

I have to create an application that makes extensive use of charts. Reading the web I chose achartengine that seems to have everything I need.

I downloaded the jar file, I plugged in the libs folder, I selected "add to library" and I lunch the gradlew clean. Result in the sources where I do the import of org.achartengine.xxxx I always returned the error that fails to resolve symbols .

Do you have suggestions? Thank you Andrea


I am able to use this library in my Android Studio project, this topic explains how to add AChartEngine repo to your project.

What I did: Added following to project-wide build.gradle (one from the project root): allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url "https://repository-achartengine.forge.cloudbees.com/snapshot/" } } }

For every module that uses the library, add this to its build.gradle (you may put this to the top-level build.gradle if it should be included in all modules): dependencies { ... compile group: 'org.achartengine', name: 'achartengine', version: '1.2.0' }

Now I can use the library in the project, I see the classes in code assist popups and build runs as succeeds.


It seems like the new version (1.2.0) is not available for download anymore in the http://www.achartengine.org/ site. and that's why the gradle/maven method doesn't work (or the snapshot file was removed). I succeeded using and adding it to my project by downloading the jar file from here: https://github.com/ddanny/achartengine/files/460139/achartengine-1.2.0.zip

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