
Maybe you want to turn off your Philips Hue lights after a certain amount of time has passed, or have them blink as a reminder. Whatever your needs, here’s how to set a timer for your Philips Hue lights to have them automatically turn on or off after a specified amount of time.

也许您想在经过一定时间后关闭Philips Hue灯,或者让它们闪烁以提醒您。 无论您有什么需要,这里都为您的飞利浦Hue灯设置了一个计时器,以使其在指定的时间后自动打开或关闭。

为什么要设置计时器? (Why Set a Timer?)

There are many reasons why you might want to set a timer for your lights. Maybe you’re cooking with a sleeping baby in the house and you don’t want your traditional timer to ring loudly when it hits zero. In that case, you can set your kitchen lights to blink, or even change them to a different color to let you know that your brownies are done.

您可能要为灯光设置计时器有很多原因。 也许您正在与一个正在睡觉的婴儿一起做饭,并且您不希望传统计时器在零时大声响起。 在这种情况下,您可以将厨房灯设置为闪烁,甚至将它们更改为其他颜色,以使您知道巧克力布朗尼已经完成。

You can also set a timer if you want to be more strict with your free time, either for yourself or for your kids. Say you want to only give your kids 15 minutes to read comic books. You can have the lights in that room blink after 15 minutes (or shut off entirely if you want to be cruel). Or, maybe you know you’re going to fall asleep reading, so you want your lights to automatically turn off in a half hour or so.

如果您想更严格地限制自己或孩子的空闲时间,也可以设置一个计时器。 假设您只想给您的孩子15分钟的时间阅读漫画书。 您可以让该房间中的灯在15分钟后闪烁(或者,如果您想残酷地将其完全关闭)。 或者,也许您知道您即将入睡,所以您希望灯在半小时左右自动关闭。

Essentially, you can use your Philips Hue lights as sort of a silent alternative to loud timers and provide you with a visual alert rather than an audible one. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, here’s how to set it up.

本质上,您可以将Philips Hue灯用作响亮的计时器的静音替代品,并为您提供视觉警报而不是听觉警报。 如果这听起来像您感兴趣的事情,请按照以下步骤进行设置。

如何为飞利浦色相灯设置计时器 (How to Set a Timer for Your Philips Hue Lights)

Start off by opening up the Hue app on your smartphone and tapping the “Routines” tab down at the bottom of the screen.


On the “Routines” page, select the “Timers” option.


On the “Timers” page, tap the round “+” button in the bottom-right corner.

在“计时器”页面上,点击右下角的圆形“ +”按钮。

Give your timer a name at the top.


Below that, select how long the timer will last. In other words, select the amount of time that you want to elapse before your lights do something.

在此之下,选择计时器将持续多长时间。 换句话说,选择您要在灯做某事之前经过的时间。

Next, tap the “Where” option.


On the “Where” page, select the room that you want to control. Unfortunately, you can’t select individual bulbs. When you’ve made your selection, tap the back arrow in the top-left corner.

在“位置”页面上,选择要控制的房间。 不幸的是,您不能选择单个灯泡。 做出选择后,请点击左上角的后退箭头。

A new section named after the room you selected appears below the “Where” option. Tap that to configure what you want to happen with the lights.

以您所选房间命名的新部分出现在“位置”选项下方。 点击该按钮可配置您想要在灯光下发生的事情。

You can either have the lights blink, turn them on or off, or select other scenes that you’ve created yourself.


After selecting the action, tap “Save” in the top-right corner.


Your new timer appears in the list and starts automatically. The “Timers” screen shows how much time is left before the action is performed. Tap “Stop” to cancel the timer if you want to.

您的新计时器将显示在列表中并自动启动。 “计时器”屏幕显示执行操作之前还剩下多少时间。 如果需要,点击“停止”以取消计时器。

If you do hit “Stop”, the timer resets completely. Unfortunately, there’s no way to pause a timer. To delete a timer, just swipe left on it and tap the “Delete” button that appears.

如果您确实点击了“停止”,则计时器将完全重置。 不幸的是,无法暂停计时器。 要删除计时器,只需在其上向左滑动,然后点按出现的“删除”按钮即可。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/247749/how-to-set-a-timer-for-your-philips-hue-lights/



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