
A demining protective armor (22) consists of means for preventing through-penetration of abrasive soil particulate ejecta, excluding means for preventing through-penetration of ballistic projectiles. In one embodiment the means for preventing through-penetration of soil ejecta includes a flexible garment (10) disposed outwardly so as to be between a land mine blast and the body of a user when the garment (10) is worn by the user. An outer cover (18) of the garment is disposed as a strike-face on a blast-side of the garment when worn by the user. Two side-by-side plies of ballistic nylon (12, 14) woven fabric are mounted adjacent the outer cover. One ply of non-woven ballistic felt (16) is mounted adjacent the two side-by-side plies of ballistic nylon (12, 14), opposite from the outer cover. An adjacent inner cover (20) is mounted on a body-side of the garment (10).


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