Use it or lose it.


Translation Exercise:


list the keywords: ink, write (wrote, written), lie, cannot(can’t, unable to), cover up, blood, dye, fact

build a sentence: The lie written in ink cannot cover up the fact dyed by the blood.


Lu Xun: True fighters dare face dismal life and dripping blood. What grief and joy are theirs! But the Creator often designs the world for mediocre people, washes old traces away with the elapse of time to leave only pale-red bloodstains and faint grief, and lets men lead ignoble lives amid these to maintain this inhuman world. I don’t know when such a world will come to an end!

We will use the online Java editor to write a simple Java program.

public class SplitLine {public static void main(String []args) {String line = "I love Java programming very much";String[] words = line.split(" ");System.out.println("There are " + words.length + " words.");  }

Run the program and the result is as folllows:

There are 6 words.

describe - description

We cannot describe her beauty with proper words.
Her beauty defies any description.

  1. Just now I created a Java class named SplitLine.
  2. In the class there is a main method as the entrance of the program, which means the program cannot be executed without a main method.
  3. The first statement defines a String variable named line, and assigns a String constant to the variable. This work can be called the variable initialization.
  4. In the second satement, we call the split method of the variable line, pay attention that the method needs a space as the parameter, and then assign the result to the String array named words.


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