《OpenShift 4.x HOL教程汇总》
说明:本文已经在OpenShift 4.7环境中验证


  • 安装Compliance Operator
  • 查看Compliance Operator相关对象
  • 合规扫描
    • 配置定时合规扫描
    • 获取扫描结果文件
      • 通过辅助 Pod 获取扫描结果
      • 通过 oc-compliance 命令插件获取扫描结果
    • 查看扫描结果
      • 查看扫描结果
      • 查看扫描报告
  • 参考

安装Compliance Operator

  1. 进入OpenShift控制台OperatorHub,找到“Compliance Operator”点击进入。
  2. 接受缺省配置,安装“Compliance Operator”。缺省会将“Compliance Operator”安装到“openshift-compliance”项目中。
  3. 安装完进入“Compliance Operator”。

查看Compliance Operator相关对象

  1. 查看profilebundle对象,说明profile有以下2类,可以通过label区分它们。
$ oc get profilebundle.compliance -n openshift-compliance
NAME     CONTENTIMAGE                                                                                                                     CONTENTFILE         STATUS
ocp4     registry.redhat.io/openshift4/compliance-content-rhel8@sha256:4529b9bb32c1846a38e38363fa872713b1c1e6b26b34d887813432f97cff368c   ssg-ocp4-ds.xml     VALID
rhcos4   registry.redhat.io/openshift4/compliance-content-rhel8@sha256:4529b9bb32c1846a38e38363fa872713b1c1e6b26b34d887813432f97cff368c   ssg-rhcos4-ds.xml   VALID
  1. 查看所有profile对象。
$ oc get profile.compliance -n openshift-compliance
NAME                 AGE
ocp4-cis             24s
ocp4-cis-node        24s
ocp4-e8              24s
ocp4-moderate        23s
ocp4-moderate-node   24s
ocp4-nerc-cip        23s
ocp4-nerc-cip-node   23s
ocp4-pci-dss         23s
ocp4-pci-dss-node    23s
rhcos4-e8            17s
rhcos4-moderate      17s
rhcos4-nerc-cip      17s
  1. 通过label只查看和“rhcos4”相关的profile。
$ oc get profile.compliance -l compliance.openshift.io/profile-bundle=rhcos4 -n openshift-compliance
rhcos4-e8         3m20s
rhcos4-moderate   3m20s
rhcos4-nerc-cip   3m20s
  1. 查看名为“rhcos4-e8”的profile包含的rule。
$ oc get profile.compliance rhcos4-e8 -n openshift-compliance -o json | jq .rules
  1. 查看所有的rule。
$ oc get rule.compliance -n openshift-compliance
NAME                                                                                AGE
ocp4-accounts-restrict-service-account-tokens                                       11m
ocp4-accounts-unique-service-account                                                11m
ocp4-api-server-admission-control-plugin-alwaysadmit                                11m
ocp4-api-server-admission-control-plugin-alwayspullimages                           11m
ocp4-api-server-admission-control-plugin-namespacelifecycle                         11m
ocp4-api-server-admission-control-plugin-noderestriction                            11m
ocp4-api-server-admission-control-plugin-scc                                        11m
ocp4-api-server-admission-control-plugin-securitycontextdeny                        11m
ocp4-api-server-admission-control-plugin-serviceaccount                             11m
ocp4-api-server-anonymous-auth                                                      11m
ocp4-api-server-api-priority-flowschema-catch-all                                   11m
ocp4-api-server-api-priority-gate-enabled                                           11m
ocp4-api-server-api-priority-v1alpha1-flowschema-catch-all                          11m
ocp4-api-server-audit-log-maxbackup                                                 11m
ocp4-api-server-audit-log-maxsize                                                   11m
ocp4-api-server-audit-log-path                                                      11m
ocp4-api-server-auth-mode-no-aa                                                     11m
ocp4-api-server-auth-mode-node                                                     11m
ocp4-api-server-auth-mode-rbac                                                      11m
ocp4-api-server-basic-auth                                                          11m
ocp4-api-server-bind-address                                                        11m
ocp4-api-server-client-ca                                                           11m
  1. 查看一个rule的配置。
$ oc get rule.compliance rhcos4-accounts-no-uid-except-zero -n openshift-compliance -oyaml
apiVersion: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1
description: If any account other than root has a UID of 0, this misconfiguration should
be investigated and the accounts other than root should be removed or have
their UID changed.<html:br></html:br>If the account is associated with system commands or applications the UID
should be changed to one greater than "0" but less than "1000."
Otherwise assign a UID greater than "1000" that has not already been
id: xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_accounts_no_uid_except_zero
kind: Rule
metadata:annotations:compliance.openshift.io/image-digest: pb-rhcos4z4pqhcompliance.openshift.io/rule: accounts-no-uid-except-zerocontrol.compliance.openshift.io/NIST-800-53: IA-2;AC-6(5);IA-4(b)policies.open-cluster-management.io/controls: IA-2,AC-6(5),IA-4(b)policies.open-cluster-management.io/standards: NIST-800-53creationTimestamp: "2021-06-13T03:23:01Z"generation: 1labels:compliance.openshift.io/profile-bundle: rhcos4name: rhcos4-accounts-no-uid-except-zeronamespace: openshift-complianceownerReferences:- apiVersion: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1blockOwnerDeletion: truecontroller: truekind: ProfileBundlename: rhcos4uid: e38773a2-bee3-4e50-b1c6-bcced0233c18resourceVersion: "3186523"selfLink: /apis/compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1/namespaces/openshift-compliance/rules/rhcos4-accounts-no-uid-except-zerouid: c9662df3-497a-4fbe-ade5-08bd2521cf97
rationale: An account has root authority if it has a UID of 0. Multiple accounts&#xA;with a UID of 0 afford more opportunity for potential intruders to
guess a password for a privileged account. Proper configuration of
sudo is recommended to afford multiple system administrators
access to root privileges in an accountable manner.
severity: high
title: Verify Only Root Has UID 0
  1. 查看当前已有的 ScanSetting。
$ oc get ScanSetting
NAME                 AGE
default              4h18m
default-auto-apply   4h18m
  1. 其中上面两者的差异为 default 只做扫描,而 default-auto-apply 会自动修复发现的问题。查看两者的 YAML,主要是以下 2 行的区别。
autoUpdateRemediations: true
autoApplyRemediations: true



  1. 创建1个文件,ScanSetting定义了每10分钟对master和worker节点进行一次扫描。为每个节点分配2G空间保留扫描结果,循环保留最后5个扫描结果。
$ cat << EOF > periodic-setting.yaml
apiVersion: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ScanSetting
metadata:name: periodic-settingnamespace: openshift-compliance
schedule: "0/10 0 * * *"
rawResultStorage:size: "2Gi"rotation: 5
roles:- worker- master
EOF$ oc create -f periodic-setting.yaml
  1. 创建1个文件,ScanSettingBinding定义了扫描使用“rhcos4-e8”和“ocp4-e8”两个profile,并且使用名为“periodic-setting”的ScanSetting配置。
$ cat << EOF > periodic-e8.yaml
apiVersion: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: ScanSettingBinding
metadata:name: periodic-e8namespace: openshift-compliance
profiles:# Node checks- name: rhcos4-e8kind: ProfileapiGroup: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1# Platform checks- name: ocp4-e8kind: ProfileapiGroup: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1
settingsRef:name: periodic-settingkind: ScanSettingapiGroup: compliance.openshift.io/v1alpha1
EOF$ oc create -f periodic-e8.yaml
  1. 查看合规扫描compliancescan。由于需要持续运行一段时间,直到 PHASE 显示 DONE 即运行完成。
$ oc get compliancesuite -n openshift-compliance -w
NAME          PHASE         RESULT
periodic-e8   PENDING       NOT-AVAILABLE
periodic-e8   RUNNING       NOT-AVAILABLE
periodic-e8   RUNNING       NOT-AVAILABLE
periodic-e8   RUNNING       NOT-AVAILABLE
periodic-e8   RUNNING       NOT-AVAILABLE
periodic-e8   RUNNING       NOT-AVAILABLE
periodic-e8   DONE          NON-COMPLIANT
  1. 查看名为“ocp4-e8”的合规扫描的结果compliancecheckresult。
$ oc get compliancecheckresult -n openshift-compliance -l compliance.openshift.io/scan-name=ocp4-e8
NAME                                               STATUS   SEVERITY
ocp4-e8-api-server-encryption-provider-cipher      FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-api-server-tls-cipher-suites               PASS     medium
ocp4-e8-ocp-allowed-registries                     FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-ocp-allowed-registries-for-import          FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-ocp-idp-no-htpasswd                        FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-rbac-limit-cluster-admin                   MANUAL   medium
ocp4-e8-rbac-pod-creation-access                   MANUAL   medium
ocp4-e8-rbac-wildcard-use                          MANUAL   medium
ocp4-e8-scc-limit-container-allowed-capabilities   PASS     medium
ocp4-e8-scc-limit-privilege-escalation             MANUAL   medium
ocp4-e8-scc-limit-privileged-containers            MANUAL   medium
ocp4-e8-scc-limit-root-containers                  MANUAL   medium
  1. 查看名为“ocp4-e8”的合规扫描结果compliancecheckresults,且“check-status=FAIL”或“check-severity=medium”。
$ oc get compliancecheckresult -n openshift-compliance -l compliance.openshift.io/scan-name=ocp4-e8,compliance.openshift.io/check-status=FAIL
NAME                                            STATUS   SEVERITY
ocp4-e8-api-server-encryption-provider-cipher   FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-ocp-allowed-registries                  FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-ocp-allowed-registries-for-import       FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-ocp-idp-no-htpasswd                     FAIL     medium$ oc get compliancecheckresult -l compliance.openshift.io/scan-name=ocp4-e8,compliance.openshift.io/check-severity=medium
NAME                                               STATUS   SEVERITY
ocp4-e8-api-server-encryption-provider-cipher      FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-api-server-tls-cipher-suites               PASS     medium
ocp4-e8-ocp-allowed-registries                     FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-ocp-allowed-registries-for-import          FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-ocp-idp-no-htpasswd                        FAIL     medium
ocp4-e8-rbac-limit-cluster-admin                   MANUAL   medium
ocp4-e8-rbac-pod-creation-access                   MANUAL   medium
ocp4-e8-rbac-wildcard-use                          MANUAL   medium
ocp4-e8-scc-limit-container-allowed-capabilities   PASS     medium
ocp4-e8-scc-limit-privilege-escalation             MANUAL   medium
ocp4-e8-scc-limit-privileged-containers            MANUAL   medium
ocp4-e8-scc-limit-root-containers                  MANUAL   medium
  1. 查看名为“rhcos4-e8-master”和“rhcos4-e8-worker”的合规扫描结果compliancecheckresults。
$ oc get compliancecheckresult -n openshift-compliance -l compliance.openshift.io/scan-name=rhcos4-e8-master
$ oc get compliancecheckresult -n openshift-compliance -l compliance.openshift.io/scan-name=rhcos4-e8-worker
  1. 统计不同状态的扫描结果数量。
$ echo -n PASS: && oc get compliancecheckresult -n openshift-compliance | grep PASS | wc -l && \
echo -n FAIL: && oc get compliancecheckresult -n openshift-compliance | grep FAIL | wc -l && \
echo -n INFO: && oc get compliancecheckresult -n openshift-compliance | grep INFO | wc -l && \
echo -n MANUAL: && oc get compliancecheckresult -n openshift-compliance | grep MANUAL | wc -l && \
echo -n NOT-APPLICABLE: && oc get compliancecheckresult -n openshift-compliance | grep NOT-APPLICABLE | wc -lPASS:235



通过辅助 Pod 获取扫描结果


  1. 查看所有compliancescan的扫描结果保存的PV名称。
$ oc get compliancescans -n openshift-compliance -o json | jq '.items[].status.resultsStorage'
{"name": "ocp4-e8","namespace": "openshift-compliance"
{"name": "rhcos4-e8-master","namespace": "openshift-compliance"
{"name": "rhcos4-e8-worker","namespace": "openshift-compliance"
  1. 验证在OpenShift中已经有“rhcos4-e8-master”的PV了,它是用来保存 rhcos4-e8-master 扫描结果的 PV。
$ oc get pvc -n openshift-compliance
NAME                   STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
ocp4-e8                Bound    pvc-7e363d19-69d7-4bde-939a-74212e9cf9d3   2Gi        RWO            gp2            33m
rhcos4-e8-master       Bound    pvc-cb6a9594-5333-4d8d-8959-9429a9212ea3   2Gi        RWO            gp2            33m
rhcos4-e8-worker       Bound    pvc-00a3ed90-d608-436b-84e0-40ea435937d8   2Gi        RWO            gp2            34m
  1. 创建一个pod,也将其挂载到上一步看到的名为“rhcos4-e8-master”的PV。
$ cat << EOF > pv-extract.yaml
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: Pod
metadata:name: pv-extractnamespace: openshift-compliance
spec:containers:- name: pv-extract-podimage: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubicommand: ["sleep", "3000"]volumeMounts:- mountPath: "/master-scan-results"name: master-scan-volvolumes:- name: master-scan-volpersistentVolumeClaim:claimName: rhcos4-e8-master
EOF$ oc create -f pv-extract.yaml
  1. 确认名为“pv-extract”的pod已经运行起来。
$ oc get pod pv-extract -n openshift-compliance
pv-extract   1/1     Running   0          34s
  1. 将名为“pv-extract”的pod的合规扫描结果复制到本地“extract_results_dir”目录中。
$ oc -n openshift-compliance cp pv-extract:/master-scan-results ./extract_results_dir
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
  1. 查看本地目录中已经包含扫描结果的打包文件。
$ ll extract_results_dir/0/
total 488
-rw-r--r--. 1 lab-user users 529771 Feb 28 03:28 rhcos4-e8-master-ip-10-0-136-94.us-east-2.compute.internal-pod.xml.bzip2
-rw-r--r--. 1 lab-user users 529801 Feb 28 03:28 rhcos4-e8-master-ip-10-0-179-237.us-east-2.compute.internal-pod.xml.bzip2
-rw-r--r--. 1 lab-user users 529790 Feb 28 03:28 rhcos4-e8-master-ip-10-0-218-59.us-east-2.compute.internal-pod.xml.bzip2$ cd extract_results_dir/0/

通过 oc-compliance 命令插件获取扫描结果

此种方法需要有 registry.redhat.io 账号用来下载oc-compliance 命令插件,该插件可用来简化使用 oc 命令对合规结果进行操作。

  1. 创建使用的目录,并安装必要的工具和 openscap-scanner。
$ mkdir ~/.local/bin
$ podman login -u <USER> -p <PASSWORD> registry.redhat.io
$ podman run --rm --entrypoint /bin/cat registry.redhat.io/compliance/oc-compliance-rhel8 /usr/bin/oc-compliance > ~/.local/bin/oc-compliance
Trying to pull registry.redhat.io/compliance/oc-compliance-rhel8...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob f0ae454850a7 done
Copying blob 053724d29990 done
Copying blob ecbbd3f38c20 done
Copying config df71917de3 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures$ chmod +x ~/.local/bin/oc-compliance
  1. 使用oc-compliance获取和名为periodic-e8的scansettingbinding相关的扫描结果,保存到指定目录。
$ mkdir /tmp/periodic-e8
$ oc-compliance fetch-raw scansettingbinding periodic-e8 -o /tmp/periodic-e8
Fetching results for periodic-e8 scans: rhcos4-e8-worker, rhcos4-e8-master, ocp4-e8
Fetching raw compliance results for scan 'rhcos4-e8-worker'.....
The raw compliance results are avaliable in the following directory: /tmp/periodic-e8/rhcos4-e8-worker
Fetching raw compliance results for scan 'rhcos4-e8-master'...
The raw compliance results are avaliable in the following directory: /tmp/periodic-e8/rhcos4-e8-master
Fetching raw compliance results for scan 'ocp4-e8'......
The raw compliance results are avaliable in the following directory: /tmp/periodic-e8/ocp4-e8
  1. 确认获取的扫描结果中的内容。
$ tree /tmp/periodic-e8/
├── ocp4-e8
│   └── ocp4-e8-api-checks-pod.xml.bzip2
├── rhcos4-e8-master
│   ├── rhcos4-e8-master-ip-10-0-136-94.us-east-2.compute.internal-pod.xml.bzip2
│   ├── rhcos4-e8-master-ip-10-0-179-237.us-east-2.compute.internal-pod.xml.bzip2
│   └── rhcos4-e8-master-ip-10-0-218-59.us-east-2.compute.internal-pod.xml.bzip2
└── rhcos4-e8-worker├── rhcos4-e8-worker-ip-10-0-135-205.us-east-2.compute.internal-pod.xml.bzip2└── rhcos4-e8-worker-ip-10-0-200-246.us-east-2.compute.internal-pod.xml.bzip2



  1. 查看所有标签有 “rhcos4-e8-master” 的合规扫描结果,确认其中有 “rhcos4-e8-master-selinux-state”。
$ oc get compliancecheckresult -n openshift-compliance -l compliance.openshift.io/scan-name=rhcos4-e8-master
  1. 查看扫描结果详细情况
$ oc-compliance view-result rhcos4-e8-master-selinux-state
|         KEY          |             VALUE              |
| Title                | Ensure SELinux State is        |
|                      | Enforcing                      |
| Status               | PASS                           |
| Severity             | medium                         |
| Description          | The SELinux state should be    |
|                      | set to enforcing at system     |
|                      | boot time. In the file         |
|                      | /etc/selinux/config , add or   |
|                      | correct the following line to  |
|                      | configure the system to boot   |
|                      | into enforcing mode:           |
|                      |                                |
|                      |                                |
|                      |                                |
|                      | SELINUX= enforcing             |
| Rationale            | Setting the SELinux state to   |
|                      | enforcing ensures SELinux is   |
|                      | able to confine potentially    |
|                      | compromised processes to the   |
|                      | security policy, which is      |
|                      | designed to prevent them from  |
|                      | causing damage to the system   |
|                      | or further elevating their     |
|                      | privileges.                    |
| Instructions         | Check the file                 |
|                      | /etc/selinux/config and ensure |
|                      | the following line appears:    |
|                      |                                |
|                      | SELINUX=                       |
| NIST-800-53 Controls | AC-3, AC-3(3)(a), AU-9,        |
|                      | SC-7(21)                       |
| NERC-CIP Controls    | CIP-003-8 R5.1.1, CIP-003-8    |
|                      | R5.2, CIP-003-8 R5.3,          |
|                      | CIP-004-6 R2.2.3, CIP-004-6    |
|                      | R2.3, CIP-004-6 R3.3,          |
|                      | CIP-007-3 R5.1, CIP-007-3      |
|                      | R5.1.2, CIP-007-3 R5.2,        |
|                      | CIP-007-3 R5.3.1, CIP-007-3    |
|                      | R5.3.2, CIP-007-3 R5.3.3,      |
|                      | CIP-007-3 R6.5                 |
| Available Fix        | No                             |
| Result Object Name   | rhcos4-e8-master-selinux-state |
| Rule Object Name     | rhcos4-selinux-state           |
| Remediation Created  | No                             |


  1. 安装 openscap-scanner 和其他工具
$ sudo yum install openscap-scanner -y
$ sudo yum install bzip2 -y
  1. 将结果从XML格式文件解压出来,然后转换成 HTML 格式。
$ mkdir /tmp/periodic-e8/ocp4-e8 -p
$ bunzip2 -c /tmp/periodic-e8/ocp4-e8/ocp4-e8-api-checks-pod.xml.bzip2  > /tmp/periodic-e8/ocp4-e8/ocp4-e8-api-checks-pod.xml
$ oscap xccdf generate report /tmp/periodic-e8/ocp4-e8/ocp4-e8-api-checks-pod.xml > /tmp/periodic-e8/ocp4-e8/report.html
  1. 然后可以打开 HTML 格式的扫描报告。



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