

Prototype 字符串处理:方法操作使用例子 - 学习如何操纵DOM和AJAX使用Prototype JavaScript框架.Prototype提高了一个有用的方法,从琐碎的一系列复杂的String对象.



注: 确保你有至少1.6版本的的prototype.js.

Methods Description
blank() 检查是否该字符串是“空白”,意思是空的或含有唯一的空白.
camelize() 转换成驼峰相当于由破折号分隔的字符串。例如,'foo-bar“将被转换为'fooBar'.
capitalize() Capitalizes the first letter of a string and downcases all the others.
dasherize() Replaces every instance of the underscore character ("_") by a dash ("-").
empty() Checks if the string is empty.
endsWith() Checks if the string ends with substring.
escapeHTML() Converts HTML special characters to their entity equivalents.
evalJSON() Evaluates the JSON in the string and returns the resulting object.
evalScripts() Evaluates the content of any script block present in the string. Returns an array containing the value returned by each script.
extractScripts() Extracts the content of any script block present in the string and returns them as an array of strings.
gsub() Returns the string with every occurrence of a given pattern replaced by either a regular string, the returned value of a function or a Template string.
include() Check if the string contains a substring.
inspect() Returns a debug-oriented version of the string.
interpolate() Treats the string as a Template and fills it with object's properties.
isJSON() Check if the string is valid JSON by the use of regular expressions. This security method is called internally.
parseQuery() Parses a URI-like query string and returns an object composed of parameter/value pairs.
scan() Allows iterating over every occurrence of the given pattern
startsWith() Checks if the string starts with substring.
strip() Strips all leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
stripScripts() Strips a string of anything that looks like an HTML script block.
stripTags() Strips a string of any HTML tag.
sub() Returns a string with the first count occurrences of pattern replaced by either a regular string, the returned value of a function or a Template string.
succ() Used internally by ObjectRange. Converts the last character of the string to the following character in the Unicode alphabet.
times() Concatenates the string count times.
toArray() Splits the string character-by-character and returns an array with the result.
toJSON() Returns a JSON string.
toQueryParams() Parses a URI-like query string and returns an object composed of parameter/value pairs.
truncate() Truncates a string to the given length and appends a suffix to it (indicating that it is only an excerpt).
underscore() Converts a camelized string into a series of words separated by an underscore ("_").
unescapeHTML() Strips tags and converts the entity forms of special HTML characters to their normal form.
unfilterJSON () Strips comment delimiters around Ajax JSON or JavaScript responses. This security method is called internally.


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