Remi Magnard

COMSOL Employee

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5 years ago

2016年3月24日 GMT+8 下午4:53


First make sure that the MATLAB version is supported with the COMSOL version you are running, see the system requirement, 5.2 interfacing product suite page (there is a link to previous version too) below:

Then verify that the MATLAB root directory path is properly set in COMSOL. To proceed, in the COMSOL Desktop go to Preferences > LiveLink products. In the MATLAB installation folder field enter the MATLAB root directory.

Windows OS users also need to click Register MATLAB as COM Server button.

Finally restart COMSOL.

If this does not help, try to uninstall LiveLink for MATLAB and install it again.

If you still have issue, please contact the support team with a complete description of your installation (COMSOL and MATLAB version, operating system).

Best regards,


First make sure that the MATLAB version is supported with the COMSOL version you are running, see the system requirement, 5.2 interfacing product suite page (there is a link to previous version too) below:

Then verify that the MATLAB root directory path is properly set in COMSOL. To proceed, in the COMSOL Desktop go to Preferences > LiveLink products. In the MATLAB installation folder field enter the MATLAB root directory.

Windows OS users also need to click Register MATLAB as COM Server button.

Finally restart COMSOL.

If this does not help, try to uninstall LiveLink for MATLAB and install it again.

If you still have issue, please contact the support team with a complete description of your installation (COMSOL and MATLAB version, operating system).

Best regards,

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