people” versus “evening people” illustrates a classic left-brain versus right-brain division. Amanda Rugger, from the BBC, said:

为了更好地了解睡眠和生产力空间的状况,我从进行二级研究开始。 我发现,“早起的人”与“晚间的人”说明了左脑与右脑的经典区分。 英国广播公司的阿曼达·鲁格(Amanda Rugger)说:

“Night Owls tend to perform better on measures of memory, processing speed and cognitive ability.”


She also stated:


“Early Birds set higher goals for themselves, plan for the future more and have a better sense of well-being.”


So while genetics are partially involved in when we function most optimally throughout the day, there were also arguments stating that behavior changes could also flip you into either the morning or evening “camp”.


Regardless of when you function best, I found the graph below quite interesting. It shows a percentage of respondents worldwide who used select tactics to ensure a good night’s sleep as of 2019 —

不管您什么时候运行得最好,我都发现下面的图很有趣。 它显示了截至2019年,全球使用精选策略确保睡个好觉的受访者百分比-

John Elfein, May 29, 2019 | Statista
约翰·埃尔芬(John Elfein),2019年5月29日| Statista

This means that as we get older, we tend to care less about ensuring a good night’s rest. I was curious as to how this lack of sleep would affect peoples’ motivation to both hop out of bed in the morning to kick-start their day and then be productive throughout the day.

这意味着随着年龄的增长,我们倾向于较少关注确保一夜安眠。 我很想知道这种睡眠不足会如何影响人们的动机,他们既要早上起床开始新的一天,又要全天工作。

商业分析 (Business Analysis)

Leveraging Strategizer’s Lean UX Canvas, I defined the business problems and outcomes, as well as the users and benefits to the users. At this stage, I only focused on sections 1–4 of the canvas (sections 5–8 are revisited later once the MVP/hypothesis is defined).

利用Strategizer的Lean UX Canvas ,我定义了业务问题和成果,以及用户和用户的利益。 在此阶段,我仅关注画布的第1-4节(定义了MVP /假设后,将重新讨论第5-8节)。

The business problem was two-fold:


  1. Sleep deprivation and its effect on productivity睡眠剥夺及其对生产力的影响
  2. Lack of planning for a more balanced/proactive tomorrow缺乏为明天更加平衡/主动的计划

Overall, treating this tool as a living document was a helpful reference point as I moved further along the UX process.


竞争对手分析 (Competitor Analysis)

To better understand the playing field, I conducted a competitor analysis. The competitors I chose included: Calm, Headspace, Oura, Evernote, and Apple’s native iOS app, Bedtime.

为了更好地了解比赛环境,我进行了竞争对手分析。 我选择的竞争对手包括:Calm,Headspace,Oura,Evernote和Apple的本地iOS应用程序Bedtime。

There were many features to compare (more than what I listed above), but I decided to hone in on the three features I believed to be most relevant to a sleep/productivity app (highlighted in yellow).


市场定位 (Market Positioning)

Building off the competitor analysis, the market positioning chart provided a nice visual snapshot of the current competition. It also revealed the “Blue Ocean”, or uncontested position in the marketplace. With my x-axis labeled as “Sleep focused” to “Productivity-Focused”, and my y-axis labeled as “Feature Minimal” to “Feature Heavy”, you’ll see where my competitors landed below:

在竞争者分析的基础上,市场定位图提供了当前竞争的良好视觉快照 。 它还揭示了“蓝海 ”,即市场上无可争议的地位。 将我的x轴标记为“睡眠集中”到“关注生产力”,并将我的y轴标记为“最小特征”到“特征繁重”,您会看到我的竞争对手跌落到哪里:

The Blue Ocean represented an app that is more productivity-focused (roughly 80%), but with sleep app elements (roughly 20%). Because sleep is a precursor to your productivity the next day, it was important to consider that element.

Blue Ocean代表了一个更加注重生产力的应用程序(大约80%),但是带有睡眠应用程序元素(大约20%)。 由于睡眠是第二天工作效率的先决条件,因此考虑该因素很重要。

I’m grateful to be learning how to merge this type of business analysis with the UX process because of the valuable insights (data points) it extracts. And, solutions rooted in data equal solutions that provide true value to the user.

我很高兴学习如何将这种类型的业务分析与UX流程合并,因为它可以提取出宝贵的见解(数据点)。 而且, 植根于数据的解决方案等于为用户提供真正价值的解决方案。

用户研究 (User Research)

I started my user research by conducting 71 surveys, with most responses generated through a variety of productivity- and sleep-focused subreddit threads.


Asking the right survey questions had been a challenge for me in prior projects, but by week #5, I felt I had improved in this area. A few examples of questions I asked included:

在以前的项目中,问正确的调查问题对我来说是一个挑战,但是到第5周,我觉得我在这方面已经有所进步。 我提出的一些问题示例包括:

  • After your alarm goes off, how quickly do you start to engage with your phone?闹钟响起后,您多快开始使用手机?
  • How much time do you budget in the mornings to get from your bed to work / your desk?您每天早上有多少时间预算从床上起床/上班?
  • If you had extra time in the mornings what would you do, and how much time would you need for those activities?如果您早上有多余的时间,该怎么办?这些活动需要多少时间?

70% would ideally have 15–60 minutes each morning to themselves.


64.7% of respondents were most productive between 5:00 AM and noon.

64.7%的受访者在5:00 AM和中午之间生产率最高。

Answers to these questions provided very valuable data points and a peek into potential openings for solutions. I could then begin to find the gap between what users wanted to do better/differently and what they currently do. In combining that gap opportunity with my competitor research, I could better position my wellness app in that “Blue Ocean”.

这些问题的答案提供了非常有价值的数据点,并为您提供了解决方案的潜在机会。 然后,我可以开始发现用户想要做的更好/不同与当前所做的事情之间的差距。 通过将差距机会与竞争对手的研究相结合,我可以更好地将健康应用程序定位在“蓝海”中。

At this point, however, it was still too early to come up with ideas. More research needed to be done!

然而,在这一点上,想出主意还为时过早。 需要做更多的研究!

面试 (Interviews)

Next, I conducted five interviews. The quantitative data I received from my surveys was certainly valuable, but the qualitative data from interviews is where I found even richer data. For instance, in response to one of my questions asking about phone usage habits, one interviewee stated:

接下来,我进行了五次采访 。 我从调查中获得的定量数据当然很有价值,但是从访谈中获得的定性数据是我发现更丰富的数据的地方。 例如,在回答我的一个有关电话使用习惯的问题时,一位受访者说:

“I start engaging with my phone instantly after I wake up. I’m conscious that I do it and I hate that we do it but like you’re so addicted you can’t help it.” — Abby

“醒来后,我立即开始与手机互动。 我意识到我会这样做,但我讨厌我们这样做,但是就像你是如此上瘾,你无能为力。” —艾比

In response to my question about how users carve out time in the morning for themselves, a different interviewee stated:


“Reading on the bus is a nice solitary activity and a good way to have a nice buffer in the morning.” — Sasha

“在公共汽车上读书是一种很好的孤独活动,也是一种在早上缓冲的好方法。” 萨沙

A third user, in response to the same question, stated:


“I do a workout or hit the ground and crank out 10 push-ups every morning. …That way, going to work only feels like the second part of my day and not my entire day.” — Patrick’

“我每天做一次锻炼或摔倒,然后俯卧撑10次。 …那样,上班感觉就像一天的第二部分,而不是一整天。” -帕特里克

Now, not all users are like Patrick — waking up every morning to “crank out 10 push-ups”. I found that most users had a desire to have extra time in the morning, but would let out a sigh and give a somewhat nostalgic response to my asking what they would do with that time. There was clearly a wish there to accomplish a goal or activity that brought personal fulfillment, but people seemed unsure of how they would make that work in reality.

现在,并不是所有的用户都像Patrick一样-每天早晨醒来以“锻炼10个俯卧撑”。 我发现大多数用户希望在早上有更多时间 ,但会发出一声叹息,对我询问他们在这段时间里会做些什么怀旧之情。 显然,人们希望实现能够带来个人成就感的目标或活动,但是人们似乎不确定如何实现这一目标。

How could I create something to give people the chance to do that little extra thing daily that they know would bring more happiness to their routine, and in turn overall wellbeing? This was an ‘AHA’ moment!

我该如何创造一些东西,使人们有机会每天做一点额外的事情,而他们知道这些东西会给他们的日常工作带来更多的快乐,进而给整体福祉带来回报? 这是一个“ AHA”时刻

People know what it is that makes them happy, or what makes them relaxed. They’ve identified it, they just need a way to be reminded and encouraged to pursue it. How can I build something to give people a daily sliver of happiness, that sets them up for better mental clarity and focus for the day ahead?

人们知道是什么使他们感到高兴,或什么使他们感到放松。 他们已经识别出它们,只是需要一种提醒和鼓励的方式去追求它。 我该如何构建一些东西来使人们每天获得一小撮快乐,从而使他们更好地保持头脑清醒并专注于未来的一天?


亲和贴图 (Affinity Mapping)

After collecting all of the survey and interview data, I meticulously sifted through my conversation voice recordings and notes. I then jotted down 78 insights onto digital sticky notes via the Adobe XD’s Whiteboard feature.

收集了所有调查和访谈数据后,我仔细筛选了谈话的语音记录和便笺。 然后,我通过Adobe XD的Whiteboard功能将78个见解记入了数字便签。

To add some structure to the chaos, I then grouped sticky notes into main themes (represented by the blue labels below).


Zooming in on those labels…


The affinity mapping exercise really helped define patterns in user behavior. By extracting those patterns and grouping them accordingly, I could take a large data set and start distilling the insights into foundational pillars.

亲和力映射练习确实有助于定义用户行为的模式。 通过提取这些模式并将其相应地分组,我可以获取大量数据,然后开始将见解提炼为基础Struts。

价值主张画布 (Value Proposition Canvas)

The Value Proposition Canvas (VPC), is a two-part diagram that provides a business perspective on the user. At this stage, I focused on the right side of the diagram — the customer profile side.

价值主张画布(VPC)是一个分为两部分的图,为用户提供了业务角度。 在此阶段,我专注于图的右侧-客户档案侧。

Referencing the Jobs To Be Done framework, I had to ask myself, what do users want to achieve by “hiring” specific features/experiences to achieve specific “jobs”?


I determined that in order for users to achieve their productivity goals, they needed to start their day proactively, rather than reactively. Emotionally, that would promote less anxiety, too. Being able to anticipate issues is easier to do when you’re prepared, than when you wake up late and you’re already starting the day on your heels.

我确定,为了使用户实现其生产力目标,他们需要主动而不是被动开始新的一天。 从情感上讲,这也会减少焦虑。 当您准备就绪时,相比于您起床较晚且已经开始新的一天,能够更容易地预测问题。

用户角色 (User Persona)

To give more life to the data collected thus far, I created my user persona. Say hello to Tired Tom!

为了使到目前为止收集到的数据更有生命,我创建了用户角色。 向疲倦的汤姆问好!

“I’m a Night Owl, but an aspirational Early Bird”


Tired Tom is my primary persona and is a composite of my target user group. His goals, habits, pain-points, and favorite brands are a representation of how my user group perceives the world and engages with technology.

厌倦的汤姆是我的主要角色,是我的目标用户群组成部分 。 他的目标,习惯,痛点和喜爱的品牌代表了我的用户群如何看待世界并与技术互动。

Building the persona allowed me to further understand the users’ mental models and in turn, keep them at the center of the design process.

建立角色可以使我进一步了解用户的心理模型 ,从而将他们放在设计过程的中心。

任务分析 (Task Analysis)

The task analysis is a simple breakdown of user tasks as they go through a specific scenario. This posed some difficulties at first because I wasn’t sure where the task should start — the night before or the day of. Because the night routine is an indicator of the next day, however, I chose to make two task analyses.

任务分析是用户任务在特定情况下的简单细分。 起初这带来了一些困难,因为我不确定任务应该从哪里开始—前一天晚上还是一天。 但是,由于夜间例行程序是第二天的指标,因此我选择进行两次任务分析。

Here is the task analysis for the evening routine:


Note: for the tasks on the second line above, there would normally also be a series of subtasks. For instance, under “brush teeth” you might see: pick up a toothbrush, apply toothpaste, dampen with water, then brush. To streamline the flow, I have omitted those sub-steps.

注意:对于上面第二行中的任务,通常还会有一系列子任务。 例如,在“刷牙”下,您可能会看到:拿起牙刷,涂抹牙膏,用水润湿,然后刷牙。 为了简化流程,我省略了这些子步骤。

A word of advice from my TA, Kathryn McClure, which really helped me understand this process, was to write out the tasks in such a way that a robot could understand them

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