
In this tutorial I will focus on how to use WhizBase as a tool for sending ICQ messages to ICQ. Here I will use a new technology in WhizBase, published in WhizBase 5.1 version.

在本教程中,我将重点介绍如何使用WhizBase作为向ICQ发送ICQ消息的工具。 在这里,我将在WhizBase 5.1版本中发布的WhizBase中使用一项新技术。

In this tutorial I will use 3 files, pager.wbsp for the processing, email.wbsp for sending the messages and eng.ic as a language file.


Multilingual abilities


WhizBase has built-in multilingual support, but I will not use it in this tutorial because it is not supported in 5.1 version. So I will use the older method of including a language file.

WhizBase具有内置的多语言支持,但在本教程中我将不使用它,因为5.1版本不支持它。 因此,我将使用包含语言文件的较旧方法。

In this language file we will define variables with the language content:


$wbsetv[l_send|Send the message to this ICQ number:]
$wbsetv[l_ditnavn|Your name:]
$wbsetv[l_dinepost|Your email address:]
$wbsetv[l_sendbeskeden|Send the message]
$wbsetv[l_icqikkeudfyldt|You forgot to fill in the ICQ number that the message should be sent to.]
$wbsetv[l_ingenbesked|You forgot to write a message.]
$wbsetv[l_over450tegn|The message is too long. Maximum is 450 characters.]
$wbsetv[l_epostikkeudfyldt|You forgot to fill in your email address.]
$wbsetv[l_beskedenafsendt|The message has been sent.]

I've used $wbsetv to set language variables, now I will save this code as "lang.ic" and put it in lang folder I have created on webs root. I have that practice to separate language files from others.

我使用$ wbsetv设置语言变量,现在我将这段代码另存为“ lang.ic”并将其放在在web根目录下创建的lang文件夹中。 我有将语言文件与其他文件分开的做法。

Subroutine code


WhizBase supports subroutines (from version 5.1 on); it is something like a custom function available in some languages like VB. This is a powerful new technology in WhizBase which eases rapid application developments.

WhizBase支持子例程(从5.1版本开始); 它类似于自定义功能,在某些语言(如VB)中可用。 这是WhizBase中一项功能强大的新技术,可简化快速的应用程序开发。

The code of a subroutine can be added in any place in WhizBase code, but it is preferably to put it after <!--WB_BeginTemplate--> so we can find it easily.


The syntax used for adding subroutines is:


subroutine code

We will need to provide the subroutine name and the subroutine code, which is any set of WhizBase commands and code.


I will make a subroutine to show a back input with error message if the user makes any mistake in the form.


#* we define the pager Subroutine *#
<style type=text/css>
body {background:white; font-family:helvetica; font-size:10pt; color:#000000}
<center>$wbgetv[msg]<br />
<input type="button" onClick="history.go(-1)" value="&lt;&lt;&lt; $wbgetv[l_tilbage]">

Call the language file


I will call the language file by wbrinc after defining which language I am using.


#* Please set here your language file *#
#**************************************##* We include the language file *#

As you see I am using relative paths but I can also use absolute paths, WhizBase supports both.


The Form


I will make a simple HTML form which submits the page to itself, I will put it in a variable so I can use it later where I need it.


$wbsetv[formular|<form action="" method="post"><table bgcolor="#cccccc" border="#000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<tr><td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000">$wbgetv[l_send]</td>
<td><input type="text" name="icqnummer" size="25" /></td>
<tr><td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000">$wbgetv[l_emne]</td>
<td><input type="text" name="emne" size="25" /></td>
<tr><td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000">$wbgetv[l_besked]</td>
<td><textarea name="besked" cols="25" rows="8" wrap"=virtual"></textarea></td>
<tr><td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000">$wbgetv[l_ditnavn]</td>
<td><input type="text" name="navn" size="25" /></td>
<tr><td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000">$wbgetv[l_dinepost]</td>
<td><input type="text" name="epost" size="25" /></td>
<td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="$wbgetv[l_sendbeskeden]" />

As I previously indicated, I am using language file's variables instead of text. This is to support multilingualism.

如前所述,我正在使用语言文件的变量而不是文本。 这是为了支持多种语言。

If this do that, if not do not, then do that or this


I made a simple validation IF conditions block, I am using this like that just to show how we can use complex IF conditions in WhizBase, but in real life I use JS for this type of validation - then there's no need to refresh the page to validate if an input is empty.


$wbif["$wbv[submit]"<>""|$wbsetv[OK|1]$wbif["$wbv[emne]"=""|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[emne|No subject]|$wbsetv[emne|$wbv[emne]]]$wbif["$wbv[navn]"=""|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[navn|No name]|$wbsetv[navn|$wbv[navn]]]#* If no ICQ number was specified...  *#$wbif["$wbv[icqnummer]"=""|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[msg|$wbgetv[l_icqikkeudfyldt]] $wbsub[pager]|#* If the user did not write a message...  *#$wbif[$wblen[$wbv[besked]]=0|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[msg|$wbgetv[l_ingenbesked]] $wbsub[pager]|#* The message body cannot contain more than 450 characters  *#$wbif[$wblen[$wbv[besked]]>450|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[msg|$wbgetv[l_over450tegn]] $wbsub[pager]|#* If the user did not specify his/her email address...  *#$wbif[$wblen[$wbv[epost]]=0|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[msg|$wbgetv[l_epostikkeudfyldt]] $wbsub[pager]|]]]]#* Sending the message *#$wbif[$wbgetv[OK]=1|$wbsetv[msg|$wbgetv[l_beskedenafsendt]] $wbsetv[to|$wbv[icqnummer]@pager.icq.com] $wbsetv[body|$wbv[besked]] $wbsetv[from|$wbgetv[navn] <$wbv[epost]>] $wbgeturl[email.wbsp?to=$wbesc[$wbgetv[to]]&from=$wbesc[$wbgetv[from]]&body=$wbesc[$wbgetv[body]]]|]

The first IF is to check if I have submitted the form or I am coming to the site first time. If the submit is submitted I will go ahead with validation, if not I will show the form variable.

第一个IF是要检查我是否已提交表格,还是我第一次来该网站。 如果提交了提交,我将继续进行验证,否则,我将显示form变量。

Then I have a number of conditions, if everything is OK I will go on and send the message to ICQ, if not I will define the error message from the language file and call the subroutine.


If everything is OK, I call a file I will create later by $wbgeturl, I named it email.wbsp, and will pass to it variables to, from, and body. All escaped by $wbesc function.

如果一切正常,我将调用$ wbgeturl稍后创建的文件,将其命名为email.wbsp,并将变量传递给,来自和正文。 $ wbesc函数全部转义了。

In case one of the conditions do not pass I call the subroutine pager by $wbsub[] to show the error message.

如果其中一个条件没有通过,我通过$ wbsub []调用子例程寻呼机以显示错误消息。

In case I did not submit a form yet it will skip all the conditions and show me the form we specified above before.


Now we will put all this together in one file:


#* Please set here your language file *#
#**************************************##* We include the language file *#
$wbrinc[lang/$wbgetv[lang].ic]#* we define the pager Subroutine *#
<style type=text/css>
body {background:white; font-family:helvetica; font-size:10pt; color:#000000}
<center>$wbgetv[msg]<br />
<input type="button" onClick="history.go(-1)" value="&lt;&lt;&lt; $wbgetv[l_tilbage]">
<!--WB_EndSub-->$wbsetv[formular|<form action="" method="post"><TABLE bgcolor="#cccccc" border="#000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<tr><td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000">$wbgetv[l_send]</td>
<td><input type="text" name="icqnummer" size="25" /></td>
<tr><td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000">$wbgetv[l_emne]</td>
<td><input type="text" name="emne" size="25" /></td>
<tr><td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000">$wbgetv[l_besked]</td>
<td><textarea name="besked" cols="25" rows="8" wrap"=virtual"></textarea></td>
<tr><td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000">$wbgetv[l_ditnavn]</td>
<td><input type="text" name="navn" size="25" /></td>
<tr><td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000">$wbgetv[l_dinepost]</td>
<td><input type="text" name="epost" size="25" /></td>
<td><font size="2" face="arial" color="#000000"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="$wbgetv[l_sendbeskeden]" />
</table></form>]$wbif["$wbv[submit]"<>""|$wbsetv[OK|1]$wbif["$wbv[emne]"=""|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[emne|No subject]|$wbsetv[emne|$wbv[emne]]]$wbif["$wbv[navn]"=""|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[navn|No name]|$wbsetv[navn|$wbv[navn]]]#* If no ICQ number was specified...  *#$wbif["$wbv[icqnummer]"=""|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[msg|$wbgetv[l_icqikkeudfyldt]] $wbsub[pager]|#* If the user did not write a message...  *#$wbif[$wblen[$wbv[besked]]=0|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[msg|$wbgetv[l_ingenbesked]] $wbsub[pager]|#* The message body cannot contain more than 450 characters  *#$wbif[$wblen[$wbv[besked]]>450|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[msg|$wbgetv[l_over450tegn]] $wbsub[pager]|#* If the user did not specify his/her email address...  *#$wbif[$wblen[$wbv[epost]]=0|$wbsetv[OK|0]$wbsetv[msg|$wbgetv[l_epostikkeudfyldt]] $wbsub[pager]|]]]]#* Sending the message *#$wbif[$wbgetv[OK]=1|$wbsetv[msg|$wbgetv[l_beskedenafsendt]] $wbsetv[to|$wbv[icqnummer]@pager.icq.com] $wbsetv[body|$wbv[besked]] $wbsetv[from|$wbgetv[navn] <$wbv[epost]>] $wbgeturl[email.wbsp?to=$wbesc[$wbgetv[to]]&from=$wbesc[$wbgetv[from]]&body=$wbesc[$wbgetv[body]]]|]

Save this file as default.wbsp.


Sending the email


Finally the message we want to send to some ICQ account we send it by email. In WhizBase sending emails are very simple. You just need four variables, three we have already passed in the $wbgeturl function and the fourth is set in this file.

最后,我们要发送到某个ICQ帐户的邮件,我们通过电子邮件发送。 在WhizBase中,发送电子邮件非常简单。 您只需要四个变量,三个变量已经传递给$ wbgeturl函数,而第四个变量已在此文件中设置。

wb_mailserver=mail.localhost #* Here we define the outgoing mail server *#

I hope this tutorial helped you learn more about WhizBase capabilities. Until the next article, have a good time.

我希望本教程可以帮助您了解有关WhizBase功能的更多信息。 在下一篇文章之前,玩得开心。

For more information email me at: NurAzije [at] Gmail [dot] com

有关更多信息,请给我发送电子邮件:NurAzije [at] Gmail [dot] com

Or visit WhizBase official site at www.whizbase.com


NurAzije is a PHP and WhizBase programmer, who at the time of article publication is working in partnership with WhizBase on several projects.

- - -


翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/2634/Using-WhizBase-to-send-ICQ-messages.html



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