Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications








# version code 761
# Please fill out this stencil and submit using the provided submission script.from vec import Vec
from GF2 import one## Problem 1
def vec_select(veclist, k): '''>>> D = {'a','b','c'}>>> v1 = Vec(D, {'a': 1})>>> v2 = Vec(D, {'a': 0, 'b': 1})>>> v3 = Vec(D, {        'b': 2})>>> v4 = Vec(D, {'a': 10, 'b': 10})>>> vec_select([v1, v2, v3, v4], 'a') == [Vec(D,{'b': 1}), Vec(D,{'b': 2})]True'''return [x for x in veclist if x[k]==0]def vec_sum(veclist, D): '''>>> D = {'a','b','c'}>>> v1 = Vec(D, {'a': 1})>>> v2 = Vec(D, {'a': 0, 'b': 1})>>> v3 = Vec(D, {        'b': 2})>>> v4 = Vec(D, {'a': 10, 'b': 10})>>> vec_sum([v1, v2, v3, v4], D) == Vec(D, {'b': 13, 'a': 11})True'''return sum(veclist) if len(veclist)!=0 else Vec(D,{})def vec_select_sum(veclist, k, D): '''>>> D = {'a','b','c'}>>> v1 = Vec(D, {'a': 1})>>> v2 = Vec(D, {'a': 0, 'b': 1})>>> v3 = Vec(D, {        'b': 2})>>> v4 = Vec(D, {'a': 10, 'b': 10})>>> vec_select_sum([v1, v2, v3, v4], 'a', D) == Vec(D, {'b': 3})True'''return vec_sum(vec_select(veclist,k),D)## Problem 2
def scale_vecs(vecdict):'''>>> v1 = Vec({1,2,3}, {2: 9})>>> v2 = Vec({1,2,4}, {1: 1, 2: 2, 4: 8})>>> scale_vecs({3: v1, 5: v2}) == [Vec({1,2,3},{2: 3.0}), Vec({1,2,4},{1: 0.2, 2: 0.4, 4: 1.6})]True'''return [y/x for (x,y) in vecdict.items()]## Problem 3
def GF2_span(D, L):'''>>> from GF2 import one>>> D = {'a', 'b', 'c'}>>> L = [Vec(D, {'a': one, 'c': one}), Vec(D, {'b': one})]>>> len(GF2_span(D, L))4>>> Vec(D, {}) in GF2_span(D, L)True>>> Vec(D, {'b': one}) in GF2_span(D, L)True>>> Vec(D, {'a':one, 'c':one}) in GF2_span(D, L)True>>> Vec(D, {x:one for x in D}) in GF2_span(D, L)True'''if len(L)==0:return []maxind=2**len(L)-1res=[sum([L[j] for j in range(len(L)) if i//(2**j)%2]) for i in range(maxind+1)]res.append(Vec(D,{}))del res[0]return res## Problem 4
# Answer with a boolean, please.is_it_a_vector_space_1 = True
is_it_a_vector_space_2 = False## Problem 5
is_it_a_vector_space_3 = True
is_it_a_vector_space_4 = False## Problem 6is_it_a_vector_space_5 = True
is_it_a_vector_space_6 = False

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