win10 创建访客

“Building a website requires skills, not everyone can build a great website”, this is one of the most common statements that we usually hear from people. But in my opinion it needs more of creativity and understanding deduced on the basis of the website niche and visitors to it.

“建立一个网站需要技能,并非每个人都可以建立一个出色的网站 ”,这是我们通常从人们那里听到的最常见的陈述之一。 但是在我看来,它需要更多的创意和理解,这些创意和理解是基于网站的利基和访问者而得出的。

Finding the right balance might at times be tough, but with an approach to offering an improved customer experience, it can be well achieved. Content is indeed important, but it’s the overall feel of a website in terms of design that decides whether the visitor would stay on the page and read it.

找到适当的平衡有时可能很困难,但是通过提供改善的客户体验的方法,可以很好地实现这一目标。 内容确实很重要,但是从设计的角度来看,网站的整体感觉决定了访问者是否会停留在页面上并阅读它。

So how exactly should be your approach when building a website? Here are few pointers that can help you with setting-up a right approach when building a website.

那么,在建立网站时您应该采取什么方法呢? 这里有一些建议可以帮助您在建立网站时建立正确的方法。

Be clear with knowing what’s Important and what’s not.


Prioritizing the information that you plan to add over a webpage is important. You need not try getting everything above the first fold of the webpage. Try visualizing your page from a visitors perspective. Think, if a visitor has found your page, what would be the things that s/he would be looking for in the first place.

优先考虑计划在网页上添加的信息非常重要。 您无需尝试使所有内容都超出网页的第一折。 尝试从访问者的角度可视化页面。 想一想,如果访问者找到了您的页面,那么他/她首先将要寻找的是什么。

Imagine a website of a restaurant that specializes in Pizza’s and also offers home delivery. All you need to do is place the order over the phone and the get the delivery. But imagine, the webpage doesn’t have a clearly visible phone number, to find it you need to dig deeper into the contact-us page. Do you think it’d generate sale to it’s full potential? No I suppose.

想象一下一家专门经营比萨饼店并提供送货上门服务的餐厅的网站。 您需要做的就是通过电话下订单并获得交货。 但是想像一下,该网页没有清晰可见的电话号码,要查找该电话号码,您需要更深入地了解“与我们联系”页面。 您认为这会产生销售的全部潜力吗? 不,我想。

The Right Color Schemes for Websites can do the trick for an increased conversion


Some may argue on this but it’s true that the colors you use over your website determine the customer experience to a large extent. Certain colors if used at right places over the webpage, can result in an increased conversion. Colorcombos has done a fantastic job by listing different combinations of website color schemes.

有些人可能对此争论不休,但的确,您在网站上使用的颜色在很大程度上决定了客户的体验。 如果在网页上的正确位置使用某些颜色,则可以提高转换率。 通过列出网站配色方案的不同组合, Colorcombos的工作非常出色。

Based on  the human psychology of reacting to colors, for most call-to-action protocols over a webpage you’d find either red or orange colors. In simple terms, the effect predicts that whatever stands out gets recognized and recalled easily, and what blends in gets ignored.

基于对颜色做出React的人类心理,对于网页上的大多数号召性用语协议,您会发现红色或橙色。 简而言之,该效果可以预测,突出显示的内容很容易被识别和调用,而混入的内容则被忽略。

Headlines, one of the most important elements of any website/webpage


It’s the headline that the eyes look for after your visit a webpage hence we can say that it’s the most viewed areas of a webpage. Therefore it is important to have a clear concise headline that gives an idea about the page in the first place.

这是您访问网页后眼睛所看到的标题,因此我们可以说这是网页中查看最多的区域。 因此,重要的是要有一个简洁明了的标题,以便首先了解页面。

An ideal headline can do the trick and get you the visitor hanging onto the page for sometime. The longer they stay; the better would be your chances of conversion.

理想的标题可以解决问题,并使您的访客在页面上停留一段时间。 他们停留的时间越长; 转换的机会越多。

Have majority space over a webpage with White Space


It is highly important that you have white space over a webpage for reading comprehension. It also acts as a good contrast with the other aspects over the page.

在网页上留出空格以阅读理解,这一点非常重要。 它还与页面上的其他方面形成了很好的对比。

According a study run by experts, it’s observed that a reduction in white spaces also reduced the reading comprehension. So, if you plan to have a fair volume of text over a webpage, ensure that the text is enough spaced and easily readable.

根据专家进行的一项研究 ,观察到空白空间的减少也会降低阅读理解力。 因此,如果您计划在网页上放置大量文本,请确保文本有足够的间距并且易于阅读。

Gaining Trust of Visitors Instantly


It happens with visitors who are visiting your website for the first time, where they are unsure whether they can lay their trust in you. Hence in-order to gain trust you can have certain pointers over your site that can help you with it. Customer feedbacks, testimonials, awards etc. can help you with that. Also, it is important to have call-to-action buttons placed at prominent places over the webpage, preferably near such pointers. That should help you achieve a better click ratio.

首次访问您的网站的访问者会遇到这种情况,他们不确定他们是否可以信任您。 因此,为了获得信任,您可以在您的网站上使用某些指针来帮助您。 客户的反馈,推荐,奖励等都可以帮助您。 同样重要的是,将号召性用语按钮放在网页上方的显眼位置,最好是在此类指针附近。 这样可以帮助您获得更好的点击率。

Curb unnecessary steps/pages


A webpage with more number of steps to the desired completion point tends to repel the visitor from doing the expected. Therefore, it is important to curb the steps to bare minimum. For example, if you have an eCommerce store and if you have say 7-8 steps for order completion process, there are less chances that an individual ends up paying you. They’d rather move to some other site. Instead if you can reduce those steps to 3-4 you’d not only see an increase in conversion but also expect a positive customer experience.

到所需完成点的步骤数更多的网页往往会阻止访问者执行预期操作。 因此,重要的是将步骤限制到最低限度。 例如,如果您拥有一家电子商务商店,并且您说了7-8个步骤来完成订单,那么个人最终向您付款的可能性就较小。 他们宁愿搬到其他站点。 相反,如果您可以将这些步骤减少到3-4,那么您不仅会看到转换率的提高,而且还会期望获得积极的客户体验。

A Fast loading website tends to be more successful


Slow loading websites are like a bad omen for its owners as nobody would ever like a site that takes ages to load. It tends to make a negative impact over customer experience, hence affecting sales conversions. So, what’s the ideal load time for any website? Well, according to experts, it should be nothing more than 3 seconds.

缓慢加载的网站对其所有者来说是一个不好的预兆,因为没人会喜欢一个需要长时间加载的网站。 它往往会对客户体验产生负面影响,从而影响销售转换。 那么,任何网站的理想加载时间是多少? 好吧,据专家所说,应该不超过3秒。

Not to mention, having your website hosted with a premium hosting provider can also make a positive impact on the overall performance of your website.



win10 创建访客

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