Are you looking to sell domain names? So was I…

您要出售域名吗? 我也是…

I’d been selling Web hosting packages for a while when I decided to start a domain name registration site. After all, the two businesses go virtually hand in hand, and it’s not a bad way to make a few extra bucks. However, when I started to look at setting up a site, I was really disappointed by the options that were available. The solutions either were not powerful enough, or the site had to look like every other site that used that solution (too cookie cutter for me). Finally, I came to DRAMS, from

当我决定启动一个域名注册站点时,我一直在出售Web托管程序包。 毕竟,这两家公司几乎是携手并进的,这不是赚几美元的好方法。 但是,当我开始考虑设置站点时,我对可用的选项感到非常失望。 这些解决方案要么功能不够强大,要么该站点必须看起来像使用该解决方案的其他站点一样(对我来说也太小巧了)。 最后,我从dramsystem.com来到DRAMS 。

DRAMS (the Domain Registration and Management System) is a fully customizable domain name registration package based on a PHP and MySQL backend. It’s a template-based solution for eNom resellers that’s ideal for Web hosts and anyone else who is interested in setting up a domain name registration site at little expense. With DRAMS, your users can register, renew, and transfer domains — all on your site!

DRAMS(域名注册和管理系统)是基于PHP和MySQL后端的完全可自定义的域名注册软件包。 这是面向eNom经销商的基于模板的解决方案,非常适合Web主机以及任何有兴趣以很少的费用建立域名注册站点的人。 使用DRAMS,您的用户可以在您的站点上注册,续订和转让域!

As I installed, customized, and worked with DRAMS, I had to learn quite a bit about it and get it running smoothly in a live environment. Here, briefly, is my take on how DRAMS stacks up.

当我安装,定制和使用DRAMS时,我必须学习很多有关它并使其在实际环境中平稳运行。 简而言之,这就是我对DRAMS如何堆积的看法。

安装 (Installation)

Once I had acquired my eNom reseller account and set up accounts with the payment processors of my choice (PayPal and 2Checkout), I was ready to get started. DRAMS is very flexible as far as payment processors are concerned. It will work with Authorizenet, PayPal, InfoDial, 2Checkout, WorldPay, PSIGate, Revecom/Paysystems and Echo credit card processing.

获得我的eNom经销商帐户并使用我选择的付款处理程序(PayPal和2Checkout)设置帐户后,就可以开始了。 就支付处理器而言,DRAMS非常灵活。 它将与Authorizenet,PayPal,InfoDial,2Checkout,WorldPay,PSIGate,Revecom / Paysystems和Echo信用卡处理一起使用。

DRAMS runs on Linux, Windows and BSD operating systems, and requires PHP (with safe_mode off and register_globals on), cURL + SSL and a Web certificate (though it’s not always required, it is recommended).

DRAMS在Linux,Windows和BSD操作系统上运行,并且需要PHP(关闭safe_mode和register_globals处于打开状态),cURL + SSL和Web证书(尽管并不总是必需的,但建议这样做)。

The installation process is simple, especially if you’ve ever installed a script such as phpBB, vBulletin, or Post Nuke, etc. Upload the files, edit a few files, run a few files, and you’re done!

安装过程很简单,特别是如果您曾经安装过phpBB,vBulletin或Post Nuke等脚本,那么上传文件,编辑一些文件,运行一些文件就可以了!

从用户的角度 (From a User Standpoint)

DRAMS allows users to set up their own user account on your site. This allows them to manage all their domain names from one simple portfolio page, and to utilize all the features that eNom offers, without ever leaving your site. From modifying whois records to setting name servers, they can do it all, thanks to DRAMS. IN fact, this is one of the major benefits that DRAMS offers.

DRAMS允许用户在您的站点上设置自己的用户帐户。 这使他们可以从一个简单的投资组合页面管理所有域名,并利用eNom提供的所有功能,而无需离开您的站点。 从修改whois记录到设置名称服务器,多亏了DRAMS,他们可以完成所有工作。 实际上,这是DRAMS提供的主要好处之一。

行政 (Administration)

The DRAMS administration section is straightforward and easy to use.


You are able to set prices, set reseller pricing (people can sign up for reseller accounts through you), set a parking page (to which all domains will redirect after being registered), manage user accounts, manage domains, view transactions, and much more.


Through the “Admin Console,” you are able to register, renew and transfer domains in a just a few seconds. This is especially useful if a client pays for a domain, but for some reason the registry is down and the domain registration does not go through. You simply have to go into the console, type in the name, select the user’s account and click “register.” The domain will be registered and the money (your basis price) will be taken out of your eNom account.

通过“管理控制台”,您可以在几秒钟内注册,续订和转让域。 如果客户为域名付费,这非常有用,但是由于某些原因,注册表会关闭并且域名注册不会通过。 您只需进入控制台,输入名称,选择用户帐户,然后单击“注册”。 该域名将被注册,资金(您的基准价格)将从您的eNom帐户中取出。

One other feature worth mentioning is the Populate tool. If you have previously registered domains through your eNom account, this tool will allow you to bring them onto your DRAMS site and even assign them to different user accounts.

另一个值得一提的功能是“填充”工具。 如果您先前已经通过eNom帐户注册了域,则此工具将使您可以将它们带到DRAMS站点上,甚至可以将它们分配给其他用户帐户。

模板定制 (Template Customization)

If you wish to customize the look and feel of your DRAMS template, it’s not terribly difficult (especially if you’ve previously produced a phpBB or similar template), though it has the potential to be time consuming.


Within the template files is the actual text of your Website. If you wish to edit the text on a certain page — and you may very well wish to do so — you will have to edit that file. However, all of the files stick to the same style of writing, so if it is different from the way you want it to sound, you will need to open most files and edit them. As I said, it’s not hard, but it is time consuming.

模板文件中包含您网站的实际文本。 如果您希望编辑特定页面上的文本(并且您可能非常希望这样做),则必须编辑该文件。 但是,所有文件都遵循相同的书写风格,因此,如果它与您想要的发声方式不同,则需要打开大多数文件并进行编辑。 如我所说,这并不难,但很耗时。

The default DRAMS distribution includes 4 templates; a limited number of templates made by third parties are available for free at the DRAMS Support Forums.

默认的DRAMS发行版包括4个模板。 在DRAMS支持论坛上免费提供了由第三方制作的有限数量的模板。

模块和修改 (Modules and Modifications)

The DRAMS team offers several additional modules that mirror popular eNom features. These range in price from US$7.50 to US$15.00 and include Name-My-Phone, Name-My-Map, Dynamic DNS, DNS Hosting and Word Search.

DRAMS团队提供了几个其他模块,这些模块反映了流行的eNom功能。 价格范围从7.50美元到15.00美元不等,包括“我的名字的电话”,“我的名字的地图”,动态DNS,DNS托管和单词搜索。

In addition to these, there is a Modifications forum within the DRAMS Support Forums where DRAMS users post free modifications you can use with DRAMS. My favorite was the generic lookup box, which allows you to create a lookup box that can be put on any site. The user enters a domain name into the blank field, selects an extension, and goes straight to your site to check the domain’s availability and buy.

除此之外,在DRAMS支持论坛中还有一个Modifications论坛,DRAMS用户可以在其中发布可用于DRAMS的免费修改。 我最喜欢的是通用查找框,它使您可以创建可以放在任何站点上的查找框。 用户在空白字段中输入域名,选择扩展名,然后直接进入您的站点以检查该域的可用性并购买。

支持 (Support)

DRAMS comes with a manual that’s generally helpful. It could be a slightly more detailed, but it’s not bad. It answers a lot of the common DRAMS questions and will guide you through much of the setup and customization of DRAMS.

DRAMS随附一本通常很有帮助的手册。 可能会稍微详细一点,但还不错。 它回答了许多常见的DRAMS问题,并将指导您完成DRAMS的许多设置和定制。

I ran into several small problems as I set up DRAMS, and the support people were reasonably good. You can receive support by email or in the DRAMS support forums (where staff and regular users may try to assist you together). Both support methods are included free with your DRAMS license.

设置DRAMS时,我遇到了几个小问题,支持人员也相当不错。 您可以通过电子邮件或在DRAMS支持论坛中获得支持(工作人员和常规用户可以在其中寻求帮助)。 DRAMS许可证免费包含两种支持方法。

DRAM —值得一试 (DRAMS — Worth A Try)

Looking at what is available for eNom resellers, DRAMS is really the best system that I’ve come across. US$60 buys you an owned license (which you can use forever), unlimited support, and 1 year of upgrades, which represents solid value. If you’re looking seriously at getting into the domain name registration business, DRAMS is definitely worth a try.

看看eNom经销商可用的产品,DRAMS确实是我遇到的最好的系统。 60美元可为您购买一个拥有的许可证(您可以永久使用),无限的支持和1年的升级,这代表了稳定的价值。 如果您正在认真考虑进入域名注册业务,那么DRAMS绝对值得一试。

Rating: 4/5 Title: DRAMS 4.0 Publisher: Total Online Solutions Buy it: at for US$60.00 (owned license).

评分: 4/5 标题: DRAMS 4.0 发行商: Total Online Solutions 可以在dramsystem.com上以60美元(自己的许可证)的价格购买它


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