• A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E




#include<bits/stdc++.h> //Ithea Myse Valgulious
namespace chtholly{
typedef long long ll;
#define re0 register int
#define rec register char
#define rel register ll
#define gc getchar
#define pc putchar
#define p32 pc(' ')
#define pl puts("")
/*By Citrus*/
inline int read(){int x=0,f=1;char c=gc();for (;!isdigit(c);c=gc()) f^=c=='-';for (;isdigit(c);c=gc()) x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+(c^'0');return f?x:-x;}
template <typename mitsuha>
inline bool read(mitsuha &x){x=0;int f=1;char c=gc();for (;!isdigit(c)&&~c;c=gc()) f^=c=='-';if (!~c) return 0;for (;isdigit(c);c=gc()) x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+(c^'0');return x=f?x:-x,1;}
template <typename mitsuha>
inline int write(mitsuha x){if (!x) return 0&pc(48);if (x<0) x=-x,pc('-');int bit[20],i,p=0;for (;x;x/=10) bit[++p]=x%10;for (i=p;i;--i) pc(bit[i]+48);return 0;}
inline char fuhao(){char c=gc();for (;isspace(c);c=gc());return c;}
}using namespace chtholly;
using namespace std;
int a[999],n,b[999];int main(){
for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) a[i]=read();
int ans=0;
for (int i=1;i<=n;++i){for (int j=i;j<=n;++j){int tmp=0;memcpy(b,a,sizeof b);for (int k=i;k<=j;++k) b[k]=!b[k];for (int k=1;k<=n;++k) tmp+=b[k];ans=max(ans,tmp);}}write(ans);



#include<bits/stdc++.h> //Ithea Myse Valgulious
namespace chtholly{
typedef long long ll;
#define re0 register int
#define rec register char
#define rel register ll
#define gc getchar
#define pc putchar
#define p32 pc(' ')
#define pl puts("")
/*By Citrus*/
inline int read(){int x=0,f=1;char c=gc();for (;!isdigit(c);c=gc()) f^=c=='-';for (;isdigit(c);c=gc()) x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+(c^'0');return f?x:-x;}
template <typename mitsuha>
inline bool read(mitsuha &x){x=0;int f=1;char c=gc();for (;!isdigit(c)&&~c;c=gc()) f^=c=='-';if (!~c) return 0;for (;isdigit(c);c=gc()) x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+(c^'0');return x=f?x:-x,1;}
template <typename mitsuha>
inline int write(mitsuha x){if (!x) return 0&pc(48);if (x<0) x=-x,pc('-');int bit[20],i,p=0;for (;x;x/=10) bit[++p]=x%10;for (i=p;i;--i) pc(bit[i]+48);return 0;}
inline char fuhao(){char c=gc();for (;isspace(c);c=gc());return c;}
}using namespace chtholly;
using namespace std;
const int mulu=2e6;
int p[mulu|10]={1,1},pr[mulu|10];void pre(){
int i,j;
for (i=2;i<=mulu;++i) if (!p[i]){pr[++pr[0]]=i;for (j=i<<1;j<=mulu;j+=i) p[j]=1;}
}int main(){
int n=read();
for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) write(pr[i]),p32;


问有多少种去掉的方法,mod 1e9+7.

对于每一位的5" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">555和000,它前面的数字都可以随便取.
所以每一位的5" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">555和000都可以构造出一个等比数列求和,稍微推一下公式用快速幂搞定.

#include<bits/stdc++.h> //Ithea Myse Valgulious
namespace chtholly{
typedef long long ll;
#define re0 register int
#define rec register char
#define rel register ll
#define gc getchar
#define pc putchar
#define p32 pc(' ')
#define pl puts("")
/*By Citrus*/
inline int read(){int x=0,f=1;char c=gc();for (;!isdigit(c);c=gc()) f^=c=='-';for (;isdigit(c);c=gc()) x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+(c^'0');return f?x:-x;}
template <typename mitsuha>
inline bool read(mitsuha &x){x=0;int f=1;char c=gc();for (;!isdigit(c)&&~c;c=gc()) f^=c=='-';if (!~c) return 0;for (;isdigit(c);c=gc()) x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+(c^'0');return x=f?x:-x,1;}
template <typename mitsuha>
inline int write(mitsuha x){if (!x) return 0&pc(48);if (x<0) x=-x,pc('-');int bit[20],i,p=0;for (;x;x/=10) bit[++p]=x%10;for (i=p;i;--i) pc(bit[i]+48);return 0;}
inline char fuhao(){char c=gc();for (;isspace(c);c=gc());return c;}
}using namespace chtholly;
using namespace std;
const int yuzu=1e5,mod=1e9+7;
char c[yuzu|10];ll kasumi(ll a,ll b){
ll s=1;
for (;b;b>>=1,a=a*a%mod) if (b&1) s=s*a%mod;
return s;
}int main(){
int k=read(),i,j,len=strlen(c+1),cnt=0;
ll ans=0;
int inv=kasumi(kasumi(2,len)-1,mod-2);
for (j=1;j<=len;++j){if (c[j]=='0'||c[j]=='5'){ans=(ans+(kasumi(2,j+1ll*k*len-1)-kasumi(2,j-1)+mod)*inv%mod+mod)%mod;}}write(ans);




#include<bits/stdc++.h> //Ithea Myse Valgulious
namespace chtholly{
typedef long long ll;
#define re0 register int
#define rec register char
#define rel register ll
#define gc getchar
#define pc putchar
#define p32 pc(' ')
#define pl puts("")
/*By Citrus*/
inline int read(){int x=0,f=1;char c=gc();for (;!isdigit(c);c=gc()) f^=c=='-';for (;isdigit(c);c=gc()) x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+(c^'0');return f?x:-x;}
template <typename mitsuha>
inline bool read(mitsuha &x){x=0;int f=1;char c=gc();for (;!isdigit(c)&&~c;c=gc()) f^=c=='-';if (!~c) return 0;for (;isdigit(c);c=gc()) x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+(c^'0');return x=f?x:-x,1;}
template <typename mitsuha>
inline int write(mitsuha x){if (!x) return 0&pc(48);if (x<0) x=-x,pc('-');int bit[20],i,p=0;for (;x;x/=10) bit[++p]=x%10;for (i=p;i;--i) pc(bit[i]+48);return 0;}
inline char fuhao(){char c=gc();for (;isspace(c);c=gc());return c;}
}using namespace chtholly;
using namespace std;
const int yuzu=1e6,d[]={1,0,-1,0,0,1,0,-1};
int n=read(),m=read(),vis[505][505];
char c[505][505];#define yi first
#define er second
typedef pair<int,int> node;int k;
struct ans{
int x,y;char op;
}llx[yuzu|10];void bfs(int sx,int sy,int last){
queue<node> q;
for (;!q.empty();){node u=q.front();q.pop();for (int i=0;i<4;++i){int nx=u.yi+d[i],ny=u.er+d[i+4];if (nx>0&&ny>0&&nx<=n&&ny<=m&&c[nx][ny]^'#'&&!vis[nx][ny]){q.push(node(nx,ny));llx[++k]={nx,ny,'B'};vis[nx][ny]=1;}}}
int i,now=k;
for (i=now;i>last+1;--i){llx[++k]={llx[i].x,llx[i].y,'D'};llx[++k]={llx[i].x,llx[i].y,'R'};}
}int main(){
int i,j;
for (i=1;i<=n;++i) scanf("%s",c[i]+1);
for (i=1;i<=n;++i){for (j=1;j<=m;++j){if (c[i][j]^'#'&&!vis[i][j]) bfs(i,j,k);}}
for (i=1;i<=k;++i){printf("%c %d %d\n",llx[i].op,llx[i].x,llx[i].y);}


dp[i]=dp[i−lowbit(i)]+dp[lowbit(i)]" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">dp[i]=dp[i−lowbit(i)]+dp[lowbit(i)]dp[i]=dp[i−lowbit(i)]+dp[lowbit(i)]dp[i]=dp[i-lowbit(i)]+dp[lowbit(i)]

#include<bits/stdc++.h> //Ithea Myse Valgulious
using namespace std;
const int mulu=1<<24,mod=1e9+7;
int dp[mulu],a[mulu];
#define lowbit(x) (x&-x)
int r[2]={-1,-1};
int main(){
int i,j,n,k;
for (i=0;i<n;++i) scanf("%d",&dp[1<<i]);
for (scanf("%d",&k),i=0;i<k;++i) scanf("%d",&r[i]);
for (a[0]=1,i=1;i<(1<<n);++i){if ((i^lowbit(i))&&(dp[i]=dp[i^lowbit(i)]+dp[lowbit(i)])>mod) dp[i]=mod;if (dp[i]^r[0]&&dp[i]^r[1]){for (j=i;j;j-=lowbit(j)){//枚举每一个子集进行转移.a[i]+=a[i^lowbit(j)];if (a[i]>=mod) a[i]-=mod;}}}printf("%d\n",a[(1<<n)-1]);

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