c++ cdi+示例

"not" is an inbuilt keyword that has been around since at least C++98. It is an alternative to ! (Logical NOT) operator and it mostly uses with the conditions.

“ not”是一个内置关键字,至少从C ++ 98起就存在。 它是替代! ( 逻辑非 )运算符,它通常与条件一起使用。

The not keyword returns 1 if the result of the given condition is 0, and it returns 0 if the result of the given condition is 1.




    not operand;

Here, operand is the operand.

在此, 操作数是操作数。



a = 10;
b = 20;
result = not(a < b);
result = 1

C ++示例演示“ not”关键字的用法 (C++ example to demonstrate the use of "not" keyword)

// C++ example to demonstrate the use of
// 'not' operator.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{int num = 20;
if (not(num >= 10 and num <= 50))
cout << "true\n";
cout << "false\n";
if (not(num >= 20 and num <= 50))
cout << "true\n";
cout << "false\n";
if (not(num > 50 and num <= 100))
cout << "true\n";
cout << "false\n";
return 0;




翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/cpp-tutorial/not-keyword-with-example.aspx

c++ cdi+示例

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