
A string t is called an anagram of the string s, if it is possible to rearrange letters in t so that it is identical to the string s. For example, the string "aab" is an anagram of the string "aba" and the string "aaa" is not.

The string t is called a substring of the string s if it can be read starting from some position in the string s. For example, the string "aba" has six substrings: "a", "b", "a", "ab", "ba", "aba".

You are given a string s, consisting of lowercase Latin letters and characters "?". You are also given a string p, consisting of lowercase Latin letters only. Let's assume that a string is good if you can obtain an anagram of the string p from it, replacing the "?" characters by Latin letters. Each "?" can be replaced by exactly one character of the Latin alphabet. For example, if the string p = «aba», then the string "a??" is good, and the string «?bc» is not.

Your task is to find the number of good substrings of the string s (identical substrings must be counted in the answer several times).


The first line is non-empty string s, consisting of no more than 105 lowercase Latin letters and characters "?". The second line is non-empty string p, consisting of no more than 105 lowercase Latin letters. Please note that the length of the string pcan exceed the length of the string s.


Print the single number representing the number of good substrings of string s.

Two substrings are considered different in their positions of occurrence are different. Thus, if some string occurs several times, then it should be counted the same number of times.











Consider the first sample test. Here the string s has two good substrings: "b??" (after we replace the question marks we get "baa"), "???" (after we replace the question marks we get "baa").

Let's consider the second sample test. Here the string s has two good substrings: "ab?" ("?" can be replaced by "c"), "b?c" ("?" can be replaced by "a").


首先告诉你了两个定义:1.字符串的异构(其实就是当前串的某个排列),2.子字符串,3.good string。

给你两个字符串,如果s的子字符串中有和p的某个排列完全相同的,就可以说这个子字符串是符合条件的。S字符串有小写字母和 ' ? ' 组成,而 ' ? ' 可以替换为任意的字母。最后问你,有多少个符合条件的子字符串。(子字符串是连续的若干个字符)


这种字符串涉及排列的,,显然要计数一下的。因为包含p字符串中的所有字母及对应个数相同的话,那么就可以满足。类似这道题【CodeForces - 1038A 】Equality (思维水题,预处理字符串)。



using namespace std;
const int MAX = 1e5 +5;
int bk[555],cnt[555],ans;
char s[MAX],p[MAX];
int main()
//  printf("%d",'?');int len1 = strlen(s+1);int len2 = strlen(p+1);if(len2 > len1) {puts("0");return 0;}for(int i = 1; i<=len2; i++) bk[p[i]]++;int l = 1,r = len2;for(int i = l; i<=r-1; i++) cnt[s[i]]++;while(r <= len1) {cnt[s[l-1]]--;cnt[s[r]]++;int rest = 0,flag = 1;for(int i = 'a'; i<='z'; i++) {if(cnt[i] > bk[i] ) {flag = 0;break;}if(cnt[i] < bk[i] ) rest +=  bk[i] - cnt[i];}if(flag && rest == cnt['?']) ans++;l++,r++;}printf("%d\n",ans);return 0 ;


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