
Are you annoyed by having Messenger automatically sign in when you’re reading your emails in the new Hotmail?  Here’s how you can disable the Web Messenger in Hotmail and other Windows Live online apps.

当您在新的Hotmail中阅读电子邮件时,让Messenger自动登录是否使您烦恼? 这是在Hotmail和其他Windows Live在线应用程序中禁用Web Messenger的方法。

Microsoft has recently updated Hotmail with tons of new features, and we recently looked at all the new features in a screenshot tour.  One of the newest features is the integration of Live Messenger, previously known as MSN Messenger, throughout all the Windows Live web apps, including the Office Web Apps and Hotmail.

微软最近为Hotmail更新了许多新功能,并且我们最近在屏幕快照浏览中查看了所有新功能。 最新功能之一是将Live Messenger(以前称为MSN Messenger)集成到所有Windows Live Web应用程序中,包括Office Web Apps和Hotmail。

This can be a great tool if you want to catch up with your friends or work on an Office document with a coworker from the browser, but it can also be frustrating if you’re just trying to quickly read your email.  It can also be annoying if you prefer using Windows Live Messenger on your desktop instead of in your browser.

如果您想赶上朋友或与同事从浏览器中处理Office文档,这可能是一个很好的工具,但是如果您只是想快速阅读电子邮件,也可能会令人沮丧。 如果您更喜欢在桌面而不是浏览器中使用Windows Live Messenger,也可能会很烦人。

The good news is, you can easily turn off the new web Messenger.  Simply hover over your name in the top right corner of Hotmail or any other Windows Live web app and select Sign out of Messenger.  That’s all there is to it; Hotmail will remember your settings, and will not automatically sign you into Messenger even if you use another browser or another computer to access Hotmail.  Of course, this means that you won’t be able to IM with friends in Hotmail, but it also means they won’t disturb you, either.

好消息是,您可以轻松关闭新的Web Messenger。 只需将鼠标悬停在Hotmail或任何其他Windows Live Web应用程序右上角的名称上,然后选择注销Messenger 。 这里的所有都是它的; Hotmail会记住您的设置,即使您使用其他浏览器或另一台计算机访问Hotmail也不会自动将您登录Messenger。 当然,这意味着您将无法与Hotmail中的朋友进行即时通讯,但这也意味着他们也不会打扰您。

Options to Still Use Messenger


Alternately, you could select Appear offline so you could still start IMs with friends but they would not see that you were available.  This is a nice half-way point if you enjoy getting to use Messenger directly in your browser but don’t want to be bugged when you’re busy.

或者,您可以选择“显示为脱机显示”,以便您仍然可以与朋友启动即时消息,但他们不会看到您的状态。 如果您喜欢直接在浏览器中使用Messenger,但又不想在忙碌时感到烦恼,则这是一个不错的选择。

Also, of course, if you’ve signed out of Messenger, you can easily sign in again from the same menu.




Even if you use Live Messenger to keep up with your friends and collaborate with coworkers, sometimes you just want to check your email in peace without letting everyone know you’re online.  This trick will help you make Hotmail work more like it did before, without losing the great new features such as Conversation View.  It’s still easy to use web Messenger again if you want, so you can always turn it on and off again as you want.

即使您使用Live Messenger与朋友保持联系并与同事合作,有时您也只是想放心地检查电子邮件,而不必让所有人都知道您在线。 此技巧将帮助您使Hotmail像以前一样工作,而又不会失去对话视图等出色的新功能。 如果需要,再次使用Web Messenger仍然很容易,因此您可以随时根据需要打开和关闭它。

Or, if you’d rather use your Hotmail email offline without using the web interface, check out our article on How to Add Hotmail to Outlook 2010 or our tour of the New Windows Live Essentials which includes the nice Live Mail app for free.

或者,如果您不想在不使用Web界面的情况下脱机使用Hotmail电子邮件,请查看有关如何将Hotmail添加到Outlook 2010的文章,或浏览新Windows Live Essentials ,其中包括免费的精美Live Mail应用程序。

Sign into Hotmail




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