Why does social media trigger feelings of loneliness and inadequacy不充分;不足? Because instead of being real life, it is, for the most part, impression management, a way of marketing yourself, carefully choosing and filtering the pictures and words to put your best face forward.

put your best face forward 展现你最好的一面

instead of 前后句逻辑相反

46. What does the author imply social media may do to our life?

A) It may facilitate促进 our interpersonal relationships.

B) It may filter our negative impressions of others.

C) It may make us feel isolated and incompetent无能的.

D) It may render us vulnerable and inauthentic.

Online “friends” made through social media do not follow不遵循 the normal psychological progression进展 of an interpersonal relationship. You share neither physical time nor emotional conversations over the Internet. You simply communicate photographs and catchy吸引人的 posts to a diverse group of people whom you have “friended” or “followed” based on an accidental意外的;偶然的 interaction. This is not to say that your social media friends can’t be real friends. They absolutely can, but the two are not synonymous同义的;等同于…的. Generally speaking, there are no unfiltered comments or casually随意地 taken photos on our social media pages. And, rightfully so理所当然如此, because it wouldn’t feel safe to be completely authentic and vulnerable脆弱的 with some of our “friends” whom we don’t actually know or with whom trust has yet to尚未 be built.

Online “friends” made through social media

方式状语 through social media

made 过去分词 做online "friends"的后置定语

interpersonal relationship 人际关系      interpersonal 人际的

with some of our “friends” whom we don’t actually know or with whom trust has yet to be built.

whom we don’t actually know 做our "friends"的后置定语

or with whom trust has yet to be built 做our "friends"的后置定语

= whom trust has yet to be built with (friends)

have yet to 尚未

47. Why do people post comments selectively on social media?

Whybecause it wouldn’t feel safe to be completely authentic and vulnerable with some of our “friends”

A) They do not find all their online friends trustworthy值得信赖的.

B) They want to avoid offending冒犯的 any of their audience.

C) They do not want to lose their followers.

D) They are eager to boost their popularity.

Social media can certainly的确 be an escape from the daily grind令人疲劳(或厌倦)的工作, but we must be cautioned against the negative effects, such as addiction, on a person’s overall psychological well-being.

escape n. 解脱

As humans, we yearn for渴望 social connection. Scrolling (滚动) through pages of pictures and comments, however, does not provide the same degree of fulfillment满足感;成就感 as face to face interactions do. Also, we tend to idealize others’ lives and compare our downfalls衰落;衰败 to their greatest accomplishments, ending in feelings of loneliness and inadequacy.

yearn for   渴望 

scrolling through 滚动浏览...

compare A to B 将A和B进行比对

end in ... 以...结果告终

48. What are humans inclined to倾向于 do according to the passage?

A) Exaggerate their life’s accomplishments.

B) Strive for perfection regardless of the cost.

C) Paint a rosy picture of other people’s lives.     we tend to idealize others’ lives

D) Learn lessons from other people’s downfalls.

Social media can lead people on the unhealthy quest for perfection. Some people begin to attend certain events or travel to different places so that they can snap拍照 that “perfect” photo. They begin to seek validation认可 through the number of people who “like” their posts. In order for it to play a psychologically healthy role in your social life, social media should supplement补充 an already healthy social network. Pictures and posts should be byproducts副产品 of life’s treasured moments and fun times, not the planned and calculated精心策划的;蓄意的 image that one is putting out into cyberspace in an attempt to fill insecurities or unmet未满足 needs.

lead sb. on ... 鼓动人们...

In order for it to ....句型: 为了让它  ...

In order for it to play a psychologically healthy role in your social life

But in order for it to really work, employees must also trust their bosses.


And in order for it to happen in the future means he doesn't go to jail.


in an attempt to  试图做某事

49. What is the author’s view of pictures and posts on social media?

A) They should record the memorable moments in people’s lives.

Pictures and posts should be byproducts of life’s treasured moments and fun times

B) They should be carefully edited so as to present the best image.

C) They should be shown in a way that meets one’s security needs.

D) They should keep people from the unhealthy quest for perfection.

Ultimately, social media has increased our ability to connect with various types of people all over the globe. It has opened doors for businesses and allowed us to stay connected to people whom we may not otherwise get to follow. However, social media should feel like a fun experience, not one that contributes to negative thoughts and feelings. If the latter is the case, increasing face-to-face time with trusted friends, and minimizing time scrolling online, will prove to be a reminder that your social network is much more rewarding than any “like,” “follow” or “share” can be.

allowed us to stay connected to people whom we may not otherwise get to follow.

otherwise 在其他情况下

stay connected to sb 与....保持联系

whom we may not otherwise get to follow做people的后置定语

50. What does the author advise people to do when they find their online experience unconstructive?

If the latter is the case, increasing face-to-face time with trusted friends, and minimizing time scrolling online, will prove to be a reminder

A) Use social media to increase their ability to connect with various types of people.

B) Stay connected to those whom they may not otherwise get to know and befriend.

C) Try to prevent negative thoughts and feelings from getting into the online pages.

D) Strengthen ties with real-life friends instead of caring about their online image.

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