• 报错描述:
  • 原因分析:
  • 解决方案:


java.lang.RuntimeException: A TaskDescription's primary color should be opaque



/*** Creates the TaskDescription to the specified values.** @param label A label and description of the current state of this task.* @param icon An icon that represents the current state of this task.* @param colorPrimary A color to override the theme's primary color. This color must be opaque.*/public TaskDescription(String label, Bitmap icon, int colorPrimary) {if ((colorPrimary != 0) && (Color.alpha(colorPrimary) != 255)) {throw new RuntimeException("A TaskDescription's primary color should be opaque");}mLabel = label;mIcon = icon;mColorPrimary = colorPrimary;}


将alpha值去除即可,如果想要设为全透明用 #00000000 即可。

java.lang.RuntimeException: A TaskDescription‘s primary color should be opaque相关推荐

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