
The city executive board in Lund wants to construct a sightseeing tour by bus in Lund, so that tourists can see every corner of the beautiful city. They want to construct the tour so that every street in the city is visited exactly once. The bus should also start and end at the same junction. As in any city, the streets are either one-way or two-way, traffic rules that must be obeyed by the tour bus. Help the executive board and determine if it’s possible to construct a sightseeing tour under these constraints.
On the first line of the input is a single positive integer n, telling the number of test scenarios to follow. Each scenario begins with a line containing two positive integers m and s, 1 <= m <= 200,1 <= s <= 1000 being the number of junctions and streets, respectively. The following s lines contain the streets. Each street is described with three integers, xi, yi, and di, 1 <= xi,yi <= m, 0 <= di <= 1, where xi and yi are the junctions connected by a street. If di=1, then the street is a one-way street (going from xi to yi), otherwise it’s a two-way street. You may assume that there exists a junction from where all other junctions can be reached.
For each scenario, output one line containing the text “possible” or “impossible”, whether or not it’s possible to construct a sightseeing tour.
Sample Input

5 8
2 1 0
1 3 0
4 1 1
1 5 0
5 4 1
3 4 0
4 2 1
2 2 0
4 4
1 2 1
2 3 0
3 4 0
1 4 1
3 3
1 2 0
2 3 0
3 2 0
3 4
1 2 0
2 3 1
1 2 0
3 2 0

Sample Output


m和s(1 <= m <= 200,1 <= s <= 1000 )

s条道路: xi, yi di(0 <= di <= 1)
输出:“possible” or “impossible”,是否能建造一个观光旅游


现在每个点入度和出度之差均为偶数。那么将这个偶数除以 2,得 x。
也就是说,对于每一个点,只要将 x 条边改变方向(入>出就是变入,出>入就是变出),就能保证出=入。
1. 有向边是不能改变方向的,要之无用,删
2. 无向边已经定向,边的容量为1

新建 s 和t。对于入>出的点 u,连接边(u, t)、容量为 x,对于出>入的点 v,连接边(s, u),容量为x。


using namespace std;
const int N=2*1e2+10;
const int M=1e3+10;
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
int m,s;
int ind[N];///记录入度,出度
int capacity[N][N],flow[N];
int pre[N];
bool book[N];
int bfs(int source,int sink)
{memset(pre,-1,sizeof(pre));memset(book,false,sizeof(book));queue<int>Q;Q.push(source);book[source]=true;pre[source]=0;flow[source]=INF;while(!Q.empty()){int u=Q.front();Q.pop();if(u==sink)break;for(int i=0; i<=m+1; i++){if(!book[i]&&capacity[u][i]>0){pre[i]=u;book[i]=true;flow[i]=min(flow[u],capacity[u][i]);Q.push(i);}}}if(pre[sink]!=-1)return flow[sink];elsereturn -1;
int max_flow(int source,int sink)
{memset(flow,0,sizeof(flow));int ans=0;for(;;){int k=bfs(source,sink);if(k==-1)return ans;ans+=k;for(int i=sink; i!=source; i=pre[i]){capacity[pre[i]][i]-=k;capacity[i][pre[i]]+=k;}}
int main()
{int t;scanf("%d",&t);while(t--){memset(ind,0,sizeof(ind));memset(capacity,0,sizeof(capacity));scanf("%d%d",&m,&s);///m个结点 s条边while(s--){int x,y,d;scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&d);ind[x]--,ind[y]++;///出度--,入度++if(!d)///无向边capacity[x][y]+=1;}bool ck=true;for(int i=1; i<=m; i++){if(ind[i]&1)///欧拉图{ck=false;break;}}if(!ck)printf("impossible\n");else{int sum=0;for(int i=1; i<=m; i++){if(ind[i]<0)///出>入capacity[0][i]=(-ind[i])>>1;if(ind[i]>0)//入>出{capacity[i][m+1]=ind[i]>>1;sum+=(ind[i]>>1);}}int mxx_flow=max_flow(0,m+1);if(mxx_flow==sum)printf("possible\n");elseprintf("impossible\n");}}return 0;


using namespace std;
const int N=2*1e2+10;
const int M=2*1e5+10;
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
int m,s;
struct node
{int nex;int to,w;
} side[M];
int fir[N],tot;///邻接表建图
int ind[N];///记录入度,出度
int level[N];///记录每一个点的层次
int cut[M];
void Inx(int x,int y,int z)
}int bfs()
{memset(level,-1,sizeof(level));queue<int>Q;level[0]=1;Q.push(0);while(!Q.empty()){int u=Q.front();if(u==m+1)break;Q.pop();for(int i=fir[u]; ~i; i=side[i].nex){if(side[i].w&&level[side[i].to]<0){level[side[i].to]=level[u]+1;///构建层次网络Q.push(side[i].to);}}}return level[m+1]!=-1;
int dfs(int u,int low)
{if(u==m+1)return low;int temp=0,a;for(int &i=cut[u]; ~i; i=side[i].nex)///i的改变带着fir[u]的改变,提高效率,所以用cut[]数组保留原来的fir[u]{if(side[i].w&&level[side[i].to]==level[u]+1&&(a=dfs(side[i].to,min(low,side[i].w)))){temp+=a;side[i].w-=a;side[i^1].w+=a;low-=a;if(!low)break;}}if(temp==0)level[u]=-1;///走到u不能走return temp;
int dinic()
{int ans=0;while(bfs())///找到一条增广路{for(int i=0; i<=m+1; i++)cut[i]=fir[i];ans+=dfs(0,INF);}return ans;
int main()
{int t;scanf("%d",&t);while(t--){tot=-1;memset(ind,0,sizeof(ind));memset(fir,-1,sizeof(fir));scanf("%d%d",&m,&s);while(s--){int x,y,d;scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&d);if(x==y)continue;ind[x]--,ind[y]++;///出度--,入度++if(!d)///无向边{Inx(x,y,1);///把无向边随便规定一个方向Inx(y,x,0);}}bool bo=true;for(int i=1; i<=m; i++){if(ind[i]&1)///欧拉图{bo=false;break;}}if(!bo)printf("impossible\n");else{int sum=0;for(int i=1; i<=m; i++){if(ind[i]<0)///出>入{Inx(0,i,(-ind[i])>>1);Inx(i,0,0);}if(ind[i]>0)//入>出{Inx(i,m+1,ind[i]>>1);Inx(m+1,i,0);sum+=(ind[i]>>1);}}int mxx_flow=dinic();if(mxx_flow==sum)printf("possible\n");elseprintf("impossible\n");}}return 0;

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