Careers support for Masters students
Careers Service
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Masters student
PhD student
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The Careers Service understands how stressful it can be to be trying to figure out what to do after Cambridge, alongside an intensive Masters course.

We know that you are short of time. Our approach is to try and save you time and maximise your chances of success.

We can help you whether you have no idea what to do after Cambridge, a few ideas or a clear idea.

Activate your account on Handshake, the Careers Service platform for access to: 1-to-1 guidance consultations; booking your spot on workshops and briefings; careers fairs and employer presentations. Make sure tell us what stage you are at and what you are interested in and we will tailor our information for you.

Watch this video Getting Started: Resources for Masters Students to ensure you get information on briefings, employer presentations, careers fairs, graduate schemes and jobs that interest you.

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