
英音 [wi:l] 美音 [wil]


n. 轮子;旋转;Wheels 汽车;有…轮子的汽车(或自行车等);

vi. 转动,旋转;突然转变方向;

vt. 推;拉(车);使变换方向;(使)迅速转身;


Noun:a simple machine consisting of a circular frame with spokes (or a solid disc) that can rotate on a shaft or axle (as in vehicles or other machines)

a handwheel that is used for steering

forces that provide energy and direction;

"the wheels of government began to turn"

a circular helm to control the rudder of a vessel

game equipment consisting of a wheel with slots that is used for gambling; the wheel rotates horizontally and players bet on which slot the roulette ball will stop in

an instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victims

a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals


change directions as if revolving on a pivot;

"They wheeled their horses around and left"

wheel somebody or something

move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle;

"The President's convoy rolled past the crowds"

ride a bicycle


cartwheel n. (大车)车轮;侧手翻,侧身筋斗;

cogwheel n. 钝齿轮,木齿铁轮;

flywheel n. 调速轮;

freewheel n. 自由飞轮; vi. 轻快地行动,凭惯性前进;

gearwheel n. 大齿轮;

pinwheel n. 轮转焰火,纸风车;针轮;靶中心;

wheelbarrow n. 独轮手推车;

wheelbase n. 前后轮之车轮轴距离,轴距;

wheelchair n. 轮椅;

wheeled adj. 有轮的,用轮子行走的;

wheeler n. 车夫,车轮制造人;明轮船;

wheelhouse n. 舵手室;

wheelie n. 自行车前轮离地平衡特技;

wheelman n. 舵手;骑自行车的人;(机动车)驾驶员;开车的(人);

wheelsman n. 舵手,骑脚踏车的人;

wheelwork n. (钟表等的)齿轮装置,转动装置;

wheelwright n. 车轮制造人,车匠;


antifriction wheel 减摩轮;

Athey wheel 履带轮;

wheel borer 轮孔镗床;

pedestal wheel 导线立轮;

wheel aligner 车轮对准器;

grinding wheel n. 砂轮;

straight wheel 盘形轮;

wheel bracket 导轮支架;

wheel bearing 轮轴轴承;

wheel shoulder 轮肩;

indicator wheel 指示轮;

hour wheel driving wheel 时轮传动轮;

resinoid wheel 树脂胶结砂轮;

sheet wheel 薄片砂轮;

saucer wheel 盘型砂轮,碟形砂轮;

multitype wheel 多次印字轮;

main-wheel 主轮;

wheel drag 车轮制动器,轮闸,轮阻力;

buff wheel 抛光轮;

catherine wheel n. 轮转烟火,烟花;


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