


/usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/gnocchi-metricd --logfile /var/log/gnocchi/metricd.log


1.1 start

源码位于: gnocchi/cli.py 中的metricd中,其异步处理对象为MetricProcessor:

def metricd():
    conf = service.prepare_service()
    if (conf.storage.metric_reporting_delay <
        LOG.error("Metric reporting must run less frequently then processing")

signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _metricd_terminate)

        queues = []
        workers = []
        for worker in range(conf.metricd.workers):
            queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
            metric_worker = MetricProcessor(
                conf, worker, conf.storage.metric_processing_delay, queue)

metric_report = MetricReporting(
            conf, 0, conf.storage.metric_reporting_delay, queues)

for worker in workers:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except Exception:
        LOG.warning("exiting", exc_info=True)

1.2 MetricProcessor

该类主要是调用存储后端的 process_background_tasks

class MetricProcessor(MetricProcessBase):
    def __init__(self, conf, worker_id=0, interval_delay=0, queue=None):
        super(MetricProcessor, self).__init__(conf, worker_id, interval_delay)
        self.queue = queue
        self.block_size = 128

def _run_job(self):
            if self.queue:
                while not self.queue.empty():
                    self.block_size = self.queue.get()
                    LOG.debug("Re-configuring worker to handle up to %s "
, self.block_size)
            self.store.process_background_tasks(self.index, self.block_size)
        except Exception:
            LOG.error("Unexpected error during measures processing",

1.3 process_background_tasks



def process_background_tasks(self, index, block_size=128, sync=False):
    """Process background tasks for this storage.

This calls :func:`process_measures` to process new measures and
    :func:`expunge_metrics` to expunge deleted metrics.

:param index: An indexer to be used for querying metrics
:param block_size: number of metrics to process
:param sync: If True, then process everything synchronously and raise
                 on error
:type sync: bool
LOG.debug("Processing new and to delete measures")
        self.process_measures(index, block_size, sync)
    except Exception:
        if sync:
LOG.error("Unexpected error during measures processing",
    LOG.debug("Expunging deleted metrics")

        self.expunge_metrics(index, sync)
    except Exception:
        if sync:
LOG.error("Unexpected error during deleting metrics",

1.4 process_measures


def process_measures(self, indexer, block_size, sync=False):

    metrics_to_process = self._list_metric_with_measures_to_process(
        block_size, full=sync)
    metrics = indexer.list_metrics(ids=metrics_to_process)
    # This build the list of deleted metrics, i.e. the metrics we have
    # measures to process for but that are not in the indexer anymore.
deleted_metrics_id = (set(map(uuid.UUID, metrics_to_process))
                          - set(m.id for m in metrics))
    for metric_id in deleted_metrics_id:
        # NOTE(jd): We need to lock the metric otherwise we might delete
        # measures that another worker might be processing. Deleting
        # measurement files under its feet is not nice!
with self._lock(metric_id)(blocking=sync):

    for metric in metrics:
        lock = self._lock(metric.id)
        agg_methods = list(metric.archive_policy.aggregation_methods)
        # Do not block if we cannot acquire the lock, that means some other
        # worker is doing the job. We'll just ignore this metric and may
        # get back later to it if needed.
if lock.acquire(blocking=sync):
                LOG.debug("Processing measures for %s" % metric)

# measures 为新增加的采样的数据

                with self._process_measure_for_metric(metric) as measures:
                    # NOTE(mnaser): The metric could have been handled by
                    #               another worker, ignore if no measures.
if len(measures) == 0:
                        LOG.debug("Skipping %s (already processed)"
% metric)
                        with timeutils.StopWatch() as sw:

                            raw_measures = (
                                "Retrieve unaggregated measures "
                                "for %s in %.2fs"
% (metric.id, sw.elapsed()))
                    except storage.MetricDoesNotExist:
                        except storage.MetricAlreadyExists:
                            # Created in the mean time, do not worry
ts = None
                            ts = carbonara.BoundTimeSerie.unserialize(
                        except ValueError:
                            ts = None
                                "Data corruption detected for %s "
                                "unaggregated timeserie, "
                                "recreating an empty one."
% metric.id)

if ts is None:
                        # This is the first time we treat measures for this
                        # metric, or data are corrupted, create a new one
mbs = metric.archive_policy.max_block_size
                        ts = carbonara.BoundTimeSerie(

def _map_add_measures(bound_timeserie):
                            ((aggregation, d, metric, bound_timeserie)
                             for aggregation in agg_methods
                             for d in metric.archive_policy.definition))

with timeutils.StopWatch() as sw:
                            "Computed new metric %s with %d new measures "
                            "in %.2f seconds"
% (metric.id, len(measures), sw.elapsed()))

            except Exception:
                if sync:
LOG.error("Error processing new measures", exc_info=True)

1.4.1 _list_metric_with_measures_to_process


Gnocchi/gnocchi/storage/file.py 中的,


def _list_metric_with_measures_to_process(self, block_size, full=False):
    if full:
        return os.listdir(self.measure_path)
    return os.listdir(self.measure_path)[
        block_size * self.partition:block_size * (self.partition + 1)]

1.4.2 _delete_unprocessed_measures_for_metric_id

该源码位于Gnocchi/gnocchi/storage/file.py 中的,


def _delete_unprocessed_measures_for_metric_id(self, metric_id):
    files = self._list_measures_container_for_metric_id(metric_id)
    self._delete_measures_files_for_metric_id(metric_id, files)

1.4.3 _process_measure_for_metric

该源码位于Gnocchi/gnocchi/storage/file.py 中的,


def _process_measure_for_metric(self, metric):
    files = self._list_measures_container_for_metric_id(metric.id)
    measures = []
    for f in files:
        abspath = self._build_measure_path(metric.id, f)
        with open(abspath, "rb") as e:

yield measures

self._delete_measures_files_for_metric_id(metric.id, files)

1.4.4 _get_unaggregated_timeserie

该源码位于Gnocchi/gnocchi/storage/file.py 中的,



def _get_unaggregated_timeserie(self, metric):
    path = self._build_unaggregated_timeserie_path(metric)
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            return f.read()
    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            raise storage.MetricDoesNotExist(metric)

def _get_unaggregated_timeserie(self, metric):
    path = self._build_unaggregated_timeserie_path(metric)
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            return f.read()
    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            raise storage.MetricDoesNotExist(metric)

def _build_unaggregated_timeserie_path(self, metric):
    return os.path.join(self._build_metric_dir(metric), 'none')

def _store_unaggregated_timeserie(self, metric, data):

1.4.5 _create_metric


def _create_metric(self, metric):
    path = self._build_metric_dir(metric)
        os.mkdir(path, 0o750)
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
            raise storage.MetricAlreadyExists(metric)
agg in metric.archive_policy.aggregation_methods:
            os.mkdir(self._build_metric_path(metric, agg), 0o750)
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

1.4.6 set_values


该源码位于gnocchi/carbonara.py中的 set_values

# 调用panna库,进行数据的异步处理功能

def set_values(self, values, before_truncate_callback=None,
    if self.block_size is not None and not self.ts.empty:
        values = sorted(values, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
        first_block_timestamp = self._first_block_timestamp()
        if ignore_too_old_timestamps:
            for index, (timestamp, value) in enumerate(values):
                if timestamp >= first_block_timestamp:
                    values = values[index:]
                values = []
            # Check that the smallest timestamp does not go too much back
            # in time.
smallest_timestamp = values[0][0]
            if smallest_timestamp < first_block_timestamp:
                raise NoDeloreanAvailable(first_block_timestamp,
    super(BoundTimeSerie, self).set_values(values)
    if before_truncate_callback:

1.4.7 _add_measures

代码位于 gnocchi/storage/_carbonara.py中

#这里就是进行最终的异步统计过程,使用第三方统计工具pandas,并根据archive policy定义的时间戳,保留最长的记录。


def _map_add_measures(bound_timeserie):
        ((aggregation, d, metric, bound_timeserie)
         for aggregation in agg_methods
         for d in metric.archive_policy.definition))

def _add_measures(self, aggregation, archive_policy_def,
                  metric, timeserie):
    with timeutils.StopWatch() as sw:
        ts = self._get_measures_timeserie(metric, aggregation,
                                          timeserie.first, timeserie.last)
        LOG.debug("Retrieve measures"
                  "for %s/%s/%s in %.2fs"
% (metric.id, aggregation, archive_policy_def.
                     granularity, sw.elapsed()))
    with timeutils.StopWatch() as sw:
        for key, split in ts.split():
            self._store_metric_measures(metric, key, aggregation,
        LOG.debug("Store measures for %s/%s/%s in %.2fs"
% (metric.id, aggregation,
                     archive_policy_def.granularity, sw.elapsed()))

if ts.last and archive_policy_def.timespan:
        with timeutils.StopWatch() as sw:
            oldest_point_to_keep = ts.last - datetime.timedelta(
                metric, aggregation, archive_policy_def.granularity,
            LOG.debug("Expire measures for %s/%s/%s in %.2fs"
% (metric.id, aggregation,
                         archive_policy_def.granularity, sw.elapsed()))


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