Orale 12c RAC环境ALERT LOG中出现Resize operation completed for file#


1 BANNER                                                                 CON_ID
2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
3 Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production          0
4 PL/SQL Release - Production                                                0
5 CORE    Production                                              0
6 TNS for Linux: Version - Production                                    0
7 NLSRTL Version - Production                                          0


 1 2018-06-24T06:16:00.766417+08:00
 2 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 208896K, new size 209920K
 3 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 209920K, new size 210944K
 4 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 210944K, new size 211968K
 5 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 211968K, new size 212992K
 6 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 212992K, new size 214016K
 7 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 214016K, new size 215040K
 8 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 215040K, new size 216064K
 9 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 216064K, new size 217088K
10 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 217088K, new size 218112K
11 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 218112K, new size 219136K
12 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 219136K, new size 220160K
13 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 220160K, new size 221184K
14 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 221184K, new size 222208K
15 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 222208K, new size 223232K
16 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 223232K, new size 224256K
17 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 224256K, new size 225280K
18 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 225280K, new size 226304K
19 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 226304K, new size 227328K
20 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 227328K, new size 228352K
21 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 228352K, new size 229376K
22 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 229376K, new size 230400K
23 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 230400K, new size 231424K
24 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 231424K, new size 232448K
25 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 232448K, new size 233472K
26 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 233472K, new size 234496K
27 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 234496K, new size 235520K
28 2018-06-24T06:16:01.769459+08:00
29 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 235520K, new size 236544K
30 Resize operation completed for file# 201, old size 236544K, new size 237568K


1 select a.ksppinm name,b.ksppstvl value,a.ksppdesc description
2   from x$ksppi a,x$ksppcv b
3  where a.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance')
4    and b.inst_id = USERENV ('Instance')
5    and a.indx = b.indx
6    and upper(a.ksppinm) LIKE upper('%&param%')
7 order by NAME;

1 NAME                           VALUE        DESCRIPTION
2 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 _asm_skip_resize_check                   FALSE        skip the checking of the clients for s/w compatibility for resize
4 _bct_public_dba_buffer_dynresize           2            allow dynamic resizing of public dba buffers, zero to disable
5 _disable_file_resize_logging               FALSE        disable file resize logging to alert log


1 SQL> alter system set "_disable_file_resize_logging"=TRUE scope=spfile sid='*';
3 System altered.



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