
    /*** Generate a poem.* * @param input string from which to create the poem* @return poem (as described above)*/public String poem(String input) {String poem = null;String[] split = input.split("\\s|\\n");String[] addStrings = null;for(int i=0;i<split.length-1;i++) {//addStrings[i] = new String();addStrings[i] = getBridgeWord(split[i], split[i+1]);}for(int i=0;i<split.length;i++) {if(i!=split.length-1) {poem = poem + split[i] +  " " + addStrings[i];}else {poem = poem + split[i];}}return poem;}


Warning:Null pointer access: The variable addStrings can only be null at this location



String[] addStrings = new String[split.length-1];


List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();


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