Ever wonder if the people who work for you are happy? Have you ever asked them? If not, how do you know they are unless they come in every morning skipping to the tune of “Whistle While You Work”?As a leader in your organization, you have so many things on your mind crowding your brain for space, that it is no wonder you might find yourself unable to answer this most basic of questions relative to how you manage your people.

If this troubles you, this article is for you. On the other hand, if this doesn’t trouble you, this article is even more for you.If yours is the mentality that employees don’t get paid to be happy, they get paid to work, you would have had a lot of company thirty years ago before smart leaders started to realize that employee satisfaction i.e. their happiness, is critical to productivity and competitive edge. Any organization that underestimates the business value of happy employees is doomed to a never-ending cycle of recruiting and hiring without any significant increase in profits or customer satisfaction.On that happy note, let’s assume for argument’s sake that employee satisfaction is critical for organizational success and look at ways you, as a leader, can figure out where things stand with your own employees. Here are ten ways that will help you determine if they are actually happy or they are just putting in time until something better comes along.First,

They tell you they’re happy.People are usually pretty upfront about how they feel about their job, their supervisor, and the company they work for, especially if you ask them. For many, the trick is to do so in a way that is safe and confidential and with guarantees of anonymity. Fear of reprisal is real and totally understandable. Employees will only tell you what they think you want to hear unless they have confidence that their honesty will not get them into trouble. They have families to support and careers to aspire to, and they absolutely will not jeopardize those things just to tell you truth. On the other hand, when employees voluntarily tell you that they are happy with their job you can probably rely on that. Only the worst kind of suck-ups voluntarily lie about this and tell you they are happy when they are not. If you are a keen observer of your people you can also see signs of their job satisfaction.

Are they upbeat when you talk to them? Do they seem excited to talk about their job and their daily activities? Do they have positive things to say and valuable input into current challenges? All of these are indicators that employees are engaged and happy in your organization.

The article is provided by Henan Hongxing,which is the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, for example,dryer machine, it is always doing the best in products and service.You can visit Hongxing at Sand Maker:http://www.hx-crusher.com/.


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