As many of you will be aware, the UK government announced a new 2 year (3 year for PHD students) ‘Graduate Route’ visa starting from summer 2021. The UK Home Office have now provided a factsheet with some more information about the visa. The UK Council for International Student Affairs also has a useful news story from 24 January 2020 regarding the visa.

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, many students are studying online/blended learning during the 2020-21 academic year and are currently outside the UK, the government previously announce specific dates which students would need to physically be in the UK by to be eligible. We have today received further details regarding this, in particular regarding the requirement to be in the UK by a specific date to be eligible.
Students currently overseas will still be eligible for the graduate route visa as long as they meet one of the following situations:
Students on a course longer than 12 months, for example bachelors students (in any year of study), or 2 year masters students, will not be prevented from being eligible for the Graduate route as a result of any distance learning that took place either in the UK or overseas between the period of 24 January 2020 and 27 September 2021. If you are due to graduate in summer 2021 and wish to apply for the Graduate route visa, you will need to enter the UK using the Tier 4/Student visa that you hold and apply for the Graduate route visa from within the UK before your Student visa expires.
Students who started a one-year Masters in Sep/Oct/Nov 2020 and are completing their course in summer 2021, will need to enter the UK on a ‘Student’ visa on or before 21 June 2021, this is a recent change of an earlier date of 6th April 2021.
Students who started a one-year Masters programme in January or February 2021 will need to enter the UK on a ‘Student’ visa before 27 September 2021 and complete the final semester of their studies in the UK.
Students who are studying courses lasting longer than a year who are not due to complete in 2021, and who have studied all or part of the 2020/21 academic year via distance learning will still be eligible for the graduate route; this is because there is an expectation you will be required to recommence in-person learning during the 2021-22 academic year. You will need to hold a ‘Student’ visa whilst completing your studies.
All students who would like to obtain a Graduate route visa will need to apply for the visa within the UK after completing their studies, we understand the visa application fee will be £700 and full Immigration Health Surcharge will also need to be paid.

Please note, there will be other eligibility criteria not related to the covid-19 pandemic. We will update our webpage as soon as we have further confirmed details from the UK government.

IAG will also be delivering a presentation on the new Graduate Route Visa in due course after we have full guidance from the UK government. The information above is everything we know so far. Please keep a check on your emails and our ‘presentations and workshop’ webpage for further details.

Best wishes

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