

Imagine composition (1) :

If I were a little leaf

If I were a small leaf, I would plant my self in the field, and grow into a towering tree to shade people.

If I were a leaf, I would fly away with the wind. Fly, fly, fly to the bird's nest, shelter for the birds, give it a warm home.

If I were a small leaf, I would like to go downstream, to make a small boat. For the need of my ants for transportation, bring convenience.

If I were a little leaf, I would give the earth a little green.

If I were a little leaf, I would be picked up, the wings of a toy, or the petals. I don't want to serve those who are impolite.

Imagine composition (2) :

Funny little bridge

After a heavy rain, the bridge on the river was overwhelmed by the water. The little animals on the other side of the river thought of picking fruit from the woods on the other side. The little animals on the other side of the river thought of playing on the grass. But without the bridge, they could not cross the bank. The little monkey saw the long neck of the giraffe on the other side of the river, and looked at the long nose of the elephant next to him, and then he thought of a way to come. It asked aunt giraffe to extend her long, thin neck, and she asked the elephant uncle to stretch out his nose, and to make a very crooked bridge. Small animals to walk from the bridge, gently to thank giraffes and elephants, giraffes and elephants with one voice said: "let's thanks to a clever little monkey, is it good way to come up with this!"

Imagine the composition  (3) :

God cried

God cried, and he wept so sad that he cried incessantly all day, and could not understand how he had so many tears.

God, why are you crying? Is your child misbehaving and making you angry? Is your child not learning well and being criticized by his teacher?

Ah, no. It was mother earth who was thirsty, and she was so thirsty that it cracked everywhere, and god saw it, and cried sadly.

God's tears fell into the fields, and the crops turned green. On the high mountain, the tree became green. Fall into the park, flowers bloom; The river was full, and the water was full, and the little fish were swimming happily in the water.

God's tears, create a colorful beautiful world. Mother earth was very happy and said, god, you must stop crying.

Imagine composition (4) :

Childhood fantasy

As night falls, the dim moonlight seems to cover the earth with a veil of light, and in the blue sky, the stars are all over the top, if I were one of them...

If I were a star, I would like to snuggle close to the moon in the arms of the moon, listen to her tell the story of chang 'e, jade rabbit and osmanthus tree. Like a spoiled child, with moon mother-in-law and love.

If I were a star, I would like to be the brightest one, to send a light to the pedestrians in the night, and find the way home for the lost child.

If I were a star, I would like to be the most mischievous one, in the rainbow slide into the children's sweet dreams, become candy, cake, toys, let them eat enough, have enough!

If I were a star, I would like to be the kindest one, and send a friendly greeting to the disabled children through the window, so that they no longer feel lonely and lonely.

I would like to be a star, willing to be the most ordinary and most beautiful one in the world!

Imagine the composition (5) :

My future home

My future home is very advanced. Let's start with its functionality! When I got to my door, I just said, "I'm back," and the door opened automatically. I got into the house and just press the button on the door, and the TV automatically put my favorite cartoons on. When you go to bed at night, just press the button on the bed and the thermostat will adjust to the right temperature. When I get up in the morning, the robot will help me make the quilt and make breakfast. Let's talk about its shape. It is a monster that resembles a ship, not a ship. It usually stops on land and can be turned into a variety of things when needed, such as tanks, planes, cars, etc.

My future home is amazing, isn't it? I'm expecting you to come here.

Imagine the composition (6) :

I call the stars

I picked up the phone. It was the little star and I called. He said, "hi! See you again! What do you want me to do? I said, "you give me a wink." As soon as I had finished, the stars began to blink. I said, "can you run?" Then I saw a meteor slide before my eyes. "Will you make a look? The beadstar instantly became a small spoon. "Can you show me the universe? The stars say: "can!" I came to the universe in a spaceship. The stars took me to the hall of the temple of heaven, the place where sun wukong kept his horse, the great bear, the Aries, the little bear, the vega, the Altair and the north star... How beautiful the universe is! It's nice!

Suddenly, there was a sound that reminded me of it. I had to say goodbye to the star.

Imagine composition (7) :

Clear water lotus

This is a dusk, in a turbidity is not clear in the water, a flashing starlight bracts her head slowly from the water, petals slowly open, showing a small shadow, she opened the small wings and surrounding water began to clear, unexpectedly become like jade suffused with light. She seemed to remember something, and the blink of an eye was gone, as if it had never happened before.

Her name is qing lotus, is the child of god, came to earth to find heaven there is no thing, is the interpersonal trust and help, god gave her three days time, found five such thing qing lotus will be able to live among us, or you have to go home, don't ever come.

Imagine composition (8) :

Multi-purpose vehicle

There are more and more cars, the air is getting worse, and the oil is getting higher and higher, so I want to invent a multi-purpose vehicle.

I'll use a funnel and plastic pipe connect together, and then put a plastic bottle with double-sided adhesive, and plastic pipe connected to the other side, again next to cut a hole in the plastic, and then put a filter tubes in them...

After a few hours, my multi-functional car was built: if you hit a sunny day, press the red button and "solar absorber" will start "work". It absorbs the sunlight, and when it's finished, it turns into fresh air coming out of the back of the car. You don't have to worry about a windy day. Just press the blue button and the "high wind absorber" will start...

The other "work" I don't have a different introduction, you say, I invented the multi-function car good?



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