

//在记录拼音的时候,它默认将拼音字母转成大写,仅对双声母中的h使用小写。 这里指的是pinyin_str
struct LemmaEntry {LemmaIdType idx_by_py;LemmaIdType idx_by_hz;char16 hanzi_str[kMaxLemmaSize + 1];// The SingleCharItem id for each Hanzi.uint16 hanzi_scis_ids[kMaxLemmaSize];uint16 spl_idx_arr[kMaxLemmaSize + 1];char pinyin_str[kMaxLemmaSize][kMaxPinyinSize + 1];unsigned char hz_str_len;float freq;


鼥 0.750684002197 1 ba
釛 0.781224156844 1 ba
軷 0.9691786136 1 ba
釟 0.9691786136 1 ba
蚆 1.15534975655 1 ba

可以看到该文件行数为65105,每一行的格式都是:汉字  频率  ?  拼音,结构体中的freq就是频率,hz_str_len就是汉字的长度,二维数组pinyin_str[8][7]用来存放拼音,限制最长汉字串长度为8,单个汉字拼音长度限定为7,hanzi_str[8+1]是用来存放汉字的一种unicode编码,如第一个字“鼥”的编码就是:40741,可以在这里转换,在gdb中查看lemma_arr_第一个元素如下:

{idx_by_py = 0, idx_by_hz = 0, hanzi_str =     {40741,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, hanzi_scis_ids =     {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, spl_idx_arr =     {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, pinyin_str =     {      "BA\000\000\000\000","\000\000\000\000\000\000","\000\000\000\000\000\000","\000\000\000\000\000\000","\000\000\000\000\000\000","\000\000\000\000\000\000","\000\000\000\000\000\000","\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, hz_str_len = 1 '\001', freq = 0.750684023}

拼音都被转换成了大写,但是双声母中的h除外。hanzi_scis_ids字段对应的是该lemma每个汉字在单个汉字表scis中对应的id,比如:第一行的“鼥”字在单字表scis中对应的id就被赋值给了hanzi_scis_ids的第一个元素即hanzi_scis_ids[0]位置,最后一行为“欧洲市场”,那么该字段对应的数组中依次存放“欧” “洲” “市” “场”所对应的id,假如“欧” “洲” “市” “场”分别对应id为34、46、29、200,那么hanzi_scis_ids[0] = 34、hanzi_scis_ids[1] = 46、hanzi_scis_ids[2] = 29、hanzi_scis_ids[3] = 200,其余值仍为初始值0,spl_idx_arr字段描述了每个LemmaEntry中每个汉字字音的id,在gdb中跳过50000次执行后正好跳到“叫声”这个词组,打印看到lemma_arr_中的结构:

(gdb) p lemma_arr_[8117]
$31 = {idx_by_py = 0, idx_by_hz = 0, hanzi_str = {21483, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, hanzi_scis_ids = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, spl_idx_arr = {166, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, pinyin_str = {"JIAO\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, hz_str_len = 1 '\001', freq = 55685.8672}
(gdb) p lemma_arr_[12781]
$32 = {idx_by_py = 0, idx_by_hz = 0, hanzi_str = {22768, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, hanzi_scis_ids = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, spl_idx_arr = {337, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, pinyin_str = {"ShENG\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, hz_str_len = 1 '\001', freq = 7169.11719}
(gdb) p lemma_arr_[i-1]
$33 = {idx_by_py = 0, idx_by_hz = 0, hanzi_str = {21483, 22768, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, hanzi_scis_ids = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, spl_idx_arr = {166, 337, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, pinyin_str = {"JIAO\000\000", "ShENG\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000", "\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, hz_str_len = 2 '\002', freq = 564.171448}
(gdb) p i
$34 = 33619

8117为“叫”这个字在lemma_arr_中的存储,12781为“声”这个字的lemma_arr_存储,i-1 = 33618,可以看到lemma_arr[33618]处“叫声”的idx_by_hz和spl_idx_arr就是其单个字的组合而来,同时还可以看到双声母“ShENG”中的h被设置为了小写。idx_by_py和idx_by_hz字段分别表示该lemma通过汉字id数组和拼音id数组计算出来的lemma的id。


#ifdef ___BUILD_MODEL___
struct SingleCharItem {float freq;char16 hz;SpellingId splid;


size_t hz_num = lemma_arr_[pos].hz_str_len;
if (1 == hz_num)scis_[scis_num_].freq = lemma_arr_[pos].freq;elsescis_[scis_num_].freq = 0.000001;


typedef struct {uint16 half_splid:5;uint16 full_splid:11;
} SpellingId, *PSpellingId;



/*** We use different node types for different layers* Statistical data of the building result for a testing dictionary:*                              root,   level 0,   level 1,   level 2,   level 3* max son num of one node:     406        280         41          2          -* max homo num of one node:      0         90         23          2          2* total node num of a layer:     1        406      31766      13516        993* total homo num of a layer:     9       5674      44609      12667        995** The node number for root and level 0 won't be larger than 500* According to the information above, two kinds of nodes can be used; one for* root and level 0, the other for these layers deeper than 0.** LE = less and equal,* A node occupies 16 bytes. so, totallly less than 16 * 500 = 8K*/
struct LmaNodeLE0 {uint32 son_1st_off;uint32 homo_idx_buf_off;uint16 spl_idx;uint16 num_of_son;uint16 num_of_homo;
};/*** GE = great and equal* A node occupies 8 bytes.*/
struct LmaNodeGE1 {uint16 son_1st_off_l;        // Low bits of the son_1st_offuint16 homo_idx_buf_off_l;   // Low bits of the homo_idx_buf_off_1uint16 spl_idx;unsigned char num_of_son;            // number of son nodesunsigned char num_of_homo;           // number of homo wordsunsigned char son_1st_off_h;         // high bits of the son_1st_offunsigned char homo_idx_buf_off_h;    // high bits of the homo_idx_buf_off

结构体LmaNodeGE0和LmaNodeGE1结构体主要在dictbuilder::construct_subset(...)方法中调用,从buidl_dict方法调用时传入的item_start=0, item_end=65101,就是rawdict_utf16_65101_freq.txt文件第一行到最后一行,也就是遍历lemma_arr_这个数组生成分层的trie树,在方法construtc_subset中递归调用自己为level0和level1层上添加节点,这块具体结构形式还没弄太明白,等以后明白了再详细描述这两个结构体吧。

// Node used for the trie of spellings
struct SpellingNode {SpellingNode *first_son;// The spelling id for each node. If you need more bits to store// spelling id, please adjust this structure.uint16 spelling_idx:11;uint16  num_of_son:5;char char_this_node;unsigned char score;

结构体SpellingNode用来描述拼音字典树的每个节点,此结构体定义在cpp/include/spellingtrie.h中,*first_son是一个指向儿子节点类型为SpellingNode的指针数组首地址,spellingtrie.cpp的construct方法中构建的音节树的每个节点都是此类型,root_节点的first_son指针指向level1_sons的首元素地址,num_of_son采用位字段来定义,说明它可以存放不大于2的5次方的整数,该字段用来描述以此char_this_node描述的char可以组成的音节数量,如:当char_this_node 为 ‘A‘时,它的儿子节点数为3,分别是ai an ao。字段score即此char的得分,score越小搜索优先级越高,root_节点的score=0,位字段spelling_idx描述每个可组成音节的字母在列表中的id:

{first_son = 0x617420, spelling_idx = 1, num_of_son = 3, char_this_node = 65 'A', score = 86 'V'},{first_son = 0x617480, spelling_idx = 2, num_of_son = 5, char_this_node = 66 'B', score = 57 '9'},{first_son = 0x617620, spelling_idx = 3, num_of_son = 6, char_this_node = 67 'C', score = 72 'H'},{first_son = 0x6179e0, spelling_idx = 5, num_of_son = 5, char_this_node = 68 'D', score = 46 '.'},{first_son = 0x617c50, spelling_idx = 6, num_of_son = 3, char_this_node = 69 'E', score = 79 'O'},{first_son = 0x617cb0, spelling_idx = 7, num_of_son = 5, char_this_node = 70 'F', score = 72 'H'},{first_son = 0x617e00, spelling_idx = 8, num_of_son = 4, char_this_node = 71 'G', score = 62 '>'},{first_son = 0x617ff0, spelling_idx = 9, num_of_son = 4, char_this_node = 72 'H', score = 64 '@'},{first_son = 0x6181e0, spelling_idx = 11, num_of_son = 2, char_this_node = 74 'J', score = 59 ';'},{first_son = 0x618380, spelling_idx = 12, num_of_son = 4, char_this_node = 75 'K', score = 70 'F'},{first_son = 0x618570, spelling_idx = 13, num_of_son = 6, char_this_node = 76 'L', score = 62 '>'},{first_son = 0x618810, spelling_idx = 14, num_of_son = 5, char_this_node = 77 'M', score = 68 'D'},{first_son = 0x6189e0, spelling_idx = 15, num_of_son = 6, char_this_node = 78 'N', score = 66 'B'},{first_son = 0x618c70, spelling_idx = 16, num_of_son = 1, char_this_node = 79 'O', score = 109 'm'},{first_son = 0x618c90, spelling_idx = 17, num_of_son = 5, char_this_node = 80 'P', score = 90 'Z'},{first_son = 0x618e50, spelling_idx = 18, num_of_son = 2, char_this_node = 81 'Q', score = 66 'B'},{first_son = 0x626ff0, spelling_idx = 19, num_of_son = 5, char_this_node = 82 'R', score = 65 'A'},{first_son = 0x6271a0, spelling_idx = 20, num_of_son = 6, char_this_node = 83 'S', score = 46 '.'},{first_son = 0x627540, spelling_idx = 22, num_of_son = 5, char_this_node = 84 'T', score = 70 'F'},{first_son = 0x6277a0, spelling_idx = 25, num_of_son = 4, char_this_node = 87 'W', score = 61 '='},{first_son = 0x627890, spelling_idx = 26, num_of_son = 2, char_this_node = 88 'X', score = 68 'D'},{first_son = 0x627a30, spelling_idx = 27, num_of_son = 5, char_this_node = 89 'Y', score = 51 '3'},{first_son = 0x627bd0, spelling_idx = 28, num_of_son = 6, char_this_node = 90 'Z', score = 61 '='}



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