

  本来打算自己写一个驱动的,后来发现github上面已经有了,那我就直接拿现成的了, 驱动采用 github.com/streadway/amqp ,直接import就可以啦!

2:exchange and queue

  在上一篇文章中,我们已经创建好virtualhost 、exchange and queue,所以我们先定义这些常量


const (queueName = "push.msg.q"exchange  = "t.msg.ex"mqurl ="amqp://shi:123@"
var conn *amqp.Connectionvar channel *amqp.Channel



func failOnErr(err error, msg string) {
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("%s:%s", msg, err)
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", msg, err))


func mqConnect() {var err errorconn, err = amqp.Dial(mqurl)failOnErr(err, "failed to connect tp rabbitmq")channel, err = conn.Channel()failOnErr(err, "failed to open a channel")



func push() {if channel == nil {mqConnect()}msgContent := "hello world!"channel.Publish(exchange, queueName, false, false, amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain",Body:        []byte(msgContent),})

  其实是很简单的,调用 channel函数的Publish方法,传入exchange name 和 queue name,最后一个参数是消息内容,ContentType我们设置为text/plain, 为文本类型,body是消息内容,要传入字节数组,这样就完成了一条消息的push,接下来我们再看receive



func receive() {if channel == nil {mqConnect()}msgs, err := channel.Consume(queueName, "", true, false, false, false, nil)failOnErr(err, "")forever := make(chan bool)go func() {//fmt.Println(*msgs)for d := range msgs {s := BytesToString(&(d.Body))count++fmt.Printf("receve msg is :%s -- %d\n", *s, count)}}()fmt.Printf(" [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C\n")<-forever

  通过调用channel.Consume函数返回一个接受消息的chan类型管道,然后range 这个chan,接收到的数据是[]byte,转换为string后输出

  <-forever  这个是为了控制当前线程不退出



func main() {go func() {for {push()time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)}}()receive()fmt.Println("end")close()

  for 循环保证每秒发送一条消息到mq,这个地方采用协程保证不阻塞主线程。receive函数不能采用协程,不然主线程就退出了。close函数是释放连接对象,但是在这个例子中是没有起效的,因为线程永远都不会自动退出,只能认为的CTRL+C 或者程序死掉,系统重启



go run main.go

receve msg is :hello world! -- 1246
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1247
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1248
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1249
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1250
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1251
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1252
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1253
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1254
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1255
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1256
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1257
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1258
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1259
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1260
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1261
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1262
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1263
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1264
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1265
receve msg is :hello world! -- 1266


package mainimport ("fmt""log""bytes""time""github.com/streadway/amqp"
)var conn *amqp.Connection
var channel *amqp.Channel
var count = 0const (queueName = "push.msg.q"exchange  = "t.msg.ex"mqurl ="amqp://shi:123@"
)func main() {go func() {for {push()time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)}}()receive()fmt.Println("end")close()
}func failOnErr(err error, msg string) {if err != nil {log.Fatalf("%s:%s", msg, err)panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", msg, err))}
}func mqConnect() {var err errorconn, err = amqp.Dial(mqurl)failOnErr(err, "failed to connect tp rabbitmq")channel, err = conn.Channel()failOnErr(err, "failed to open a channel")
}func close() {channel.Close()conn.Close()
}//连接rabbitmq server
func push() {if channel == nil {mqConnect()}msgContent := "hello world!"channel.Publish(exchange, queueName, false, false, amqp.Publishing{ContentType: "text/plain",Body:        []byte(msgContent),})
}func receive() {if channel == nil {mqConnect()}msgs, err := channel.Consume(queueName, "", true, false, false, false, nil)failOnErr(err, "")forever := make(chan bool)go func() {//fmt.Println(*msgs)for d := range msgs {s := BytesToString(&(d.Body))count++fmt.Printf("receve msg is :%s -- %d\n", *s, count)}}()fmt.Printf(" [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C\n")<-forever
}func BytesToString(b *[]byte) *string {s := bytes.NewBuffer(*b)r := s.String()return &r


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