
  • Preface(complain)
  • Perface(start)
    • Advantages of parallel robot
    • Disdvantages of parallel robot
  • Structure establishment
  • Inverse kinematics of parallel robot
    • follow path
    • MATLAB for Inverse kinematics of parallel robot
  • Forward kinematics of parallel robot



这几周太忙太忙,上几周金工实习,每天没有时间搞事情,每周六日还要去学车占用了六日的学习时间(还好考完了(QAQ))。还在想竞赛如何进行主动示教(或许会更 )这周还来了一个电工电子认知实习(哭)。
在没有时间的时间里,我试图通过熬夜(早上起不来 )来弥补坑,再加之被老师催了好几天所获得的动力


试一试用英文写博客(感觉一下不一样的快感,折磨自己也折磨别人 )。

大哥大姐求轻喷~~(不喷)~~ 写blog本就是一个在满足自己成就感的同时造福他人的过程,我明白写英文(绝对有语法和拼写错误!)肯定会让人感到有一点点的”不舒服“,但是总之凑合看吧,毕竟是一篇学习性质的blog,本人也是初学,还想练练英语(六级还没给过,哭了)。


Parallel cable robot is a structure of closed loop kinematic chain,its moving platform has some independent kinematic chains attached to the base.
It always is compiled with base frame,moving platform and some lines between us.


Advantages of parallel robot

绳索牵引并联机器人采用绳索代替刚性连杆将末端执行器与静平台连接起来,使其具有工作空间大、负载质量比高、造价成本低和易于模块 化和维修等优点。他运动分析较容易、且可避免驱动轴之间的耦合(coupling) 效应。

Disdvantages of parallel robot







source:关注 | 并联式机构的优缺点与并联机构原理在机器人领域的应用

Forward kinematics solution:在并联机器人中,运动学正解是事先告诉你绳长数据(根数的绳长),让你通过这几根绳长的数据来计算出末端点为位姿,这不是一件简单的事情。

Inverse kinematics solution:在并联机器人中,运动学逆解是事先告诉你动平台所在的位置和姿态后,让你求出四根绳长,这虽然不是啥容易事情但是却比运动学正解简单多了。(哭)

Next we will use a simple but useful example to demostrate my Learning outcomes of parallel cable robot

Structure establishment

In this section,we will bulid a parallel robot by simple lines in a blank.
In this picture,you can see a black frame( robot body),four orange lines are stand for our cable,and the red square are moving platform,which make a ugly robot…
In order to simplify the calculation,we set the body frame and moving frame’s base point is located at the central of body.(you can see that…)
In fact,it is my personal point and I also don’t want to prove it.
The x-axis, Y-axis and rotation angle have been marked on the drawing

The parallel cable robot use its electric machineries to control its length of cables(orange line),which can control moving plateform to move.

Beacuse our robot’s body is changeless and our moving plate is a two dimensions.so we set the robot has 3 dofs :(X,Y,θ),It can move and rotate.

Inverse kinematics of parallel robot

while (1) wo shi cai ji wo shi cai ji end
In my opinion,parallel robot’s Inverse kinematics is based on our moving platform’s position.our computer use our position to to calculate the length of four ropes.


follow path

  1. In order to control the robot to move a correct line we expect to and it also should meet our expectations——the position.

  2. hit him !Scatter all the positions until it turns to some correct points in every tiny time.

  3. put this data into the controller and we can control the electric machinery to rotate.

  4. complete.
    like this:

    1.Determine the trajectory of the hinge point of the moving platform

    As we all know, the reason why the motion platform can move is not that it can move itself, but that the controller can adjust the four ropes Length to force it to move. And the hinge point of our rope is not on the real trajectory, but has a certain distance, so If we calculate the position of the hinge point, we can get the rope length at this time, and the motor can be controlled.

2.These rope length data are arranged to obtain the trajectory of the overall motion platform.
So we use this picture to show the process.

In this picture we depict a nomal position.our moving platform rotates a angle and move some…To express this positon we can use this equation.

we can use a point(B1) to explain it:

The green square are our initial position,first,it will rotate a angle,then it turns the yellow square.It has completed the part of rotate(TransM (旋转矩阵)* load_1 ).Then we will move it(+ P(位移向量)


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