
import com.newmediateam.fileIO.*;

import flash.events.*;

import flash.media.*;

import flash.net.*;

import mx.containers.*;

import mx.controls.*;

import mx.core.*;

import mx.events.*;

import mx.styles.*;

public var snd:SoundAsset;

public var documentTypes:FileFilter;

public var soundClass:Class;

public var multiFileUpload:MultiFileUpload;

public var uploadDestination:String = "upload.php";

public var sndChannel:SoundChannel;

public var filesToFilter:Array;

public function uploadsfinished(event:Event) : void


sndChannel = snd.play();


}// end function

public function initApp() : void


var _loc_1:* = new URLVariables();


multiFileUpload = new MultiFileUpload(filesDG, browseBTN, clearButton, delButton, upload_btn, progressbar, uploadDestination, _loc_1, 1024000000, filesToFilter);

multiFileUpload.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, uploadsfinished);


}// end function





//    Multi-File Upload Component Ver 1.1


//  Copyright (C) 2006 Ryan Favro and New Media Team Inc.

//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

//  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

//  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2

//    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


//    GNU General Public License for more details.


//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

//    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

//    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


//    Any questions about this component can be directed to it's author Ryan Favro at ryanfavro@hotmail.com


//  To use this component create a new instance of this component and give it ten parameters


//    EXAMPLE:


//    multiFileUpload = new MultiFileUpload(

//          filesDG,           //

//          browseBTN,         //

//          clearButton,         //

//          delButton,         // < -- Button component to be the button that removes a single selected file from the cue

//          upload_btn,         //

//          progressbar,         //

//          "http://[Your Server Here]/MultiFileUpload/upload.cfm", //

//          postVariables,      // < -- URLVariables type that will contain addition variables to accompany the upload

//          350000,             //< -- Number type to set the max file size for uploaded files in bytes. A value of 0 (zero) = no file limit

//          filesToFilter     // < -- Array containing FileFilters an empty Array will allow all file types

//           );




//    Enjoy!



package com.newmediateam.fileIO {

// Imported Class Definitions

import mx.controls.DataGrid;

import mx.controls.Button;

import mx.controls.ProgressBar;

import mx.controls.ProgressBarMode;

import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.*;

import mx.controls.Alert;

import mx.events.CollectionEvent;

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

import flash.events.*;

import flash.net.FileReferenceList;

import flash.net.FileFilter;

import flash.net.FileReference;

import flash.net.URLRequest;

import flash.net.URLVariables;

public class MultiFileUpload {

//UI Vars

private var _datagrid:DataGrid;

private var _browsebutton:Button;

private var _remselbutton:Button;

private var _remallbutton:Button;

private var _uploadbutton:Button;

private var _progressbar:ProgressBar;

private var _testButton:Button;

//DataGrid Columns

private var _nameColumn:DataGridColumn;

private var _typeColumn:DataGridColumn;

private var _sizeColumn:DataGridColumn;

private var _creationDate:DataGridColumn;

private var _modificationDate:DataGridColumn;

private var _progressColumn:DataGridColumn;

private var _columns:Array;

//File Reference Vars


private var _files:ArrayCollection;

private var _fileref:FileReferenceList

private var _file:FileReference;

private var _uploadURL:URLRequest;

private var  _totalbytes:Number;

//File Filter vars

private var _filefilter:Array;

//config vars

private var _url:String; // location of the file upload handler can be a relative path or FQDM

private var _maxFileSize:Number; //bytes

private var _variables:URLVariables; //variables to passed along to the file upload handler on the server.


public function MultiFileUpload(












_datagrid = dataGrid;

_browsebutton = browseButton;

_remallbutton = removeAllButton;

_remselbutton = removeSelectedButton;

_uploadbutton = uploadButton;

_url = url;

_progressbar = progressBar;

_variables = variables;

_maxFileSize = maxFileSize;

_filefilter = filter;



//Initialize  Component

private function init():void{

// Setup File Array Collection and FileReference

_files = new ArrayCollection();

_fileref = new FileReferenceList;

_file = new FileReference;

// Set Up Total Byes Var

_totalbytes = 0;

// Add Event Listeners to UI

_browsebutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, browseFiles);




_fileref.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectHandler);


// Set Up Progress Bar UI

_progressbar.mode = "manual";

_progressbar.label = "";

// Set Up UI Buttons;

_uploadbutton.enabled = false;

_remselbutton.enabled = false;

_remallbutton.enabled = false;

// Set Up DataGrid UI

_nameColumn = new DataGridColumn;

_typeColumn = new DataGridColumn;

_sizeColumn = new DataGridColumn;

_nameColumn.dataField = "name";

_nameColumn.headerText= "File";

_typeColumn.dataField = "type";

_typeColumn.headerText = "File Type";

_typeColumn.width = 80;

_sizeColumn.dataField = "size";

_sizeColumn.headerText = "File Size";

_sizeColumn.labelFunction = bytesToKilobytes as Function;

_sizeColumn.width = 150;

_columns = new Array(_nameColumn,_typeColumn,_sizeColumn);

_datagrid.columns = _columns

_datagrid.sortableColumns = false;

_datagrid.dataProvider = _files;

_datagrid.dragEnabled = true;

_datagrid.dragMoveEnabled = true;

_datagrid.dropEnabled = true;

// Set Up URLRequest

_uploadURL = new URLRequest;

_uploadURL.url = _url;

_uploadURL.method = "GET";  // this can also be set to "POST" depending on your needs

_uploadURL.data = _variables;

_uploadURL.contentType = "multipart/form-data";



*   PRIVATE METHODS                                     *


//Browse for files

private function browseFiles(event:Event):void{



//Upload File Cue

private function uploadFiles(event:Event):void{

if (_files.length > 0){

_file = FileReference(_files.getItemAt(0));

_file.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, openHandler);

_file.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);

_file.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);








//Remove Selected File From Cue

private function removeSelectedFileFromCue(event:Event):void{

if (_datagrid.selectedIndex >= 0){

_files.removeItemAt( _datagrid.selectedIndex);



//Remove all files from the upload cue;

private function clearFileCue(event:Event):void{



// Cancel Current File Upload

private function cancelFileIO(event:Event):void{





//label function for the datagird File Size Column

private function bytesToKilobytes(data:Object,blank:Object):String {

var kilobytes:String;

kilobytes = String(Math.round(data.size/ 1024)) + ' kb';

return kilobytes


// Feed the progress bar a meaningful label

private function getByteCount():void{

var i:int;

_totalbytes = 0;

for(i=0;i < _files.length;i++){

_totalbytes +=  _files[i].size;


_progressbar.label = "Total Files: "+  _files.length+ " Total Size: " + Math.round(_totalbytes/1024) + " kb"


// Checks the files do not exceed maxFileSize | if _maxFileSize == 0 No File Limit Set

private function checkFileSize(filesize:Number):Boolean{

var r:Boolean = false;

//if  filesize greater then _maxFileSize

if (filesize > _maxFileSize){

r = false;


}else if (filesize <= _maxFileSize){

r = true;



if (_maxFileSize == 0){

r = true;


return r;


// restores progress bar back to normal

private function resetProgressBar():void{

_progressbar.label = "";

_progressbar.maximum = 0;

_progressbar.minimum = 0;


// reset form item elements

private function resetForm():void{

_uploadbutton.enabled = false;


_uploadbutton.label = "Upload";

_progressbar.maximum = 0;

_totalbytes = 0;

_progressbar.label = "";

_remselbutton.enabled = false;

_remallbutton.enabled = false;

_browsebutton.enabled = true;


// whenever the _files arraycollection changes this function is called to make sure the datagrid data jives

private function popDataGrid(event:CollectionEvent):void{




// enable or disable upload and remove controls based on files in the cue;

private function checkCue():void{

if (_files.length > 0){

_uploadbutton.enabled = true;

_remselbutton.enabled = true;

_remallbutton.enabled = true;



_uploadbutton.enabled = false;



// toggle upload button label and function to trigger file uploading or upload cancelling

private function setupCancelButton(x:Boolean):void{

if (x == true){

_uploadbutton.label = "Cancel";

_browsebutton.enabled = false;

_remselbutton.enabled = false;

_remallbutton.enabled = false;


}else if (x == false){






*  File IO Event Handlers                                *


//  called after user selected files form the browse dialouge box.

private function selectHandler(event:Event):void {

var i:int;

var msg:String ="";

var dl:Array = [];

for (i=0;i < event.currentTarget.fileList.length; i ++){

if (checkFileSize(event.currentTarget.fileList[i].size)){


trace("under size " + event.currentTarget.fileList[i].size);

}  else {


trace(event.currentTarget.fileList[i].name + " too large");



if (dl.length > 0){

for (i=0;i

msg += String(dl[i].name + " is too large. \n");


mx.controls.Alert.show(msg + "Max File Size is: " + Math.round(_maxFileSize / 1024) + " kb","File Too Large",4,null).clipContent;



// called after the file is opened before upload

private function openHandler(event:Event):void{

trace('openHandler triggered');



// called during the file upload of each file being uploaded | we use this to feed the progress bar its data

private function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void {


_progressbar.label = "Uploading " + Math.round(event.bytesLoaded / 1024) + " kb of " + Math.round(event.bytesTotal / 1024) + " kb " + (_files.length - 1) + " files remaining";


// called after a file has been successully uploaded | we use this as well to check if there are any files left to upload and how to handle it

private function completeHandler(event:Event):void{

//trace('completeHanderl triggered');


if (_files.length > 0){

_totalbytes = 0;




_progressbar.label = "Uploads Complete";

var uploadCompleted:Event = new Event(Event.COMPLETE);




// only called if there is an  error detected by flash player browsing or uploading a file

private function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void{

//trace('And IO Error has occured:' +  event);



// only called if a security error detected by flash player such as a sandbox violation

private function securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void{

//trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event);

mx.controls.Alert.show(String(event),"Security Error",0);


//  This function its not required

private function cancelHandler(event:Event):void{

// cancel button has been clicked;



//  after a file upload is complete or attemted the server will return an http status code, code 200 means all is good anything else is bad.

private function httpStatusHandler(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void {

//        trace("httpStatusHandler: " + event);

if (event.status != 200){






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