
  • Word Preparation
    • newsworthy: 有新闻价值的
    • succeed: 成功
    • breathe in: 吸气
    • quit smoking: 戒烟
    • against the rules: 违反规定
  • Grammar
    • no vs. not at all

Word Preparation

newsworthy: 有新闻价值的

interesting and important enough to be reported as news

There is nothing newsworthy in my life.

As a professional, do you think that event is newsworthy?

succeed: 成功

to achieve sth. that have been trying to do or get

She has been trying to pass the exam and finally succeeded.

I am sure I will succeed in finishing this task.

breathe in: 吸气

Try to breathe in deeply when you feel nervous.

When you breathe in, you can take some fresh air in your body.

quit smoking: 戒烟

stop smoking

The doctor told me to quit smoking.

It is not that difficult to quit smoking.

against the rules: 违反规定

Coming to this area without permission is against the rules.

He was fired because what he did against the rules of the company.


no vs. not at all

not at all,表示 “根本不”,语气比 no 更强烈,通常带有感情色彩。

  • I’m not at all interested in it. 我压根对这个就不感兴趣。
  • That’s not what I meant at all. 这根本不是我的意思。
  • He’s not at all good-looking, in fact he’s quite ugly.
  • — Is Karen certain she’ll get the job?
    — No, not at all.

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