

“ somefunctioncall”函数利用“ opendb”函数连接到数据库...





Public Function opendb() As ADODB.Connection
' This function returns an ADODB.Connection object
' which is required for accessing different types of databases
' Her we declare three strings to access database other than MS Access files on your network
' as it was in my case
Dim ORACLE_ConnString As String
Dim SQL_ConnString As String
Dim MSACCESS_ConnString As String
' This variable is used only when accessing a MS Access database
' NOTE: I always keep the form separate from the database when using Access for Database and front end forms
Dim MSAdbPathAndName As String
MSAdbPathAndName = "C:\Reports\Database\msaccessdatabase.mdb"
'Probably could use a MapPath function here ...
Dim UID As String '"yourusername"
Dim PWD As String '"yourPASSWORD"
'Here is where you want to set your parameters for connecting to the desired database
DBS = "thisismywebservername"
UID = "thisisme"
PWD = "thisismypassword"
DBN = "thisismydbname"
'The connection strings are different for each type of database and network setup
ORACLE_ConnString = "Provider=msdaora;Data Source=" & DBN & _
";User Id=" & UID & ";Password=" & PWD & ";"
SQL_ConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;DATA SOURCE=" & DBS & _
";UID=" & UID & _
";PWD=" & PWD & _
";Initial Catalog=" & DBN & ";"
MSACCESS_ConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & _
MSAdbPathAndName & ";"
'Here we declare and set the ADODB.Connection
opendb = New ADODB.Connection
'And finally you must decide which type of connection you are going to use... only one :)
'    *************** preferred connection string ***********
'    UNCOMMENT the ONE you need: if you want to connect to MS SQL then SQL_ConnString is the one you want
'    *******************************************************
'    opendb.Open ORACLE_ConnString
'    opendb.Open MSACCESS_ConnString
End Function
Public Function stringReturningFunctionCall() As String
' The connection object is required for accessing the database and must be declared
Dim objConn As ADODB.Connection
' The  recordset object is required for storing the queried dataset and must be declared
Dim recSet As ADODB.Recordset
'This functioncal return a string, we declare and set it to be empty
Dim stringToReturn As String
stringToReturn = ""
'setting the connection object from a function that returns an ADODB.Connection
objConn = opendb
'setting the Recordset object using the Connection object to excute the SQL statement
recSet = objConn.Execute("SELECT [field1],[field2],[field3] FROM [sometable] order by [somefield] ")
Do While Not rs.EOF ' run through the recordset until at the end
'add your own code here
stringToReturn = someStringAppendingFunction(stringToReturn, recSet(0) & _
";" & recSet("field2") & _
";" & recSet("field3"), ";")
'clean up time
objConn = Nothing
recSet = Nothing
'return the result
stringReturningFunctionCall = stringToReturn
End Function



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