
  • 前言
  • 一、为什么要ECS
  • 二、Entitas介绍
    • 源码介绍与使用:
      • 1. Component
      • 2. Entity
      • 3. Matcher
      • 4. Group
      • 5. Collector
      • 6. Context
      • 7. System
  • 三、为什么不用unity自带的ECS
  • 总结


解耦在编程时是很重要的一个考量因素,但是如果能在框架上就增加约束,让代码看上去更清晰,那么即便有一些新手,在这种约束下,也不会耦合太严重。暴雪在GDC 2017年分享了《守望先锋》关于ECS系统的实施方案,给出了一种框架上解耦的答案。虽然这种面向数据编程的思想其实很早就有了,但是《守望先锋》成功让ECS模式更广为人知。









1. Component



namespace Entitas {public interface IComponent {}


namespace Entitas
{public interface IResetable{void Reset();}


using Entitas;namespace SHH.Share.Component
{public abstract class BaseComponent : IComponent, IResetable{public virtual void Reset(){}}


using SHH.Math;
using Entitas;
using SHH.Share.Component;namespace SHH
{public partial class PlayerPositionComponent : BaseComponent{public float3 Position;public override void Reset(){base.Reset();Position = float3.zero;}}public partial class PlayerAimRotComponent : BaseComponent{public float3 AimRotation;public override void Reset(){base.Reset();AimRotation = float3.zero;}}

2. Entity



    public delegate void EntityComponentChanged(IEntity entity, int index, IComponent component, ushort opFlags);public delegate void EntityComponentReplaced(IEntity entity, int index, IComponent previousComponent, IComponent newComponent, ushort opFlags);public delegate void EntityEvent(IEntity entity);public interface IEntity : IAERC {event EntityComponentChanged OnComponentAdded;event EntityComponentChanged OnComponentRemoved;event EntityComponentReplaced OnComponentReplaced;event EntityEvent OnEntityReleased;event EntityEvent OnDestroyEntity;int totalComponents { get; }int creationIndex { get; }bool isEnabled { get; }Stack<IComponent>[] componentPools { get; }ContextInfo contextInfo { get; }IAERC aerc { get; }void Initialize(int creationIndex,int totalComponents,Stack<IComponent>[] componentPools,ContextInfo contextInfo = null,IAERC aerc = null);void Reactivate(int creationIndex);void AddComponent(int index, IComponent component, ushort opFlags);void RemoveComponent(int index,ushort opFlags);void ReplaceComponent(int index, IComponent component, ushort opFlags);IComponent GetComponent(int index);IComponent[] GetComponents();int[] GetComponentIndices();bool HasComponent(int index);bool HasComponents(int[] indices);bool HasAnyComponent(int[] indices);void RemoveAllComponents();Stack<IComponent> GetComponentPool(int index);IComponent CreateComponent(int index, Type type);T CreateComponent<T>(int index) where T : new();void Destroy();void InternalDestroy();void RemoveAllOnEntityReleasedHandlers();}



IComponent[] _components;public void Initialize(int creationIndex, int totalComponents, Stack<IComponent>[] componentPools, ContextInfo contextInfo = null, IAERC aerc = null)
{Reactivate(creationIndex);_totalComponents = totalComponents;_components = new IComponent[totalComponents];_componentPools = componentPools;_contextInfo = contextInfo ?? createDefaultContextInfo();_aerc = aerc ?? new SafeAERC(this);}


3. Matcher



public int[] indices {get {if (_indices == null) {_indices = mergeIndices(_allOfIndices, _anyOfIndices, _noneOfIndices);}return _indices;}
}public int[] allOfIndices { get { return _allOfIndices; } }
public int[] anyOfIndices { get { return _anyOfIndices; } }
public int[] noneOfIndices { get { return _noneOfIndices; } }public string[] componentNames { get; set; }int[] _indices;
int[] _allOfIndices;
int[] _anyOfIndices;
int[] _noneOfIndices;

这些字段保存了一个Entity需要的Component index数组,其中

  • allOfIndices :表示需要每个component index代表的组件都要有
  • anyOfIndices :表示有其中的一个就行
  • noneOfIndices :表示这里面的index都没有

通过这些index进行Entity 筛选:

public bool Matches(Entity entity) {return (_allOfIndices == null || entity.HasComponents(_allOfIndices))&& (_anyOfIndices == null || entity.HasAnyComponent(_anyOfIndices))&& (_noneOfIndices == null || !entity.HasAnyComponent(_noneOfIndices));}

4. Group

Group支持对上下文中的实体进行超快速过滤。当实体发生变化时,它们会不断更新,并可以立即返回实体组。假设你有成千上万个实体,你只想要那些有一个PlayerPositionComponent 的实体-只要询问这个组的上下文,它已经有结果在等待你。

namespace Entitas {public delegate void GroupChanged(IGroup group, Entity entity, int index, IComponent component);public delegate void GroupUpdated(IGroup group, Entity entity, int index, IComponent previousComponent, IComponent newComponent);public interface IGroup : IEnumerable<Entity> {int count { get; }void RemoveAllEventHandlers();event GroupChanged OnEntityAdded;event GroupChanged OnEntityRemoved;event GroupUpdated OnEntityUpdated;IMatcher matcher { get; }void HandleEntitySilently(Entity entity);void HandleEntity(Entity entity, int index, IComponent component);GroupChanged HandleEntity(Entity entity);void UpdateEntity(Entity entity, int index, IComponent previousComponent, IComponent newComponent);bool ContainsEntity(Entity entity);Entity[] GetEntities();Entity GetSingleEntity();}


namespace Entitas {public class Group : IGroup {/// Returns the number of entities in the group.public int count { get { return _entities.Count; } }/// Returns the matcher which was used to create this group.public IMatcher matcher { get { return _matcher; } }readonly IMatcher _matcher;readonly HashSet<Entity> _entities = new HashSet<Entity>(EntityEqualityComparer.comparer);Entity[] _entitiesCache;Entity _singleEntityCache;string _toStringCache;/// Use context.GetGroup(matcher) to get a group of entities which match/// the specified matcher.public Group(IMatcher matcher) {_matcher = matcher;}}


5. Collector


public enum GroupEvent : byte {Added,Removed,AddedOrRemoved,Modified,


public HashSet<Entity> collectedEntities { get { return _collectedEntities; } }
public int count { get { return _collectedEntities.Count; } }
readonly HashSet<Entity> _collectedEntities;
readonly IGroup[] _groups;
readonly GroupEvent[] _groupEvents;public Collector(IGroup[] groups, GroupEvent[] groupEvents) {_groups = groups;_collectedEntities = new HashSet<Entity>(EntityEqualityComparer.comparer);_groupEvents = groupEvents;if (groups.Length != groupEvents.Length) {throw new CollectorException("Unbalanced count with groups (" + groups.Length +") and group events (" + groupEvents.Length + ").","Group and group events count must be equal.");}_addEntityCache = addEntity;_updateEntityCache = updateEntity;Activate();}

在Collector构造函数中指定了IGroup[] groups, GroupEvent[] groupEvents,每一个group对应注册一个groupEvent。随后调用Activate方法:

public void Activate() {for (int i = 0; i < _groups.Length; i++) {var group = _groups[i];var groupEvent = _groupEvents[i];switch (groupEvent) {case GroupEvent.Added:group.OnEntityAdded -= _addEntityCache;group.OnEntityAdded += _addEntityCache;break;case GroupEvent.Removed:group.OnEntityRemoved -= _addEntityCache;group.OnEntityRemoved += _addEntityCache;break;case GroupEvent.AddedOrRemoved:group.OnEntityAdded -= _addEntityCache;group.OnEntityAdded += _addEntityCache;group.OnEntityRemoved -= _addEntityCache;group.OnEntityRemoved += _addEntityCache;break;case GroupEvent.Modified:group.OnEntityUpdated -= _updateEntityCache;group.OnEntityUpdated += _updateEntityCache;break;}}}


foreach (var e in collector.collectedEntities) {// do something with all the entities// that have been collected to this point of time

6. Context


public interface IContext {event ContextEntityChanged OnEntityCreated;event ContextEntityChanged OnEntityWillBeDestroyed;event ContextEntityChanged OnEntityDestroyed;event ContextGroupChanged OnGroupCreated;int totalComponents { get; }Stack<IComponent>[] componentPools { get; }ContextInfo contextInfo { get; }int count { get; }int reusableEntitiesCount { get; }int retainedEntitiesCount { get; }void DestroyAllEntities();void ResetCreationIndex();void ClearComponentPool(int index);void ClearComponentPools();void Reset();Entity CreateEntity(bool isTemp = false);// TODO Obsolete since 0.42.0, April 2017[Obsolete("Please use entity.Destroy()")]void DestroyEntity(Entity entity);bool HasEntity(Entity entity);Entity[] GetEntities();IGroup GetGroup(IMatcher matcher);


public class Context : IContext
{/// The total amount of components an entity can possibly have./// This value is generated by the code generator,/// e.g ComponentLookup.TotalComponents.public int totalComponents { get { return _totalComponents; } }/// Returns all componentPools. componentPools is used to reuse/// removed components./// Removed components will be pushed to the componentPool./// Use entity.CreateComponent(index, type) to get a new or reusable/// component from the componentPool.public Stack<IComponent>[] componentPools { get { return _componentPools; } }/// The contextInfo contains information about the context./// It's used to provide better error messages.public ContextInfo contextInfo { get { return _contextInfo; } }/// Returns the number of entities in the context.public int count { get { return _entities.Count; } }/// Returns the number of entities in the internal ObjectPool/// for entities which can be reused.public int reusableEntitiesCount { get { return _reusableEntities.Count; } }/// Returns the number of entities that are currently retained by/// other objects (e.g. Group, Collector, ReactiveSystem).public int retainedEntitiesCount { get { return _retainedEntities.Count; } }readonly int _totalComponents;readonly Stack<IComponent>[] _componentPools;readonly ContextInfo _contextInfo;readonly Func<IEntity, IAERC> _aercFactory;readonly HashSet<Entity> _entities = new HashSet<Entity>(EntityEqualityComparer.comparer);readonly Stack<Entity> _reusableEntities = new Stack<Entity>();readonly HashSet<Entity> _retainedEntities = new HashSet<Entity>(EntityEqualityComparer.comparer);readonly Dictionary<string, IEntityIndex> _entityIndices;readonly Dictionary<IMatcher, IGroup> _groups = new Dictionary<IMatcher, IGroup>();readonly List<IGroup>[] _groupsForIndex;readonly IGroup[] _groupForSingle;readonly ObjectPool<List<GroupChanged>> _groupChangedListPool;readonly Dictionary<int, Entity> _entitiesLookup = new Dictionary<int, Entity>();int _creationIndex;Entity[] _entitiesCache;/// The prefered way to create a context is to use the generated methods/// from the code generator, e.g. var context = new GameContext();public Context(int totalComponents, int startCreationIndex, ContextInfo contextInfo, Func<IEntity, IAERC> aercFactory){_totalComponents = totalComponents;_creationIndex = startCreationIndex;if (contextInfo != null){_contextInfo = contextInfo;if (contextInfo.componentTypeInfo.componentNames.Length != totalComponents){throw new ContextInfoException(this, contextInfo);}}else{_contextInfo = createDefaultContextInfo();}_aercFactory = aercFactory == null? (entity) => new SafeAERC(entity): aercFactory;_groupsForIndex = new List<IGroup>[totalComponents];_groupForSingle = new IGroup[totalComponents];_componentPools = new Stack<IComponent>[totalComponents];_entityIndices = new Dictionary<string, IEntityIndex>();_groupChangedListPool = new ObjectPool<List<GroupChanged>>(() => new List<GroupChanged>(),list => list.Clear());// Cache delegates to avoid gc allocations_cachedEntityChanged = updateGroupsComponentAddedOrRemoved;_cachedComponentReplaced = updateGroupsComponentReplaced;_cachedEntityReleased = onEntityReleased;_cachedDestroyEntity = onDestroyEntity;// Add listener for updating lookupOnEntityCreated += (c, entity) => _entitiesLookup.Add(entity.creationIndex, (Entity)entity);OnEntityDestroyed += (c, entity) => _entitiesLookup.Remove(entity.creationIndex);}

代码虽然有点多,但是其实还是很清楚的,Context 中保存了的关键信息:

  • readonly Stack[] _componentPools; :component Pool数组,用来缓存component
  • HashSet _entities : 保存所有的entity
  • readonly Stack _reusableEntities : 保存回收的Entity,再次创建时,可以从这里取
  • readonly HashSet _retainedEntities : 保存还有引用的Entity,虽然被销毁了,但是还有引用,在DestroyAllEntities时会判断,如果有,证明之前有没有释放引用的情况。
  • readonly Dictionary<IMatcher, IGroup> _groups : 缓存了所有Matcher对应的Group,减少GC
  • readonly List[] _groupsForIndex :index表示每个组件的index,对应一个 List保存了引用这个组件的所有Group
  • Entity[] _entitiesCache : 外部访问_entities ,同时保证不会修改到_entities
  • int _creationIndex : 每个entity都有个唯一的creationIndex,在创建时指定


  • component的总数totalComponents,
  • entity标识index起始值startCreationIndex,
  • 上下文的说明信息contextInfo,
  • 以及自动entity引用计数工厂aercFactory,


7. System

主要的逻辑处理的地方,遍历一组具有相同组件的Entity,所有System 都继承了ISystem

namespace Entitas {/// This is the base interface for all systems./// It's not meant to be implemented.public interface ISystem {bool IsEnable();void SetEnable(bool value);}

然后可以看到ICleanupSystem,IExecuteSystem,IInitializeSystem,IReactiveSystem,ITearDownSystem这些接口继承了ISystem :


using System.Collections.Generic;namespace Entitas {/// Systems provide a convenient way to group systems./// You can add IInitializeSystem, IExecuteSystem, ICleanupSystem,/// ITearDownSystem, ReactiveS/// ystem and other nested Systems instances./// All systems will be initialized and executed based on the order/// you added them.public class Systems : IInitializeSystem, IExecuteSystem, ICleanupSystem, ITearDownSystem {protected readonly List<IInitializeSystem> _initializeSystems;protected readonly List<IExecuteSystem> _executeSystems;protected readonly List<ICleanupSystem> _cleanupSystems;protected readonly List<ITearDownSystem> _tearDownSystems;protected bool m_IsEnable = true;/// Creates a new Systems instance.public Systems() {_initializeSystems = new List<IInitializeSystem>();_executeSystems = new List<IExecuteSystem>();_cleanupSystems = new List<ICleanupSystem>();_tearDownSystems = new List<ITearDownSystem>();}/// Adds the system instance to the systems list.public virtual Systems Add(ISystem system) {var initializeSystem = system as IInitializeSystem;if (initializeSystem != null) {_initializeSystems.Add(initializeSystem);}var executeSystem = system as IExecuteSystem;if (executeSystem != null) {_executeSystems.Add(executeSystem);}var cleanupSystem = system as ICleanupSystem;if (cleanupSystem != null) {_cleanupSystems.Add(cleanupSystem);}var tearDownSystem = system as ITearDownSystem;if (tearDownSystem != null) {_tearDownSystems.Add(tearDownSystem);}return this;}/// Calls Initialize() on all IInitializeSystem and other/// nested Systems instances in the order you added them.public virtual void Initialize() {for (int i = 0; i < _initializeSystems.Count; i++) {_initializeSystems[i].Initialize();}}/// Calls Execute() on all IExecuteSystem and other/// nested Systems instances in the order you added them.public virtual void Execute() {for (int i = 0; i < _executeSystems.Count; i++) {_executeSystems[i].Execute();}}/// Calls Cleanup() on all ICleanupSystem and other/// nested Systems instances in the order you added them.public virtual void Cleanup() {for (int i = 0; i < _cleanupSystems.Count; i++) {_cleanupSystems[i].Cleanup();}}/// Calls TearDown() on all ITearDownSystem  and other/// nested Systems instances in the order you added them.public virtual void TearDown() {for (int i = 0; i < _tearDownSystems.Count; i++) {_tearDownSystems[i].TearDown();}}/// Activates all ReactiveSystems in the systems list.public void ActivateReactiveSystems() {//...见源码}/// Deactivates all ReactiveSystems in the systems list./// This will also clear all ReactiveSystems./// This is useful when you want to soft-restart your application and/// want to reuse your existing system instances.public void DeactivateReactiveSystems() {//...见源码}/// Clears all ReactiveSystems in the systems list.public void ClearReactiveSystems() {//...见源码}public virtual bool IsEnable() { return m_IsEnable; }public virtual void SetEnable(bool value) { m_IsEnable = value; }}


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