


view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
#include <iostream>  
#include <set>  
using namespace std;  
#define INT_PTR( ptr ) ( reinterpret_cast<int>( ptr ) )  
class MyClass  
    MyClass( int data ) : m_iData( data )  
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|default constructor(" << m_iData << ")" << endl;   
    MyClass( const MyClass& o )   
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|copy constructor from:" << INT_PTR(this) << "|(" << o.data() << ")" <<  endl;   
        m_iData = o.data();  
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|destructor (" << m_iData << ")" << endl;   
    inline int data() const { return m_iData ; }  
    int m_iData;  
inline bool operator < ( const MyClass & l , const MyClass & r  )  
    return l.data() < r.data();  
int main()  
    set<MyClass> s;  
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );  
    s.insert( MyClass(3) );  
    s.insert( MyClass(2) );  
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );  
    return 1;  
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
#define INT_PTR( ptr ) ( reinterpret_cast<int>( ptr ) )
class MyClass
    MyClass( int data ) : m_iData( data )
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|default constructor(" << m_iData << ")" << endl;
    MyClass( const MyClass& o )
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|copy constructor from:" << INT_PTR(this) << "|(" << o.data() << ")" <<  endl;
        m_iData = o.data();
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|destructor (" << m_iData << ")" << endl;
    inline int data() const { return m_iData ; }
    int m_iData;
inline bool operator < ( const MyClass & l , const MyClass & r  )
    return l.data() < r.data();
int main()
    set<MyClass> s;
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );
    s.insert( MyClass(3) );
    s.insert( MyClass(2) );
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );
    return 1;


view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
#include <iostream>  
#include <set>  
using namespace std;  
#define INT_PTR( ptr ) ( reinterpret_cast<int>( ptr ) )  
class MyClass  
    MyClass( int data ) : m_iData( data )  
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|default constructor(" << m_iData << ")" << endl;   
    MyClass( const MyClass& o )   
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|copy constructor from:" << INT_PTR(this) << "|(" << o.data() << ")" <<  endl;   
        m_iData = o.data();  
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|destructor (" << m_iData << ")" << endl;   
    inline int data() const { return m_iData ; }  
    int m_iData;  
namespace std  
    template<> struct less<MyClass>  
        bool operator()( const MyClass & l , const MyClass & r ) const 
            return l.data() < r.data() ;  
int main()  
    set<MyClass> s;  
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );  
    s.insert( MyClass(3) );  
    s.insert( MyClass(2) );  
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );  
    return 1;  

#include <iostream>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
#define INT_PTR( ptr ) ( reinterpret_cast<int>( ptr ) )
class MyClass
    MyClass( int data ) : m_iData( data )
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|default constructor(" << m_iData << ")" << endl;
    MyClass( const MyClass& o )
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|copy constructor from:" << INT_PTR(this) << "|(" << o.data() << ")" <<  endl;
        m_iData = o.data();
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|destructor (" << m_iData << ")" << endl;
    inline int data() const { return m_iData ; }
    int m_iData;
namespace std
    template<> struct less<MyClass>
        bool operator()( const MyClass & l , const MyClass & r ) const
            return l.data() < r.data() ;
int main()
    set<MyClass> s;
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );
    s.insert( MyClass(3) );
    s.insert( MyClass(2) );
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );
    return 1;




view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
#include <iostream>  
#include <set>  
using namespace std;  
#define INT_PTR( ptr ) ( reinterpret_cast<int>( ptr ) )  
class MyClass  
    MyClass( int data ) : m_iData( data )  
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|default constructor(" << m_iData << ")" << endl;   
    MyClass( const MyClass& o )   
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|copy constructor from:" << INT_PTR(this) << "|(" << o.data() << ")" <<  endl;   
        m_iData = o.data();  
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|destructor (" << m_iData << ")" << endl;   
    inline int data() const { return m_iData ; }  
    int m_iData;  
struct MyClassLess: public binary_function< MyClass , MyClass , bool >  
    bool operator()( const MyClass & l , const MyClass & r ) const 
        return l.data() < r.data() ;  
int main()  
    set<MyClass , MyClassLess > s;  
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );  
    s.insert( MyClass(3) );  
    s.insert( MyClass(2) );  
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );  
    return 1;  

#include <iostream>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
#define INT_PTR( ptr ) ( reinterpret_cast<int>( ptr ) )
class MyClass
    MyClass( int data ) : m_iData( data )
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|default constructor(" << m_iData << ")" << endl;
    MyClass( const MyClass& o )
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|copy constructor from:" << INT_PTR(this) << "|(" << o.data() << ")" <<  endl;
        m_iData = o.data();
        cout << INT_PTR(this) << "|destructor (" << m_iData << ")" << endl;
    inline int data() const { return m_iData ; }
    int m_iData;
struct MyClassLess: public binary_function< MyClass , MyClass , bool >
    bool operator()( const MyClass & l , const MyClass & r ) const
        return l.data() < r.data() ;
int main()
    set<MyClass , MyClassLess > s;
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );
    s.insert( MyClass(3) );
    s.insert( MyClass(2) );
    s.insert( MyClass(1) );
    return 1;





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