
The Philips Hue app can do a handful of cool stuff with your Hue lights, including the ability to schedule your lights to turn on and off at specific times throughout the day. Here’s how to set it up so that you never have to flip a switch ever again.

飞利浦Hue应用程序可以为您的Hue灯做一些很酷的事情,包括安排您的灯在一天中的特定时间打开和关闭的功能。 设置方法如下,您无需再翻转开关。

Doing this used to require a service called IFTTT, but a feature called “Routines” was introduced in the new Philips Hue app earlier this year, and it’s main function is to schedule your Hue lights to turn on and off. It’s a feature that has been sorely absent for years, but is finally here.

这样做通常需要一项名为IFTTT的服务,但今年早些时候新的Philips Hue应用程序中引入了一项名为“ Routines”的功能,其主要功能是安排您的Hue灯的开和关。 这项功能已经消失了很多年,但是终于在这里出现了。

To start, open up the Philips Hue app on your smartphone and tap on the “Routines” tab at the bottom.

首先,在智能手机上打开Philips Hue应用程序,然后点击底部的“常规”标签。

On the next screen, select “My routines”.


Tap on the round plus button down in the bottom-right corner of the screen.


Tap on where it says “My routine 1” at the top and type in your own name for the routine that you’ll create.


Next, under “When should it start?”, select a time that you want your Hue lights to turn on.


Right underneath that you can also select certain days of the week by tapping on one to select it.


“Fade” is a feature that can slowly turn your lights on over the course of five minutes to 30 minutes. You can also just leave it at “Instant” to have your lights turn on normally.

“淡入淡出”是一项功能,可以在5分钟到30分钟的过程中缓慢打开灯光。 您也可以将其保留在“即时”状态,以正常打开灯。

Next, tap the “Where?” option. With Routines, you can’t select individual Hue bulbs, but rather rooms, so tap on the check box next to a room to select it. You can select up to four rooms to turn on with this routine.

接下来,点击“哪里?” 选项。 使用“例程”,您不能选择单个Hue灯泡,而只能选择房间,因此请点击房间旁边的复选框以将其选中。 您最多可以选择四个房间打开此例程。

Go back to the previous screen and you’ll see a new section added at the bottom. Tap on it to select how your lights on. You can either select from a few defaults, like turning on your lights at either full brightness, dimmed brightness, or a very dimmed brightness called “Nightlight”. You can also scroll down and select a default scene or one that you created in the past.

返回上一个屏幕,您将在底部看到一个新部分。 点击它以选择您的照明方式。 您可以从一些默认值中进行选择,例如以全亮度,暗淡的亮度或非常暗淡的亮度(称为“夜灯”)打开灯。 您也可以向下滚动并选择一个默认场景或您过去创建的场景。

Once you’ve selected one, you’ll be taken back to the main routine creation screen where you’ll then hit “Save” up in the top-right corner of the screen.


Your new routine will appear in the list.


Keep in mind that if you also want your lights to turn off automatically at a certain time, you’ll need to create a second routine, only this time you’ll choose for the lights to turn off when you go to select a scene.


Other than that, it’s pretty simple to set your lights to a schedule, and we’re really glad the Philips Hue app finally has this feature.

除此之外,将灯光设置为时间表非常简单,我们非常高兴Philips Hue应用程序终于具有此功能。

Title image by Maximusnd/Bigstock, NiroDesign/Bigstock, and Philips.

标题图片由Maximusnd / Bigstock, NiroDesign / Bigstock和Philips制作。




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