
The personal data enclosed in this application file will demonstrate my profile as a child prodigy who entered into Jilin University at 16 and joined the country's topmost scientific research institution as a graduate student at 20. Now with an engineering experience of 4 years at the age of 24, I would like to scale still higher intellectual heights by pursuing advanced studies, an education process that I hope will gain me the competitive edge for personal growth and push me to the forefront of scientific progress.

Immersed in the academic atmosphere of an intellectual family, I was encouraged in my early childhood by my parents to read books in a wide range of disciplines. With this privileged background, I attended primary school at 6, at least one year earlier than the normal admission age of 7 or older. I felt so lucky-God blessed me with so many natural gifts. At an early age I showed a natural talent in mathematics and a strong memory, the attributes that enabled me to excel my classmates, especially in such challenging subjects as mathematics, physics and chemistry. I took part in a variety of provincial and national contests, demonstrating my excellent academic skills and wining many prizes.

Blessed with my academic potence, I was able to finish my primary and secondary education in 10 years, two years ahead of the usual twelve years. At 16, I entered a privileged class specially designed for the gifted students at Jilin University, a cradle of scientific and technological talents in China. The class selects only 90 students out of more than 1000 child prodigies across China each year. (Jilin University is a prestigious university of general education with 20 departments and a regular annual enrollment of 1,500 students) I studied at Electrical Engineering (E. E) Department, a highly selective department with a gathering of smart students who are hard to compete with.

Four years of undergraduate studies had me well trained in a wide range of disciplines, and my outstanding academic performance encouraged me to pursue an advanced degree. With a concentration on mathematics, communication and computer, I studied a variety of courses in my undergraduate years, among which were Higher Mathematics, Probability Statistics and Stochastic Process, Theories of Signal and Information, High Frequency Circuits and Principles of Modern Communications Systems, Computer Principle and other courses in the Electronic Technology field.

I also studied Western culture, History and Economics in order to build up a good base for my education. With a wish to build a solid foundation for my future research and study, I was fully devoted to my academic training at college. My hard work proved to be successful. My overall GPA of 3.57/4.0 ranked in the top one percent of my class. Upon graduation in 1994, I won easy acceptance into Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications as a graduate student at 20, an age when most Chinese students would be just starting their university education. At this university, I narrowed my academic interest down to the area of mobile communications and digital communications.

My MA education proved to be another period of fruitful and successful academic pursuits. Among the courses I selected were Probability Theory, ISDN & ATM, SPC, Digital Signal Processing, Personal Communications, C++ language. These disciplinary training prepared me to delve deeper in the study of electrical engineering and communications. To keep me informed of the latest developments in my field and to brush up my English language skills, I also read the latest professional journals and periodicals of the telecommunications on a regular basis. Burning the course of my MA program, my outstanding academic records won me various scholarships in seven consecutive years, among which, to name a few, were Excellent Students, Excellent Person, Excellent fellowship.

To garnish this writing with other personal activities other than academic achievements, I need to mention my perfect performance in a dancing contest at Jilin University, which won me the first prize.

Anyway, looking back at my campus life, I feel confident to say that I have fulfilled the education goal to my satisfaction.




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