电动力学每日一题 2021/10/10


(a) There’s no electric field inside the shell, so
E(r)={0,r<RQr^4πϵ0r2,r>R\textbf E(\textbf r) = \begin{cases} 0, r < R \\ \frac{Q \hat r}{ 4 \pi \epsilon_0 r^2}, r>R \end{cases}E(r)={0,r<R4πϵ0​r2Qr^​,r>R​

The energy density is
E(r)=12ϵ0∣E∣2+12μ0∣H∣2={μ0I28π2r2sin⁡2θ,r<RQ232π2ϵ0r4+μ0I28π2r2sin⁡2θ,r>R\mathcal{E}(\textbf r) = \frac{1}{2} \epsilon_0 |\textbf E|^2 + \frac{1}{2}\mu_0 |\textbf H|^2=\begin{cases} \frac{\mu_0 I^2}{8 \pi^2 r^2 \sin^2 \theta},r<R \\ \frac{Q^2}{32 \pi^2 \epsilon_0 r^4}+\frac{\mu_0 I^2}{8 \pi^2 r^2 \sin^2 \theta} ,r>R\end{cases}E(r)=21​ϵ0​∣E∣2+21​μ0​∣H∣2={8π2r2sin2θμ0​I2​,r<R32π2ϵ0​r4Q2​+8π2r2sin2θμ0​I2​,r>R​

(b) The Poynting vector is
S(r)=E×H={0,r<R−QI8π2ϵ0r3sin⁡θθ^,r>R\textbf S(\textbf r) = \textbf E \times \textbf H = \begin{cases}0,r<R \\ -\frac{QI}{8\pi^2 \epsilon_0 r^3 \sin \theta} \hat \theta , r>R \end{cases}S(r)=E×H={0,r<R−8π2ϵ0​r3sinθQI​θ^,r>R​

Evaluate divergence of Poynting vector under spherical coordinate system, if θ∈(0,π)\theta \in(0,\pi)θ∈(0,π), r>Rr>Rr>R,
∇⋅S=1rsin⁡θ∂∂θ(sin⁡θSθ)=1rsin⁡θ∂∂θ(sin⁡θ−QI8π2ϵ0r3sin⁡θ)=0\begin{aligned}\nabla \cdot \textbf S & = \frac{1}{r \sin \theta} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}(\sin \theta S_{\theta}) \\ & =\frac{1}{r \sin \theta} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\left(\sin \theta \frac{-QI}{8\pi^2 \epsilon_0 r^3 \sin \theta}\right) =0\end{aligned}∇⋅S​=rsinθ1​∂θ∂​(sinθSθ​)=rsinθ1​∂θ∂​(sinθ8π2ϵ0​r3sinθ−QI​)=0​

(c) Along the z-axis, the Poynting vector is directed toward the wire where z>R,θ→0z>R, \theta \to 0z>R,θ→0 and away from the wire where z<−R,θ→πz<-R,\theta \to \piz<−R,θ→π. Taking a small cylinder of radius ϵ\epsilonϵ and height δ\deltaδ whose center on the bottom locates on (0,0,R)(0,0,R)(0,0,R), the surface integral of S(r)\textbf S(\textbf r)S(r) over the cylinder is
∮CylinderS⋅da=∫SideofCylinderS⋅da=−(2πϵδ)(QI8π2ϵ0r3sin⁡θ)\oint_{Cylinder} \textbf S \cdot d \textbf a=\int_{Side\ of\ Cylinder} \textbf S \cdot d \textbf a=-(2 \pi \epsilon \delta) \left( \frac{QI}{8\pi^2 \epsilon_0 r^3 \sin \theta}\right)∮Cylinder​S⋅da=∫Side of Cylinder​S⋅da=−(2πϵδ)(8π2ϵ0​r3sinθQI​)

Now θ\thetaθ is so small that ϵ≈rsin⁡θ\epsilon \approx r \sin \thetaϵ≈rsinθ, ∣z∣=∣rcos⁡(θ)∣≈r|z| = |r \cos(\theta)| \approx r∣z∣=∣rcos(θ)∣≈r,
−(2πϵδ)(QI8π2ϵ0r3sin⁡θ)≈−QIδ4πϵ0z2-(2 \pi \epsilon \delta) \left( \frac{QI}{8\pi^2 \epsilon_0 r^3 \sin \theta}\right) \approx- \frac{QI \delta}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 z^2}−(2πϵδ)(8π2ϵ0​r3sinθQI​)≈−4πϵ0​z2QIδ​

Consider the electric field acting on the wire at zzz over a short segment of length δ\deltaδ. The work is
∫SegmentE⋅Jfreedl=QIδ4πϵ0z2\int_{Segment} \textbf E \cdot \textbf J_{free} dl=\frac{Q I \delta }{ 4 \pi \epsilon_0 z^2} ∫Segment​E⋅Jfree​dl=4πϵ0​z2QIδ​

Thus, the energy re-enters the wire in the region above the shell. Similarly, the energy emanates from the wire in the region below the shell.

∇⋅S+∂E∂t=0\nabla \cdot \textbf S + \frac{\partial \mathcal{E}}{\partial t} = 0∇⋅S+∂t∂E​=0

∇⋅S=1rsin⁡θ∂∂θ(sin⁡θSθ)=1rsin⁡θ∂∂θ(−QI8π2ϵ0r3)\nabla \cdot \textbf S =\frac{1}{r \sin \theta} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}(\sin \theta S_{\theta}) = \frac{1}{r \sin \theta} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\left( \frac{-QI}{8\pi^2 \epsilon_0 r^3 }\right)∇⋅S=rsinθ1​∂θ∂​(sinθSθ​)=rsinθ1​∂θ∂​(8π2ϵ0​r3−QI​)

当θ→0\theta \to 0θ→0或者θ→π\theta \to \piθ→π时,sin⁡θ→0\sin \theta \to 0sinθ→0,∇⋅S\nabla \cdot S∇⋅S成了00\frac{0}{0}00​不定型。所以(c)问要讨论能量守恒需要用积分形式,在小体积内,Poynting vector的曲面积分应该等于电线携带的能量变化,也就应该等于电磁场对电线做的功。

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