stl max函数

C ++ STL std :: max_element()函数 (C++ STL std::max_element() function)

max_element() function is a library function of algorithm header, it is used to find the largest element from the range, it accepts a container range [start, end] and returns an iterator pointing to the element with the largest value in the given range.


Additionally, it can accept a function as the third argument that will perform a conditional check on all elements.


Note: To use max_element() function – include <algorithm> header or you can simple use <bits/stdc++.h> header file.

注意:要使用max_element()函数 –包括<algorithm>头文件,或者您可以简单地使用<bits / stdc ++。h>头文件。

Syntax of std::max_element() function

std :: max_element()函数的语法

    std::max_element(iterator start, iterator end, [compare comp]);



  • iterator start, iterator end – these are the iterator positions pointing to the ranges in the container.

    迭代器开始,迭代器结束 –这些是指向容器中范围的迭代器位置。

  • [compare comp] – it's an optional parameter (a function) to be compared with elements in the given range.

    [compare comp] –它是一个可选参数(一个函数),可以与给定范围内的元素进行比较。

Return value: iterator – it returns an iterator pointing to the element with the largest value in the given range.

返回值: iterator –它返回一个迭代器,该迭代器指向给定范围内具有最大值的元素。



int arr[] = { 100, 200, -100, 300, 400 };
//finding largest element
int result = *max_element(arr + 0, arr + 5);
cout << result << endl;

C ++ STL程序演示了std :: max_element()函数的使用 (C++ STL program to demonstrate use of std::max_element() function)

In this program, we have an array and a vector and finding their largest elements.


//C++ STL program to demonstrate use of
//std::max_element() function
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
{//an array
int arr[] = { 100, 200, -100, 300, 400 };
//a vector
vector<int> v1{ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
//finding largest element from the array
int result = *max_element(arr + 0, arr + 5);
cout << "largest element of the array: " << result << endl;
//finding largest element from the vector
result = *max_element(v1.begin(), v1.end());
cout << "largest element of the vector: " << result << endl;
return 0;



largest element of the array: 400
largest element of the vector: 50

Reference: C++ std::max_element()

参考: C ++ std :: max_element()


stl max函数

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