Network connection problem with T2080RDB-PC

I am trying to set up a T2080RDB-PC. I can connect via console to access uboot/Linux. I have connected

the ETH2 port (as labelled on front of system) but cannot seen to get a network connection working from

either u-boot or Linux. Have verified that am trying to use the right port as the MAC address is printed on

the board socket, and have checked that this is what I am attempting to use from u-boot/Linux.

In u-boot have set environment so that FM1@TGEC3 is the default ethernet device, as sen from this u-boot

startup snippet:

Net: Fman1: Uploading microcode version 106.4.18

According to the user guide FM1@TGEC3 actually maps to the ETH2 labelled port, further confirmed with

the uboot bdinfo command that shows I am using the correct device:

ethaddr = 00:04:9F:05:34:46

When trying to ping from uboot, I get:

FM1@TGEC3 Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete................................ TIMEOUT !
FM1@TGEC3: No link.

The ETH2 Tx/Rx lights on the panel are in a continuous alternating flash pattern.

There is a typo in the QorIQ T2080 Reference Design Board Quick Start, Table 2.

Corrected version is:

Both the ports are 10GB.

It is required to connect T2080 10G port to another 10G port or 1G to 1G.

[T2080RDB]# setenv ethact FM1@GTEC3

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