VerilogA学习 - VCO demo 合集

  • Verilog-A与其他Verilog语言的不同
  • VCO的Verilog-A代码
  • Debug Tips


  • Verilog-HDL :处理数字信号Digital signal
  • Verilog-A :处理模拟连续时间信号Analog continuous-time signal
  • Verilog-AMS :处理模拟离散时间信号Analog discrete-event signal +处理模拟连续时间信号Analog continuous-time signal +处理数字信号Digital signal


代码片来源于The Designer’s Guide网站(,主要包括了

  1. 输出为正弦波、不含jitter
  2. 输出为方波,不含jitter
  3. 输出为方波,jitter类型是 white accumulating jitter
  4. 差分正交VCO,输出为方波,jitter类型是 white accumulating jitter


Normal (Gaussian) Distribution
Use the $rdist_normal function to generate random real numbers (or the $dist_normal function to generate integer numbers) that are normally distributed. The $rdist_normal function is not supported in digital contexts.
$rdist_normal ( seed , mean , standard_deviation ) ;
$dist_normal ( seed , mean , standard_deviation ) ;
seed is a scalar integer variable used to initialize the sequence of generated numbers. seed must be a variable because the function updates the value of seed at each iteration. To ensure generation of a normal distribution, change the value of seed only when you initialize the sequence.
mean is an integer or real expression that specifies the value to be approached by the mean value of the generated numbers.
standard_deviation is an integer or real expression that determines the width of spread of the enerated values around mean. Using a larger standard_deviation spreads the generated values over a wider range. To generate a gaussian distribution, use a mean of 0 and a standard_deviation of 1.
For example, the following module returns a series of real numbers that together form a gaussian distribution.
module distcheck (pinout) ;
electrical pinout ;
integer seed ;
real rrandnum ;
analog begin
@ (initial_step) begin
seed = 23 ;
rrandnum = $rdist_normal( seed, 0, 1 ) ;
$display (“Random number is %g”, rrandnum ) ;
V(pinout) <+ rrandnum ;
end // of analog block

关于如何对PLL中各个模块的jitter建模分析,The Designer’s Guide网站上有篇paper(点击即可直接跳转)讲得很清楚。


// Voltage controlled oscillators
// Version 2, 2 April 2019
// Ken Kundert
// Downloaded from The Designer's Guide (
// Post any questions to`include "disciplines.vams"
`include "constants.vams"//
// Voltage controlled oscillator
// output is sinusoidal with no jitter
//module vco0 (out, in);input in; voltage in;                           // input terminal
output out; voltage out;                        // output terminal
parameter real vmin=0;                          // input voltage that corresponds to minimum output frequency
parameter real vmax=vmin+1 from (vmin:inf);     // input voltage that corresponds to maximum output frequency
parameter real fmin=1 from (0:inf);             // minimum output frequency
parameter real fmax=2*fmin from (fmin:inf);     // maximum output frequency
parameter real va=1;                            // amplitude
real freq, phase;
integer n;analog begin// compute the freq from the input voltagefreq = (V(in) - vmin)*(fmax - fmin) / (vmax - vmin) + fmin;// bound the frequency (this is optional)if (freq > fmax) freq = fmax;if (freq < fmin) freq = fmin;// bound the time step to assure no cycles are skipped$bound_step(0.2/freq);// phase is the integral of the freq modulo 2 piphase = 2*`M_PI*idtmod(freq, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5);V(out) <+ va*sin(phase);
// Voltage controlled oscillator
// output is square wave with no jitter
//module vco1 (out, in);input in; voltage in;                           // input terminal
output out; voltage out;                        // output terminal
parameter real vmin=0;                          // input voltage that corresponds to minimum output frequency
parameter real vmax=vmin+1 from (vmin:inf);     // input voltage that corresponds to maximum output frequency
parameter real fmin=1 from (0:inf);             // minimum output frequency
parameter real fmax=2*fmin from (fmin:inf);     // maximum output frequency
parameter real vl=-1;                           // high output voltage
parameter real vh=1;                            // low output voltage
parameter real tt=0.01/fmax from (0:inf);       // output transition time
parameter real ttol=1u/fmax from (0:0.1/fmax);  // time tolerance
real freq, phase;
integer n;analog begin// compute the freq from the input voltagefreq = (V(in) - vmin)*(fmax - fmin) / (vmax - vmin) + fmin;// bound the frequency (this is optional)if (freq > fmax) freq = fmax;if (freq < fmin) freq = fmin;// bound the time step to assure no cycles are skipped$bound_step(0.6/freq);// phase is the integral of the freq modulo 2 piphase = 2*`M_PI*idtmod(freq, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5);// identify the point where switching occurs@(cross(phase + `M_PI/2, +1, ttol) or cross(phase - `M_PI/2, +1, ttol))n = (phase >= -`M_PI/2) && (phase < `M_PI/2);// generate the outputV(out) <+ transition(n ? vh : vl, 0, tt);
// Voltage controlled oscillator
// output is square wave with white accumulating jitter
//module vco2 (out, in);input in; voltage in;                           // input terminal
output out; voltage out;                        // output terminal
parameter real vmin=0;                          // input voltage that corresponds to minimum output frequency
parameter real vmax=vmin+1 from (vmin:inf);     // input voltage that corresponds to maximum output frequency
parameter real fmin=1 from (0:inf);             // minimum output frequency
parameter real fmax=2*fmin from (fmin:inf);     // maximum output frequency
parameter real vl=-1;                           // high output voltage
parameter real vh=1;                            // low output voltage
parameter real tt=0.01/fmax from (0:inf);       // output transition time
parameter real ttol=1u/fmax from (0:0.1/fmax);  // time tolerance
parameter real jitter=0 from [0:0.25/fmax);     // period jitter (produces white accumulating jitter)
real freq, phase, dT;
integer n, seed;analog begin@(initial_step) seed = -561;// compute the freq from the input voltagefreq = (V(in) - vmin)*(fmax - fmin) / (vmax - vmin) + fmin;// bound the frequency (this is optional)if (freq > fmax) freq = fmax;if (freq < fmin) freq = fmin;// add the phase noisefreq = freq/(1 + dT*freq);// bound the time step to assure no cycles are skipped$bound_step(0.6/freq);// phase is the integral of the freq modulo 2 piphase = 2*`M_PI*idtmod(freq, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5);// update jitter twice per period// `M_SQRT2=sqrt(K), K=2 jitter updates/period@(cross(phase + `M_PI/2, +1, ttol) or cross(phase - `M_PI/2, +1, ttol)) begindT = `M_SQRT2*jitter*$rdist_normal(seed,0, 1);n = (phase >= -`M_PI/2) && (phase < `M_PI/2);end// generate the outputV(out) <+ transition(n ? vh : vl, 0, tt);
// Differential quadrature voltage controlled oscillator
// output is square wave with white accumulating jitter
//module quadVco (PIout,NIout, PQout,NQout, Pin,Nin);input Pin, Nin; voltage Pin, Nin;               // input terminals
output PIout, NIout; voltage PIout, NIout;      // output terminals
output PQout, NQout; voltage PQout, NQout;      // output terminals
parameter real vmin=0;                          // input voltage that corresponds to minimum output frequency
parameter real vmax=vmin+1 from (vmin:inf);     // input voltage that corresponds to maximum output frequency
parameter real fmin=1 from (0:inf);             // minimum output frequency
parameter real fmax=2*fmin from (fmin:inf);     // maximum output frequency
parameter real vl=-1;                           // high output voltage
parameter real vh=1;                            // low output voltage
parameter real tt=0.01/fmax from (0:inf);       // output transition time
parameter real ttol=1u/fmax from (0:0.1/fmax);  // time tolerance
parameter real jitter=0 from [0:0.25/fmax);     // period jitter (produces white accumulating jitter)
real freq, phase, dT;
integer i, q, seed;analog begin@(initial_step) seed = 133;// compute the freq from the input voltagefreq = (V(Pin,Nin) - vmin) * (fmax - fmin) / (vmax - vmin) + fmin;// bound the frequency (this is optional)if (freq > fmax) freq = fmax;if (freq < fmin) freq = fmin;// add the phase noisefreq = freq/(1 + dT*freq);// bound the time step to assure no cycles are skipped$bound_step(0.6/freq);// phase is the integral of the freq modulo 2 piphase = 2*`M_PI*idtmod(freq, 0.0, 1.0, -0.5);// update jitter where phase crosses p/2// 2=sqrt(K), K=4 jitter updates per period@(cross(phase - 3*`M_PI/4, +1, ttol) or cross(phase - `M_PI/4, +1, ttol) orcross(phase + `M_PI/4, +1, ttol) or cross(phase + 3*`M_PI/4, +1, ttol)) begindT = 2*jitter*$rdist_normal(seed,0,1);i = (phase >= -3*`M_PI/4) && (phase < `M_PI/4);q = (phase >= -`M_PI/4) && (phase < 3*`M_PI/4);end// generate the I and Q outputsV(PIout) <+ transition(i ? vh : vl, 0, tt);V(NIout) <+ transition(i ? vl : vh, 0, tt);V(PQout) <+ transition(q ? vh : vl, 0, tt);V(NQout) <+ transition(q ? vl : vh, 0, tt);

Debug Tips

Virtuoso在Verilog-A compile提示这块做的不是很人性化,需要你在菜单>View下面打开Parser Log File才能看到比较详细的提示。

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