小程序开发 宽度100%

by Prateek Phoenix

通过Prateek Phoenix

这是您作为开发人员可以实现100%年度目标的方式 (Here’s How You, as a Developer, Can Achieve 100% of Your Yearly Goals)

A New Year always brings with it a couple of recurring events. There’s the New Year’s Eve where people party hard get wasted. We all know we’ve pulled off a couple of #YOLO and #LiveLikeTheresNoTomorrow here and there on social media. ?

新年总是带来一些反复发生的事件。 在新年前夜,人们的聚会很难被浪费掉。 我们都知道我们已经完成了 #YOLO#把每一天当作最后一天活着 在社交媒体上到处都是。 ?

Then there’s New Year’s day which is all about making resolutions and saying how this time around we are going to cross the finish line no matter what.


And then there’s the reality check a couple of days or weeks later where you quit on those resolutions and sit there feeling like garbage.


This is nothing new, I myself have “been there, done that” ?


Truth is, resolutions as a theoretical concept seems like a pretty easy thing to adopt. You make a to-do list of everything you want to do and start crossing it off, one by one, starting day one. But when it comes to executing our resolutions, it’s a whole different story. Most of us including myself, set ourselves to fail. What we set out to achieve as resolution, 9 out of 10 times is an unrealistic target.

事实是,将分辨率作为一个理论概念似乎很容易采用。 您将要做的事情列在待办事项清单上,然后从第一天开始就一一列出。 但是,在执行我们的决议时,情况完全不同。 我们大多数人,包括我自己,都让自己失败了。 我们提出要达到的分辨率(十分之九)是不现实的目标。

Once the rhythm becomes monotonous, it drives away the interest in pursuing it.


This is what had been happening with me ever since I started making resolutions. And I am sure everyone can relate to this experience — starting the year off with a goal, then striving towards it for a couple of weeks and then getting bored to death, to the point that we quit.

自从我开始做出决议以来,这就是我一直在发生的事情。 我确信每个人都可以与这种经历相关联-从一年开始时就制定目标,然后朝着目标奋斗数周,然后变得无聊至死,直到我们辞职。

A couple of weeks into 2017 the usual pattern started repeating. I was gonna quit on my goal and it was not even February. After well over a decade of failing to execute my goals (surprise surprise), I decided to shake things up a little bit last year.

到2017年的几周,通常的模式开始重复。 我要放弃我的目标,甚至是二月份。 经过十多年未能实现我的目标(惊喜),我决定在去年进行一些调整。

Here’s a list of things I did to make sure I was not burdening myself with unrealistic targets. I managed to end the year with with a good bunch of things checked off from this list.

这里列出了我为确保自己不会给自己带来不切实际的目标而做的事情。 在这一年末,我设法从清单中核对了很多东西。

This guide is not for a specific group of people, it doesn’t matter if you are a developer, designer or a liberal arts student. It’s a general list of things which will help you come out a more well-rounded person at the end of the year.

本指南不是针对特定人群的,您是开发人员,设计师还是文科生都没有关系。 这是一个总的清单,可以帮助您在今年年底成为一个更加全面的人。

步骤1:退出解决方案 (Step 1: Quit making resolutions)

Accept it, they never work (at least for most of us). And when we fail on executing them consistently for 365 days, it makes us feel terrible.

接受它,它们将永远无法工作(至少对我们大多数人而言)。 当我们无法连续执行365天时,这让我们感到非常恐惧。

Instead here’s a better, more “do-able” approach. Instead of setting up one goal for the entire year, set up multiple milestones for a year. They can be weekly monthly or quarterly targets.

相反,这是一种更好的,更“可行的”方法。 而不是为整个一年设定一个目标,而是为一年设定多个里程碑。 它们可以是每周每月或每季度的目标。

Having smaller, isolated and more focused targets tend to work much better, than trying to move one monolithic goal into each month.


Our brain works in weird ways. 10 checked boxes look more rewarding to us at the end of each month than one or two at the end of the year.

我们的大脑工作异常。 在每个月底,有10个复选框对我们来说比在年末的一两个看起来更有意义。

Reward yourself every time you achieve one small target. Don’t stress on not being able to check off each task — it’s ok to miss a couple of them. But this approach always makes sure you are achieving more than skipping

每当您实现一个小目标时,都要奖励自己。 不要强调无法完成每个任务-错过其中几个是可以的。 但是,这种方法始终可以确保您取得的成就不仅仅是跳过

Also make sure you carry a small notebook with your targets written down. No, DO NOT use an app for that. Carry an actual physical notebook and a pen/pencil. Draft your targets each week/day/month and check them off once done. You won’t get the same satisfaction on an app.

另外,请确保随身携带一个小笔记本,并写下目标。 不, 请勿为此使用应用。 携带实际的笔记本和笔/铅笔。 每周/每天/每月起草目标,完成后将其检查。 您在应用程序上不会获得相同的满意度。

Every checked box matters. Let that sweet sweet dopamine flow.

每个复选框都很重要。 让那甜美的甜蜜多巴胺流淌。

第2步:公开承诺 (Step 2: Commit to something publicly)

This one’s new for me as well. I have noticed that committing to something publicly adds a good amount of pressure to push you to deliver. Being a great developer always means you are aware and up to date on the new things in the community. And there is no better way of doing that than gaining first hand experience.

这对我来说也是新的。 我注意到,公开承诺会给您带来很大的压力,促使您实现目标。 成为优秀的开发人员始终意味着您了解并及时了解社区中的新事物。 没有比获得第一手经验更好的方法了。

Writing code a couple of hours each day helps keep your skills sharp. In the little time that I did it last year, I found that I was coming up with better ways of writing what I had already written before. Trimming down the fat from an old project has an extremely satisfying feel to it.

每天写几个小时的代码有助于保持技巧的精通。 在去年的那段时间里,我发现我正在想出一种更好的方式来写以前已经写过的东西。 修剪掉旧项目中的油脂会给人以极为满意的感觉。

I have committed to 3 rounds of the #100DaysOfCode challenge, for the sheer love of it. It’ll also help me gain muscle memory and the ability to make new things as quickly as possible.

对于纯粹的热爱,我承诺参加#100DaysOfCode挑战赛的3回合。 它还将帮助我获得肌肉记忆力以及尽快制造新事物的能力。

Having committed to this publicly (twice now) is definitely gonna make sure that I don’t even think about quitting. Also it really helps if you can find a code buddy who’s committing to something similar. That way, you both can compete and at the same time can make sure you push each other in case you start slacking.

公开承诺(现在两次)肯定会确保我什至不考虑退出。 如果您可以找到致力于类似工作的代码伙伴 ,那也确实有帮助。 这样,你们既可以竞争,又可以确保彼此互相帮助,以防您开始懈怠。

第3步:始终保持锻炼(习惯) (Step 3: Always Be Building (a habit))

The universal truth to learning something and then excelling at it is doing it repeatedly. I have experienced this on many occasions. This is why I suggest having a personal project to work on at all times. It not only serves as a playground to try new things, but also helps you think how can your existing solution be improved. Once you get into the habit of building something all the time, it will soon turn into an addiction. I for once have built stuff, scrapped it off, built it using a better newer stack and scrapped it off again.

学习某事物然后表现出卓越的普遍真理是反复进行。 我在很多场合都经历过。 这就是为什么我建议始终有一个个人项目进行工作的原因。 它不仅可以作为尝试新事物的游乐场,还可以帮助您思考如何改善现有解决方案。 一旦您习惯于一直养成某种东西的习惯,很快就会变成一种瘾。 我曾经构建过一些东西,将其报废,然后使用更好的较新堆栈进行构建,然后再次将其报废。

So come up with a product/idea you are truly psyched about. Contribute 2% to it everyday and repeat this 365 times. It doesn’t feel like a burden if what you are building excites you.

因此,想出一个您真正感兴趣的产品/想法。 每天贡献2%并重复365次。 如果您正在建造的东西能够激发您的感觉,那不会感到负担。

Side Note: Always make an attempt to visualize your progress using Scrum or something similar. You can use Trello or just a good old sheet of poster paper and some sticky tape with post-it notes. Remember “It’s all about that dopamine.”

边注: 始终尝试使用Scrum或类似工具可视化您的进度。 您可以使用Trello,也可以只用一张旧的海报纸和一些带有便条纸的胶带。 记住“这与多巴胺有关。”

第4步:读一本书(然后再读10本书!) (Step 4: Read a Book (and then read 10 more!))

The human brain, however marvelous, is limited in its abilities. Every person is unique and everyone approaches life differently. The only way to have a diverse outlook on life and problems is by reading how others went around solving them. Books are really one of the only things that do not expire in value and let you truly expand your imagination and abilities. It’s like tapping into someone else’s brain and just soaking up all the knowledge.

人脑无论多么出色,其能力都受到限制。 每个人都是独一无二的,每个人对待生活的方式都是不同的。 对生活和问题有不同看法的唯一方法是阅读他人如何解决问题。 书籍实际上是价值不下降的唯一事物之一,它可以让您真正地扩大想象力和能力。 这就像进入他人的大脑并吸收所有知识一样。

Again, do make sure you grab a physical copy instead of the kindle version. There’s innate satisfaction in turning over the last page. (Sorry trees ? )

同样,请确保您获取的是物理副本,而不是kindle版本。 翻上最后一页有天生的满足感。 (对不起树?)

I finished reading 2 great books this year and I regret not reading more.( something I am definitely gonna change this year )


Here are a few of the books that are in the mail as of now and the 2 that I managed to read in 2017:


  • The Design Of Everyday Things: Don Norman (read)

    日常事物的设计:唐·诺曼 (阅读)

  • Lateral Thinking: Edward de Bono (read)

    横向思考:爱德华·德波诺 (阅读)

  • Hooked: Nir Eyal

    迷上了:尼尔·艾尔(Nir Eyal)

  • Sprint: Jake Knapp & John Zeratsky


  • Sapiens: Yuval Noah Harari


  • The Lost City of the Monkey God: Douglas Preston


If you have read a book which you think changed your outlook, fiction or non-fiction, leave me a note, I will definitely try to grab a copy.


步骤5:采用可持续生活方式 (Step 5: Adopt a Sustainable Lifestyle)

With the internet in our pockets and services like Amazon available at the tap of a button, compulsive hoarding is a now a problem more than ever. We buy things we most likely do not need and in a very short span of time we regret that purchase. Try cutting that down.

轻按一下按钮,互联网就可以装在口袋里,而像亚马逊这样的服务也比以往更容易成为问题。 我们购买了我们最有可能不需要的东西,并且在很短的时间内,我们对购买感到遗憾。 尝试减少。

Trust me when I say that it’s liberating to be content in only the bare necessities. I am not suggesting you to adopt a monk lifestyle.

当我说只满足于最基本的需求是一种解放时,请相信我。 我不建议您采用和尚的生活方式。

Instead of making senseless purchases, make wise investments.


Don’t be stingy in investing in yourself. You want the latest and greatest computer on the market? Do you have the funds for it? Will it improve your workflow or cut down your time? Is there a significant improvement switching to the newer model?

不要小气投资自己。 您想要市场上最新最好的计算机吗? 你有钱吗? 它会改善您的工作流程或减少您的时间吗? 切换到较新的模型是否有重大改进?

If you answered yes to all these questions go ahead and make the purchase. Investing in yourself and your tools is never a bad choice unless you’re just randomly buying anything and everything that comes out. You’ll find that instead of making senseless purchases, if you invest in yourself or on your gear, it will start paying for itself in a very short time.

如果您对所有这些问题的回答都是“是”,请进行购买。 除非您只是随机购买任何东西,否则投资自己和工具绝不是一个坏选择。 您会发现,如果您投资自己或购买设备,而不是进行毫无意义的购买,它将在很短的时间内开始收回成本。

第6步:回馈世界 (Step 6: Give back to the world a little bit)

There’s a very good saying which goes something like: “leave the camping ground better than you found it.”


Amidst all the upsetting things that are going on in the world, you as an individual hold the power to spark a positive change and turn things around for the better for someone.


If you are reading this post, it means you have an internet connection and a smartphone/computer. You have a decent life. Giving away a few bucks a month will not really affect your life. There are people in the world right now who would kill for a dollar.

如果您正在阅读这篇文章,则意味着您具有互联网连接和智能手机/计算机。 你过着体面的生活。 每月捐出几美元并不会真正影响您的生活。 现在世界上有些人愿意为一美元而杀。

We are living in times where we don’t need much to affect someone’s life positively. Pick a charity or a cause you care about or can relate to and give away a few dollars each month. Most of them don’t have a minimum donation amount. So it really doesn’t matter if it’s $1 or $10. Try it out once — it really helps pacify the conscience.

我们生活在这样的时代:我们不需要太多东西来积极地影响某人的生活。 选择一个您关心或可以联系的慈善机构或事业,每月捐出几美元。 他们大多数没有最低捐款额。 因此,无论是1美元还是10美元,这都没有关系。 尝试一次-确实有助于安抚良心。

步骤7:开始阅读区块链 (Step 7: Start reading up on Blockchain)

Blockchain is the technology which will shake up everything about our society in a couple of years. It doesn’t matter if you are an engineer, a doctor or a teacher.

区块链技术将在几年内撼动整个社会。 您是工程师,医生还是老师都没关系。

It is going to be an essential part of the business sector, the education sector, medicine and just about everything.


Knowing how the technology works and what it’s applications are will really be in one’s best interests, considering the widespread adoption that’s underway.


One misconception I would like to clear right away is that Blockchain is not limited to Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is just a popular application of the Blockchain technology. The way things are with the crypto ecosystem isn’t what it started out to be. It was a means of solving a problem but instead it’s turned into a quick way of making or loosing some money.

我想立即清除的一个误解是,区块链不仅限于加密货币。 加密货币只是区块链技术的流行应用。 加密生态系统的情况并非一开始就如此。 这是解决问题的一种手段,但是却变成了一种赚钱或损失一些钱的快捷方式。

This hype will fade away soon, making way for the real innovation to begin.


Investing in Cryptocurrencies is a different topic altogether and it’s totally your call on doing so or not. But I would highly recommend everyone to learn up about Blockchain and watch the space.

投资加密货币是一个完全不同的主题,这完全取决于您是否这样做。 但是我强烈建议大家学习有关区块链的知识,并关注这一领域。

步骤8:质疑一切 (Step 8: Question everything)

Let’s face it. I am not perfect neither are you. But you may have expertise in a domain which I barely know about. The only way in which we can progress as a society collectively, is when we throw our ego out of the window and ask questions about what we don’t understand. What’s the worst that would happen? Someone would say that’s a stupid question? Big deal!

面对现实吧。 我也不完美,你也不是。 但是您可能在我鲜为人知的领域中拥有专业知识。 我们能够集体成长为社会的唯一途径是,当我们把自我抛到窗外,问一些我们不了解的问题时。 最糟糕的情况是什么? 有人会说这是一个愚蠢的问题? 大事了!

Always keep this in mind and this is something I follow religiously —


It’s better to look stupid for 5 minutes than staying ignorant for life


第9步:危险地生活 (Step 9: Live Dangerously)

No don’t get that bungee cord out just yet!


I am talking about challenging yourself and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Try everything, just for the fun of it!

我说的是挑战自己,将自己推出自己的舒适区。 尝试一切,只是为了好玩!

In the past year, I’ve tried and done stuff I wasn’t even sure I would ever do in my entire life. With some of those experience I’ve been able to pick up skills or techniques, that I have now applied to stuff I do on a day to day basis.

在过去的一年中,我尝试并做过什至不确定我一生都不会做的事情。 借助其中的一些经验,我已经能够掌握一些技能或技巧,这些技能或技巧现在已经应用于我日常工作中。

Remember, you do not have to be great at everything you take a shot at. Failure is good, it points out gaping holes in your skills for you to fill up. Embrace it instead of fearing it. Eventually you’ll get to a point where things start falling in place in one shot. It would honestly start feeling weird that you did it without failing.

记住,您不必在任何事情上都表现出色。 失败是件好事,它指出了技能上的空白,您可以补上。 拥抱它而不是害怕它。 最终,您将达到一个让事情一发不可收拾的地步。 老实说,您会觉得自己很奇怪而没有失败。

步骤10:不要为“足够好”而定 (Step 10: Don’t Settle For “Good Enough”)

This may sound very cheesy, and for good reason it kinda is. Some of the most successful companies have been built, because the people who started it didn’t settle for the bare minimum or the “good enough”.

这听起来似乎很俗气,并且有充分的理由。 已经建立了一些最成功的公司,因为创办公司的人并没有满足最低限度或“足够好”的要求。

Develop a habit of caring about the little things in any job you take up. Let it take a little more than the usual time but give it your best.

在养成的任何工作中养成照顾小事的习惯。 让它花费比平时更多的时间,但要尽力而为。

Little things matter, and they set apart the great products from the “just fine” ones.


Don’t be afraid of being a junior on the team and taking a call for investing a little more time in the details. It shows you’re passionate about the project. And if you are convincing enough, almost all the time people will agree with you.

不要害怕成为团队的初级成员,并呼吁在细节上花费更多的时间。 它表明您对该项目充满热情。 而且,如果您有足够的说服力,几乎所有时间人们都会同意您的看法。

第11步:直播(真实) (Step 11: Live (for real))

Lastly, make sure you live. Not for anyone else but yourself. I’ve learnt this in a painfully hard way. Always remember this,

最后,确保你活着。 不是给别人,而是给自己。 我已经用痛苦的方式学到了这一点。 永远记住这一点,

You are, and will always be, the only person who’s lived with you the longest.


It is absolutely important that you realize that you matter the most to you. It’s nobody else’s job to care about your dreams, your aspirations. So might as well stop trying to impress or please others. You’ve just got a few decades in your hand.

意识到自己对您最重要是绝对重要的。 关心自己的梦想和抱负是别人的工作。 因此,最好不要再试图打动或取悦他人。 您手里只有几十年了。

It’s our quirks that makes us unique. If you see that you have to change yourself to be around people, avoid them! There are 7 billion people on this planet. It’s not as difficult as you may think it is to find someone who enjoys your quirks. Always be looking out for them and when you find them never let go!

是我们的怪癖使我们与众不同。 如果您发现自己必须改变自己才能与周围的人在一起,请避免与他们在一起! 这个星球上有70亿人。 找一个喜欢您的怪癖的人并不像您想的那样困难。 一直在寻找它们,当您发现它们时永不放手!

The steps I’ve mentioned above are more or less the kind of things that most of us set out to achieve. This is the general layout of how I structured my year. And if it worked for a person like me, I’m counting on it working for most of you.

我上面提到的步骤或多或少是我们大多数人着手实现的目标。 这是我如何组织一年的总体布局。 如果它对像我这样的人有用,我指望它对大多数人都有用。

A very happy 2018 to everyone once again. ??

再次祝大家2018年愉快。 ??

“May The Force Be With You ??”

“愿原力与你同在 ??”

(I know the quote is from Star Wars and Spock is in Star Trek… Thanks for letting me mess with your head ?)




翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/heres-how-you-as-a-developer-can-achieve-100-of-your-yearly-goals-838d39f95321/

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  5. 视频教程-微信小程序商城15天从零实战课程-微信开发

    微信小程序商城15天从零实战课程 04年进入计算机行业.拥有6年net和php项目开发经验,8年java项目开发经验. 现前端全栈工程师,主攻产品设计,微信开发等. 黄菊华 ¥499.00 立即订阅 ...

  6. 小程序轮播图_厉害!对准不认识的野生菌拍个图,云大学生设计的这个小程序就能自动识别...

    "打开微信里的'菌鉴'小程序,对准不认识的野生菌拍一个图,小程序自动识别后就会显示这个菌子的名字.特点.是否是食用菌等详细信息,真的很实用."研发人员正在现场给大家演示自己开发的小 ...

  7. 小程序轮播图_厉害!对准不认识的野生菌拍个图,云大学生设计的这个小程序就能自动识别…...

    "打开微信里的'菌鉴'小程序,对准不认识的野生菌拍一个图,小程序自动识别后就会显示这个菌子的名字.特点.是否是食用菌等详细信息,真的很实用."研发人员正在现场给大家演示自己开发的小 ...

  8. 视频教程-微信小程序商城-界面设计实战教学(含源代码)-微信开发

    微信小程序商城-界面设计实战教学(含源代码) 04年进入计算机行业.拥有6年net和php项目开发经验,8年java项目开发经验. 现前端全栈工程师,主攻产品设计,微信开发等. 黄菊华 ¥90.00 ...

  9. 写在微信小程序上线之夜,我想对移动开发人员说别慌先玩玩AR压压惊!

    转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/linglongxin24/article/details/54296650 本文出自[DylanAndroid的博客] 写在微信小程序上线之 ...


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