
class CrossThreadObject(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
public slots:void DoSomething(){ //线程C//blockinig }
}class MainThreadObject(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
...void AsyncCall(){//线程A(主线程)QtConcurrent::run(this, &MainThreadObject::Process);}void Process(){//线程B(QtConcurrent线程)thread_ = new QThread;worker_.moveToThread(thread_);  //此处弹出异常 QObject::moveToThread: Current thread  //(0xAAAAAA) is not the object's thread (0xCCCCCC). //Cannot move to target thread (0xAAAAAA) connect(this, &MainThreadObject::Request, &worker_, &CrossThreadObject::DoSomething);  while(1){//blockingemit Request();}}
signals:void Request();
private:CrossThreadObject worker_;QThread *thread_;


 void Process(){thread_ = new QThread;worker_ = new CrossThreadObject;worker_->moveToThread(thread_);  connect(this, &MainThreadObject::Request, worker_, &CrossThreadObject::DoSomething);  ...}CrossThreadObject *worker_;

官方文档给出了QObject的所属线程规则:Thread Affinity

A QObject instance is said to have a thread affinity, or that it lives in a certain thread. When a QObject receives a queued signal or a posted event, the slot or event handler will run in the thread that the object lives in.
Note: If a QObject has no thread affinity (that is, if thread() returns zero), or if it lives in a thread that has no running event loop, then it cannot receive queued signals or posted events.
By default, a QObject lives in the thread in which it is created. An object’s thread affinity can be queried using thread() and changed using moveToThread().
All QObjects must live in the same thread as their parent. Consequently:
-setParent() will fail if the two QObjects involved live in different threads.
-When a QObject is moved to another thread, all its children will be automatically moved too.
-moveToThread() will fail if the QObject has a parent.
-If QObjects are created within QThread::run(), they cannot become children of the QThread object because the QThread does not live in the thread that calls QThread::run().
Note: A QObject’s member variables do not automatically become its children. The parent-child relationship must be set by either passing a pointer to the child’s constructor, or by calling setParent(). Without this step, the object’s member variables will remain in the old thread when moveToThread() is called.

QObject对象的线程归属(thread affinity),决定了该对象的事件循环运行于所属线程。对象默认属于创建这个对象的线程,可以通过moveToThread改变对象的线程归属。
QObject A的成员变量并不会跟随A的线程归属。比如A被moveToThread到别的线程了,其成员变量还是属于原来的线程(创建A的线程),除非通过成员变量的构造函数或setParent设定了A为父对象。

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