

1.4 configuring the view and projection matrices
the idea is that we render from the point of view of the light source, which means that we are using the spotlight as if it were a camera.
thus, we have to provide appropriate view and projection matrices.

once we have the matrices, set them up by invoking SetViewProjectionMatrices on the shadow command buffer, execute it, and clear it.



note that the orientation of the camera currently does not affect how the skybox gets rendered.
we pass the camera to DrawSkybox, but that is only used to determine whether the skybox should be drawn at all,
which is controlled via the camera clear flags.

to correctly render the skybox——and the entire scene——we have to setup the view-projection matrix.
this transformation matrix combines the camera’s position and orientation——the view matrix——with the camera’s perspective or orthographic projection——the projection matrix.
u can see this matrix in the frame debugger. it is unity_MatrixVP,
one of the shader properties used when something is drawn.

at the moment, the unity_MatrixVP matrix is always the same.
we have to apply the camera’s properties to the context, via the SetupCameraProperties method.
that sets up the matrix as well as some other properties.







void SetRenderPassAttachments(CommandBuffer cmd, ScriptableRenderPass renderPass, ref CameraData cameraData, ref bool firstTimeStereo){Camera camera = cameraData.camera;ClearFlag cameraClearFlag = GetCameraClearFlag(ref cameraData);// Invalid configuration - use current attachment setup// Note: we only check color buffers. This is only technically correct because for shadowmaps and depth only passes// we bind depth as color and Unity handles it underneath. so we never have a situation that all color buffers are null and depth is bound.uint validColorBuffersCount = RenderingUtils.GetValidColorBufferCount(renderPass.colorAttachments);if (validColorBuffersCount == 0)return;// We use a different code path for MRT since it calls a different version of API SetRenderTargetif (RenderingUtils.IsMRT(renderPass.colorAttachments)){// In the MRT path we assume that all color attachments are REAL color attachments,// and that the depth attachment is a REAL depth attachment too.// Determine what attachments need to be cleared. ----------------bool needCustomCameraColorClear = false;bool needCustomCameraDepthClear = false;int cameraColorTargetIndex = RenderingUtils.IndexOf(renderPass.colorAttachments, m_CameraColorTarget);if (cameraColorTargetIndex != -1 && (m_FirstTimeCameraColorTargetIsBound || (cameraData.isXRMultipass && m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear) )){m_FirstTimeCameraColorTargetIsBound = false; // register that we did clear the camera target the first time it was boundfirstTimeStereo = true;// Overlay cameras composite on top of previous ones. They don't clear.// MTT: Commented due to not implemented yet//                    if (renderingData.cameraData.renderType == CameraRenderType.Overlay)//                        clearFlag = ClearFlag.None;// We need to specifically clear the camera color target.// But there is still a chance we don't need to issue individual clear() on each render-targets if they all have the same clear parameters.needCustomCameraColorClear = (cameraClearFlag & ClearFlag.Color) != (renderPass.clearFlag & ClearFlag.Color)|| CoreUtils.ConvertSRGBToActiveColorSpace(camera.backgroundColor) != renderPass.clearColor;if(cameraData.isXRMultipass && m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear)// For multipass mode, if m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear == true, then both color and depth buffer need clearing (not just color)needCustomCameraDepthClear = (cameraClearFlag & ClearFlag.Depth) != (renderPass.clearFlag & ClearFlag.Depth);m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear = false; // register that the XR camera multi-pass target does not need clear any more (until next call to BeginXRRendering)}// Note: if we have to give up the assumption that no depthTarget can be included in the MRT colorAttachments, we might need something like this:// int cameraTargetDepthIndex = IndexOf(renderPass.colorAttachments, m_CameraDepthTarget);// if( !renderTargetAlreadySet && cameraTargetDepthIndex != -1 && m_FirstTimeCameraDepthTargetIsBound)// { ...// }if (renderPass.depthAttachment == m_CameraDepthTarget && m_FirstTimeCameraDepthTargetIsBound)// note: should be split m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear into m_XRColorTargetNeedsClear and m_XRDepthTargetNeedsClear and use m_XRDepthTargetNeedsClear here?{m_FirstTimeCameraDepthTargetIsBound = false;//firstTimeStereo = true; // <- we do not call this here as the first render pass might be a shadow pass (non-stereo)needCustomCameraDepthClear = (cameraClearFlag & ClearFlag.Depth) != (renderPass.clearFlag & ClearFlag.Depth);//m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear = false; // note: is it possible that XR camera multi-pass target gets clear first when bound as depth target?//       in this case we might need need to register that it does not need clear any more (until next call to BeginXRRendering)}// Perform all clear operations needed. ----------------// We try to minimize calls to SetRenderTarget().// We get here only if cameraColorTarget needs to be handled separately from the rest of the color attachments.if (needCustomCameraColorClear){// Clear camera color render-target separately from the rest of the render-targets.if ((cameraClearFlag & ClearFlag.Color) != 0)SetRenderTarget(cmd, renderPass.colorAttachments[cameraColorTargetIndex], renderPass.depthAttachment, ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.ConvertSRGBToActiveColorSpace(camera.backgroundColor));if ((renderPass.clearFlag & ClearFlag.Color) != 0){uint otherTargetsCount = RenderingUtils.CountDistinct(renderPass.colorAttachments, m_CameraColorTarget);var nonCameraAttachments = m_TrimmedColorAttachmentCopies[otherTargetsCount];int writeIndex = 0;for (int readIndex = 0; readIndex < renderPass.colorAttachments.Length; ++readIndex){if (renderPass.colorAttachments[readIndex] != m_CameraColorTarget && renderPass.colorAttachments[readIndex] != 0){nonCameraAttachments[writeIndex] = renderPass.colorAttachments[readIndex];++writeIndex;}}if (writeIndex != otherTargetsCount)Debug.LogError("writeIndex and otherTargetsCount values differed. writeIndex:" + writeIndex + " otherTargetsCount:" + otherTargetsCount);SetRenderTarget(cmd, nonCameraAttachments, m_CameraDepthTarget, ClearFlag.Color, renderPass.clearColor);}}// Bind all attachments, clear color only if there was no custom behaviour for cameraColorTarget, clear depth as needed.ClearFlag finalClearFlag = ClearFlag.None;finalClearFlag |= needCustomCameraDepthClear ? (cameraClearFlag & ClearFlag.Depth) : (renderPass.clearFlag & ClearFlag.Depth);finalClearFlag |= needCustomCameraColorClear ? 0 : (renderPass.clearFlag & ClearFlag.Color);// Only setup render target if current render pass attachments are different from the active ones.if (!RenderingUtils.SequenceEqual(renderPass.colorAttachments, m_ActiveColorAttachments) || renderPass.depthAttachment != m_ActiveDepthAttachment || finalClearFlag != ClearFlag.None){int lastValidRTindex = RenderingUtils.LastValid(renderPass.colorAttachments);if (lastValidRTindex >= 0){int rtCount = lastValidRTindex + 1;var trimmedAttachments = m_TrimmedColorAttachmentCopies[rtCount];for (int i = 0; i < rtCount; ++i)trimmedAttachments[i] = renderPass.colorAttachments[i];SetRenderTarget(cmd, trimmedAttachments, renderPass.depthAttachment, finalClearFlag, renderPass.clearColor);}}}else{// Currently in non-MRT case, color attachment can actually be a depth attachment.RenderTargetIdentifier passColorAttachment = renderPass.colorAttachment;RenderTargetIdentifier passDepthAttachment = renderPass.depthAttachment;// When render pass doesn't call ConfigureTarget we assume it's expected to render to camera target// which might be backbuffer or the framebuffer render textures.if (!renderPass.overrideCameraTarget){// Default render pass attachment for passes before main rendering is current active// early return so we don't change current render target setup.if (renderPass.renderPassEvent < RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingOpaques)return;passColorAttachment = m_CameraColorTarget;passDepthAttachment = m_CameraDepthTarget;}ClearFlag finalClearFlag = ClearFlag.None;Color finalClearColor;if (passColorAttachment == m_CameraColorTarget && (m_FirstTimeCameraColorTargetIsBound || (cameraData.isXRMultipass && m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear))){m_FirstTimeCameraColorTargetIsBound = false; // register that we did clear the camera target the first time it was boundfinalClearFlag |= (cameraClearFlag & ClearFlag.Color);finalClearColor = CoreUtils.ConvertSRGBToActiveColorSpace(camera.backgroundColor);firstTimeStereo = true;if (m_FirstTimeCameraDepthTargetIsBound || (cameraData.isXRMultipass && m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear)){// m_CameraColorTarget can be an opaque pointer to a RenderTexture with depth-surface.// We cannot infer this information here, so we must assume both camera color and depth are first-time bound here (this is the legacy behaviour).m_FirstTimeCameraDepthTargetIsBound = false;finalClearFlag |= (cameraClearFlag & ClearFlag.Depth);}m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear = false; // register that the XR camera multi-pass target does not need clear any more (until next call to BeginXRRendering)}else{finalClearFlag |= (renderPass.clearFlag & ClearFlag.Color);finalClearColor = renderPass.clearColor;}// Condition (m_CameraDepthTarget!=BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget) below prevents m_FirstTimeCameraDepthTargetIsBound flag from being reset during non-camera passes (such as Color Grading LUT). This ensures that in those cases, cameraDepth will actually be cleared during the later camera pass.if (   (m_CameraDepthTarget!=BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget ) && (passDepthAttachment == m_CameraDepthTarget || passColorAttachment == m_CameraDepthTarget) && m_FirstTimeCameraDepthTargetIsBound )// note: should be split m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear into m_XRColorTargetNeedsClear and m_XRDepthTargetNeedsClear and use m_XRDepthTargetNeedsClear here?{m_FirstTimeCameraDepthTargetIsBound = false;finalClearFlag |= (cameraClearFlag & ClearFlag.Depth);//firstTimeStereo = true; // <- we do not call this here as the first render pass might be a shadow pass (non-stereo)// finalClearFlag |= (cameraClearFlag & ClearFlag.Color);  // <- m_CameraDepthTarget is never a color-surface, so no need to add this here.//m_XRRenderTargetNeedsClear = false; // note: is it possible that XR camera multi-pass target gets clear first when bound as depth target?//       in this case we might need need to register that it does not need clear any more (until next call to BeginXRRendering)}elsefinalClearFlag |= (renderPass.clearFlag & ClearFlag.Depth);// Only setup render target if current render pass attachments are different from the active onesif (passColorAttachment != m_ActiveColorAttachments[0] || passDepthAttachment != m_ActiveDepthAttachment || finalClearFlag != ClearFlag.None)SetRenderTarget(cmd, passColorAttachment, passDepthAttachment, finalClearFlag, finalClearColor);}}


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