最近项目需要一个支持SNMP的Monitoring Software, 于是对比了以下几款软件:

Features Observium  Spiceworks ipMonitor 
Support SNMP v1/v2c/v3
Show Ports & Port Status
(Show Interface IP/ Address /Mac /Type /In(Bps)/ Out(Bps)/ Admin Status/ Op Status )

(Show Status/Type/rtt/Availability/Coverage/Duration/Enable)
Realtime software updates and fixes x
Twice-yearly releases x x
Number of monitored devices, ports and sensors Unlimited Unlimited Max 50 Monitors
Full autodiscovery of supported devices and metrics
Scan Ip Range x
Network mapping through discovery protocols x
Grouping devices x
Threshold, State and Syslog Alerting x
Traffic accounting system x x x
RESTful API x x x
Email Report/Alerts x
(Can Email Report on Schedule)
Download & Install https://docs.observium.org/ http://download.canadiancontent.net/Spiceworks.html# https://support.solarwinds.com/SuccessCenter/s/ipmonitor

Spiceworks 偏向于IT 管理软件,ipMonitor 最多这能管理50个ports, 所以Observium是比较好的SNMP Monitoring Software.


Menu Sub Menu/Tab Features Details Remarks
Dashboards Default Dashboard Map
Alert Table
Alert Boxes
Alert Log
Traffic Composition
Status Summary
Status Table(Old)
Status Boxes(Old)
Configurable 1. The dashboard provides a configurable, dynamic front page for Observium.
2. You can Move, Delete or Reload a widget by using the controls which appear when you hover over a widget in editing mode.
3. Widgets can be resized by using the resize handles which appear at the bottom left and bottom right corners of the widget when it is hovered over.
4. Widgets automatically update their data periodically.
5. The placement and order of modules on the front page is defined by a config.php variable. The default includes some useful modules :
$config['frontpage']['order'] = array('status_summary', 'map',
                                      'device_status_boxes', 'device_status',
Create Dashboard Status Summary
Alert Table
Alert Boxes
Status Warning and Notifications
Devices All Devices Basic  - Device
 - Operating System
 - Uptime
1. Observium was designed to auto-discover as much as possible. The auto-discovery process begins by using SNMP to gather information about a device. This information allows Observium to discover all the internal sensors and interfaces of this device.
All of these items are required for auto-discovery to work correctly:

SNMP must be enabled on your devices and be reachable by Observium
   - SNMP settings on your devices must match what you have configured in config.php
   - Access control lists (ACL) on the device must permit the IP of Observium
   - Devices must return valid, resolvable sysNames. If the sysName
   - reported by a device is not resolvable, the device won't be added. There are several ways to correct this:

Last 6 hour
This Week
Last Week
This Month
Last Month
This quarter
Last quarter
This Year
Last Year

 - Device / Location
 - Operating System / Hardware Platform
 - Uptime / sysName
Status Device / Location
Graphs Device Avaliability
- Traffic (Rx/Tx)
- IP Statistics
IP Fragmentation Statistics
SNMp Packets
SNMP Statistics
TCP Established Connections
TCP Segments
TCP Statistics
UDP Datagram
Ping Response
SNMP Response
Poller Duration
Poller Mysql OPerations
Plller Memory Usage
Poller SNMP Requests
Poller SNMP Errors
Poller SNMP Errors Time
Poller SNMP Times
Device Uptime
Add Device/Delete Device   Hostname
Protocol Version( v1/v2c/v3)
Ignore existing RRDs
SNMP Community
SNMP Context
Locations       Network mapping through discovery protocols
All Ports Port List Device
Traffic %
MAC Address
Graphs/Aggregation Graphs Bits In
Ucast Pkts In
UN Pkts Broadcast
Packet Sizze In
Pecentage In
Errors Errors
Discards In
Ethernet Errors    
FDB Count    
Alerting Creating Alert Checkers     1. First of all when you create an alert, you need to choose the 'entity' type that you are building the alert for. Examples of entity types include Port, Device and Sensor.
2. Once you picked the entity type, there's a couple of more things that need to be filled in but these are simple, pick a name for the alert, and pick a message you want to be included once an alert is sent out.
3. The associations pane allows you to define an initial set of rules to match entities to your checker.
Alert Loging      
Syslog Alerting     1. Syslog alerting allows you to generate notifications from syslog messages that are produced by your devices. This allows notification of potential issues which aren't easily detected during the regular poller process, such as OSPF changes, duplicate IP and MAC addresses and configuration changes.
2. Syslog alerting in Observium integrates with the existing contact system, so it allows you to notify via the usual channels, E-mail, ,XMPP, etc.
Syslog Rules     1. Syslog Rules are built using standard PCRE regular expressions.
2  A simple rule to match the word "duplicate" anywhere in the syslog message would look like:


Notification Transports E-mail
External Program
  1. By default Observium will attempt to email alerts to the sysContact retrieved from the device via SNMP. If a default email contact has been configured, this will be used for all devices instead.
2.  Telegram is a messaging application available for many platforms including iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS and Linux. To use it as a notification transport you need a Telegram account, Telegram Bot and (optional) Group, where this Bot and Account have been added.
Users Add Users   Username
Real Name
User Level
  -Global Secure Read / Limited Write
  -Global Secure Read
  -Global Read
  - Normal User
  - Normal User
  - Disabled
Edit users      
Authlog   Date
My Profile User Information
Change Password
The last 10 login attempts
Global MIB Configuration       This page allows you to globally disable individual MIBs. This configuration disables all discovery and polling using this MIB.
Polling Information Poller Wrapper History
Graphs Graph Info:
- Devices
- Threads
- Wrapper Processes
Last 6 hour
This Week
Last Week
This Month
Last Month
This quarter
Last quarter
This Year
Last Year
Customers   Customer
Status BreakDown Errors      
Health Processors      

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