
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:12:03.469+0800 ERROR   logstash/async.go:256   Failed to publish events caused by: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:12:04.469+0800    ERROR   pipeline/output.go:121  Failed to publish events: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:14:18.473+0800    ERROR   logstash/async.go:256   Failed to publish events caused by: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:14:19.473+0800    ERROR   pipeline/output.go:121  Failed to publish events: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:17:13.476+0800    ERROR   logstash/async.go:256   Failed to publish events caused by: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:17:14.476+0800    ERROR   pipeline/output.go:121  Failed to publish events: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:20:13.479+0800    ERROR   logstash/async.go:256   Failed to publish events caused by: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:20:14.480+0800    ERROR   pipeline/output.go:121  Failed to publish events: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:21:18.481+0800    ERROR   logstash/async.go:256   Failed to publish events caused by: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:21:19.481+0800    ERROR   pipeline/output.go:121  Failed to publish events: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:23:08.483+0800    ERROR   logstash/async.go:256   Failed to publish events caused by: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:23:09.484+0800    ERROR   pipeline/output.go:121  Failed to publish events: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:28:03.490+0800    ERROR   logstash/async.go:256   Failed to publish events caused by: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer
filebeat         | 2021-12-27T17:28:04.490+0800    ERROR   pipeline/output.go:121  Failed to publish events: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer


客户端操作不频繁导致Logstash可能由于不工作而尝试重置连接,在这种情况下会引起connection reset by peer



input {beats {port  => "5044"client_inactivity_timeout => 36000}

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