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1 decade ago

2011年2月23日 GMT+8 下午8:15

Hello, Kelly:

As far as I know, Script (when it existed, before COMSOL version 4) needed a particular license. But, in COMSOL versions prior to 4, you could (can) use MATLAB with no aditional charge (from COMSOL). Al least in version 3.5, in "File / Client-ServerMATLAB / Connect to MATLAB" you can run MATLAB connected to COMSOL, or directly run both: "COMSOL 3.x with MATLAB". For this, you must have specified previously MATLAB path (typically at installation time). From COMSOL you can, for instance, export a "fem" structure directly to MATLAB, analyse there and many more things ... (I liked running my simulation from MATLAB: this can be easily made by saving your model as .m and opening ---and editing if you want--- it in MATLAB).

Good luck.


Hello, Kelly:

As far as I know, Script (when it existed, before COMSOL version 4) needed a particular license. But, in COMSOL versions prior to 4, you could (can) use MATLAB with no aditional charge (from COMSOL). Al least in version 3.5, in "File / Client-ServerMATLAB / Connect to MATLAB" you can run MATLAB connected to COMSOL, or directly run both: "COMSOL 3.x with MATLAB". For this, you must have specified previously MATLAB path (typically at installation time). From COMSOL you can, for instance, export a "fem" structure directly to MATLAB, analyse there and many more things ... (I liked running my simulation from MATLAB: this can be easily made by saving your model as .m and opening ---and editing if you want--- it in MATLAB).

Good luck.


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