Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students

Mental health 心理健康
GHQ-12 一般健康问卷.
Work organization 工作组织
Psychosocial working conditions 心理社会工作条件
PhD students 博士生

Research policy observers are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of current academic working conditions on mental health, particularly in PhD students. The aim of the current study is three-fold. First, we assess the prevalence of mental health problems in a representative sample of PhD students in Flanders, Belgium (N = 3659). Second, we compare PhD students to three other samples: (1) highly educated in the general population (N = 769); (2) highly educated employees (N = 592); and (3) higher education students (N = 333). Third, we assess those organizational factors relating to the role of PhD students that predict mental health status. Results based on 12 mental health symptoms (GHQ-12) showed that 32% of PhD students are at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder, especially depression. This estimate was significantly higher than those obtained in the comparison groups. Organizational policies were significantly associated with the prevalence of mental health problems. Especially work-family interface, job demands and job control, the supervisor’s leadership style, team decision-making culture, and perception of a career outside academia are linked to mental health problems.

1. Introduction
1.1. Mental health concerns at universities

An unfavorable shift in the labor-supply demand balance, a growing popularity of short-term contracts, budget cuts and increased competition for research resources may paint a bleak picture of academic careers for prospective PhD students (e.g. Biron et al., 2008; Petersen et al., 2012; Walsh and Lee, 2015).

Some studies suggest that stress is more prevalent in younger academics (see e.g. Kinman, 2001), a group that typically faces high levels of job insecurity.

As a result, the media increasingly reports testimonies of depression and anxiety, burnout and emotional exhaustion. However, the prevalence of mental health problems as shown in official registries remains low. National figures in 2012 for higher education in the UK, for example, show that approximately one in 500 individuals disclosed a mental health problem to their university(Shaw, 2015). Reluctance to seek help is often caused by fear of stigma, retaliation or the expected negative impact on one’s future career(OECD,

1.2. Why is the mental health of PhD students important for research policy?

2. Background and literature review
2.1. PhD students in Flanders, Belgium
2.2. Prior research on mental health in the university sector

First, previous studies have been largely restricted to one specific discipline (especially health and social care) (e.g. El-Ghoroury et al., 2012), campus, department or university (see also Gillespie et al., 2001), and are therefore prone to reflecting discipline or institution related pecificity. Second, the number of published studies focusing on mental health of PhD students is limited (El-Ghoroury et al., 2012), as most studies have focused on the undergraduate level (Peluso et al., 2011). Epidemiological studies provide a plethora of data demonstrating the steadily increasing rates of college students aged between 18 and 24 with diagnosable mental health problems, and there is evidence that students already begin their university careers with mood, anxiety and eating disorders (Blanco et al., 2008). The limited research that is available on graduate students suggests they may be vulnerable to developing depression (Peluso et al., 2011). Other studies, especially European and Australian ones, have tended to utilize samples of university employees in general and mostly reported aggregate findings (Kinman, 2008), making it difficult to draw fine-grained conclusions on the mental health of PhD students as a separate category.

Reported prevalence rates vary considerably, depending on the sample, the specific health problem considered and the measurement instrument being used. Most studies have focused on psychological well-being, psychological distress, or on depression as a specific manifestation of distress. As the issue of mental health is complex and multidimensional, comparison of prevalence rates assessed with different measurement tools should be carried out with caution, as convergent validity between mental health measures is not always high (e.g. Shankman and Klein, 2002).

2.3. Work organization and mental health problems in universities

For PhD students, the primary context for their roles as students and researchers is the university. The few studies on PhD students suggest that stress may stem from various problems in the PhD process, such as problems concerning one’s own learning, different aspects of insecurity (financial insecurity, insecurity concerning unwritten rules), frequent evaluation, competitive atmosphere, supervision, relationships to faculty and peers, workload and work-life interface (Appel and Dahlgren, 2003; Kurtz-Costes et al., 2006; Stubb et al., 2011, 2012).

For PhD students in the humanities and social sciences, establishing one’s own research idea (and thus often working in isolation) may constitute more of a challenge in terms of perseverance, given also the lack of consensus over the quality criteria in these fields (Long and Fox, 1995).

In Flanders, most PhD students have no prior work experience, implying that the initial PhD phase is associated with taking on new roles, new tasks and responsibilities and entering into new relationships. New work environments might stressful, and this can trigger, among other things, fear of failure (Elliset al., 2015). Fear of failure might also be more prevalent at the end of a PhD track, when funding is running out and the submission deadline is rapidly approaching. This stress is often accompanied by the stress associated with making future career decisions.
在法兰德斯,大多数博士生没有以前的工作经验,这意味着最初的博士阶段与承担新角色,新任务和职责以及建立新的关系有关。 新的工作环境可能会带来压力,除其他外,这可能会引发对失败的恐惧(Elliset等人,2015)。在博士课程结束时,当资金用尽且提交截止日期临近时,对失败的恐惧也可能更加普遍。这种压力通常伴随着做出未来职业决策的压力。对失败的恐惧在博士课程结束时可能更为普遍,因为资金即将耗尽,提交截止日期也在迅速临近。这种压力往往伴随着与未来职业决策相关的压力。

3. Data and methodology
3.1. Sample 1: PhD students
3.2. Sample 2: comparison groups
3.3. Variables
3.3.1. Mental health problems
3.3.2. Work context
3.3.4. Sociodemographics
3.4. Analytical strategy

4. Results

In Table 4 we assessed the prevalence of mental health problems. Results showed that 51% of PhD students experienced at least two symptoms (GHQ2+), 40% reported at least three symptoms (GHQ3+), while 32% reported at least four symptoms (GHQ4+).

The percentages in columns 2–4 in Table 4 clearly demonstrate that, in terms of mental health problems, PhD students were consistently more affected (as indicated by the higher number of symptoms) than the highly educated general population, highly educated employees and higher education students.

For psychological distress (GHQ2+), the prevalence was about twice as high in PhD students compared to the highly educated general population (RR=1.90) and highly educated employees (RR=2.02).
对于心理困扰(GHQ2),博士生的患病率是普通高学历人群(RR 1.90)和高学历员工(RR 2.02)的两倍。

The odds of experiencing at least two psychological symptoms were 34% higher for female PhD students than for males (OR = 1.336); the odds of having at least four symptoms was 27% higher (OR = 1.273). Age was not significantly associated with mental health. The OR for having partner was 0.779 for GHQ2+, indicating that having a partner was associated with lower levels of psychological distress. As for having children in the household, Table 5 shows that there was no association with GHQ2+. However, there was a significant OR of 0.653 for the GHQ4+, indicating that those persons having one or more children in the household showed significantly lower odds of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder.

5. Discussion and conclusion
5.1. Contributions

Official registration of both staff and student mental health problems (e.g. depression, anxiety, burnout or emotional exhaustion) by universities is relatively low, which seems to be in stark contrast with the picture painted in media reports.

Previous research on well-being and mental health in academia has usually been restricted to one specific discipline or university.

5.2. Summary of main findings

Our study shows that 51% of the PhD students in Flanders report at least two symptoms on the GHQ-12 (GHQ2+), 40% report at least three symptoms (GHQ3+), while 32% experience at least four symptoms (GHQ4+). These prevalence rates suggest that a sizeable group of PhD students experience psychological distress or is at risk of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder. Most prevalent are feelings of being under constant strain, unhappiness and depression, sleeping problems due to worries, inability to overcome difficulties and not being able to enjoy day-to-day activities. The prevalence of having or developing a common psychiatric disorder was 2.43 times higher in PhD students compared to the highly educated in the general population. It was 2.84 times higher compared to highly educated employees and 1.85 times higher compared to higher education students.

Multivariate analyses show that work-family conflict is the most important predictor of both psychological distress and a risk of a common psychiatric disorder in PhD students. Another strong predictor is job demands, followed by family-work conflict, job control and inspirational leadership style. A closed decision making culture was found to have a significant impact on risk of psychiatric disorder only.

5.3. Limitations and alternative explanations
5.4. Policy implications


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